Chapter 27 Prison food is hard to eat
"Ah Li, little girl Ah Li, come back quickly and turn on the heat!"

Shen Sanzhi shouted cheerfully over there, and Du Ruoli knew that the meat was cooked and was about to be put on pancakes for stir-fry.

He tied his sister behind her again and covered her head with a thick cloth.When her sister got tired from playing, she slept next to her back.

Back in front of the stove, Shen Sanzhi poked the pork leg with his chopsticks. The chopsticks passed through the meat, proving that it was not far from the bone.The fire was already burning, so she quickly grabbed a piece of dough, patted it into a round shape and placed it on the edge of the pot.

The whole movement was smooth and smooth, and she was indeed the most capable daughter-in-law of the Du family.

The pancakes are attached, the mushrooms are put into the pot, and the lid is closed. The pot is gurgling and emitting a deadly aroma.

Du Ruoli wanted to take back what she said before. Setting fire is not the easiest job, it is the most deadly job.

I really want to grab a bowl and devour it!

Finally, it's time for dinner.

Everyone lined up, and my aunt waved a big spoon and gave everyone a spoonful of pork mushrooms, half and half of pork and mushrooms, a spoonful of soup, a white flour pancake, and a black steamed bun.

Looking at the food in their hands, everyone almost shed tears.

Most of the Du family have never eaten such arrogant meals; the Zhao family used to eat much better than this, but after more than a month of prison life, they haven't seen meat for a long time; twenty heavy-duty prisoners, the days in prison The longer it is, the worse the food is; even the servants are the lowest level of coolies. How often can they eat like this?The most important thing is that they are extremely lucky to be able to eat well here instead of being killed by wild boars.

The aroma of the food penetrated straight into the nose. Someone finally couldn't help it anymore, picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth: "Well, it's delicious, it's really delicious."

Others are no longer in a daze, and some eat meat first, some drink soup first, or eat pancakes dipped in broth.There was a sound of snoring in the huge venue.

Lu Jizhou glanced at the crowd and buried his head in eating meat.

Du Ruoli and her three companions squatted face to face, forming a small circle.

Because Du Ruoying likes to eat fat meat, Zhou Daya likes to eat offal, Du Ruozhen likes to chew bones, and Du Ruoli likes to eat lean meat.Several people made exchanges, holding their favorites and eating with gusto.

Today's group meal was extra enjoyable because Lu Jizhou and the Zhao family were so generous.

After the meal, Lu Jizhou and Mrs. Zhao became the backbone of the team.Patriarch Lu Changxing and Lu Zhizhong were unwilling to give up, but there was nothing they could do.

Du Ruoli's mood was complicated.

She has no objection to Mrs. Zhao, only admiration.The family is old, weak, sick and disabled, but their energy is still strong, and the old lady takes great credit for it.The family is not rich in food, but being able to give out a hundred kilograms of food to strangers at once shows how generous and vast it is.

But she didn't know how to judge Lu Jizhou.Call him reliable. He committed a serious crime that was only one level lower than the death penalty. It was almost heinous.Call him unreliable, but he saved many lives at a critical moment and acted extremely generous afterwards.Yes, he has always been generous. He used her fire and gave her a pheasant and a rabbit leg as reward.

Whether this person was really for the team or had other motives, she couldn't say.

And look again!
No, she doesn't mind ending him. She will never allow another big mountain to fall on her head.

At midnight in the afternoon, Ji Tong and others finally returned. One of the wounded they brought with them died, and another could no longer stand up, so he stayed behind and stopped following.

Eight wild boars cost him five men and more than 100 taels of silver.

Looking back at the subsequent battle between humans and pigs, Ji Tong came to Lu Jizhou and personally took off the chains and shackles for him: "Ji believes that you will not run away or commit crimes again, and I will no longer treat you as a serious criminal. But you I have to promise Ji that I will help the policeman if he is in trouble in the future." "Oh!"

Lu Jizhou rubbed his numb ankle joints and said without raising his head.

Ji Tong was not annoyed and left with a smile.

It's not a good place to stay overnight, as it's less than two hours before dark.The team must reach a village 15 miles away before dark.

Walking four kilometers in one hour doesn't sound like much, but when it's heavy, rugged, and muddy, it's terrible.

When they arrived at their destination, a place called Xiaowang Village, Du Ruoli felt that her legs and waist were no longer hers.She put most of her luggage into the space, and her sister also put it into the space. It only weighed a few kilograms, let alone the others.

As soon as they arrived at the place, they all lay down and hummed.

The original planned destination was the next big village, but Xiaowang Village did not have the capacity to accommodate an exile team of thousands of people.Ji Tong divided the prisoners into two groups. One group was men and lived in the threshing floor at the head of the village.One group was women, scattered to various households.It doesn't matter whether it's an open air, a stable, or a house, it all depends on the owner's wishes.

Du Ruoli was assigned to an old woman's house. Accompanying her were Du Ruoying's mother and daughter, Zhou Daya's mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and Du Ruozhen and his grandmother.

The old woman has no children. Her husband died a few years ago and her family property was confiscated and she was forced to live in a thatched house at the end of the village.There are two thatched houses, surrounded by wind. There is almost nothing inside except for a stove made of broken stones, a clay pot, a shabby quilt, and a few pieces of tattered clothes.

The old woman opened the door and said to the new guest: "If you don't mind, you can stay in the house. At least you won't get wet."

The third grandmother, Du Ruozhen's grandmother, said: "What did you say, elder sister? We are in trouble here and it would be nice if someone took us in. Why would we dislike us? If we do, it should be because you dislike us."

A faint smile appeared on the old woman's face, which was as bitter as a walnut.It’s been a long, long time since I laughed. I almost forgot how to laugh:
"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it, it's not too late to like it. Come in quickly, the old lady will boil hot water for you to drink."

"Thank you, sister!"

"Thank you, auntie!"

"Thank you mother-in-law!"

Du Ruoli and others thanked them one after another, then stepped into the thatched house and laid their luggage on the ground.

Hearing footsteps in the next room, Du Ruoli hurried over and took the clay pot from the old woman's hand: "Mother-in-law, I'm coming."

"Good girl!" The old woman handed the clay pot to Du Ruoli's hand, stretched out her hand to touch her head, but then retracted.

Du Ruoli pretended not to see it, went to the sleeping room with her, and poured a bowl of water for everyone.

After the water was delivered, the old woman went out and heard footsteps heading to the village.Du Ruoli and others took out the black steamed buns distributed by the guards, soaked them in hot water until soft, and ate them.

After coming here for more than 20 days, Du Ruoli has never eaten this kind of black steamed bun.He took one bite and almost spit it out.Made with aged wild vegetables and bran, Nirmalao rice is really unpalatable.

When she was hesitating about how to get out of this prison meal, she heard someone from outside calling her: "Sister Du, sister Du Ruoli, are you there?"

(End of this chapter)

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