Chapter 28 Self-esteem

The visitor is Xue Jinxin, Qiaoer's mother.

Du Ruoli went up to meet her: "Sister Xue, why are you here?"

"I told you I'm not afraid of my sister's jokes. My sister is here to borrow something."

Xue Jinxin was a little shy, biting her lip and said: "Qiao'er ate your chestnuts during the day, and just now he wanted to eat chestnut cakes, but no matter how he coaxed him, he couldn't coax him. The chestnut cakes we often eat at home are made of chestnuts and pine nuts. , I want to ask my sister if she still has some? Lend me some."

Then he took out a silver ring engraved with complicated patterns and put it in Du Ruoli's hand: "I'll pay it back with this."

Du Ruoli pushed the ring back: "It's just a few fruits. I'll treat Qiao'er to some. Sister, don't be so polite."

Xue Jin refused: "That's not possible. Who has become of my sister? Let's just treat this poor self-esteem as sister Quan Chengquan, okay?"

She is a respectable person who wants to show off her face. Although her family is in a poor state, she is not yet begging for food and does not want to take advantage of others.

At this point, Du Ruoli had no choice but to accept the ring: "Sister, wait a moment, I'll go back to the house to get it."

Xue Jinxin nodded: "Don't worry, please slow down and don't fall."

"I see."

Du Ruoli returned to the room where the old woman was boiling water, and heard that several people next door had finished eating the steamed buns and were teasing the two babies, Du Ruoyu and Niuniu.Knowing that they won't come for a while, I used my mind to take out a package of things from the space and carried it out.

She has become proficient in using her mind to take small objects out of the space. She does not need to move in and out of the space to expose herself.

In addition to chestnuts and pine nuts, this package also contains two crisp persimmons, two Qiuyue pears, four Xuxiang kiwis, a handful of winter dates, and 200 grams of honey.

These are not too outrageous things. They are indeed available in the mountains this season, but the quality is far different, and the total value is close to that of a silver ring.

Du Ruoli handed it to Xue Jinxin: "These are common wild fruits in the mountains. Sister, don't dislike them."

"How could it be?" Xue Jinxin didn't think too much, carrying her baggage back to her place of stay in the middle of the village.

They live in the open yard of a family.The old lady didn't spend money to buy anything special. She said that the days were still long and she had to slowly adapt to the hardships, so she just lived like this.

"How is it? Have you changed it?" When they were about to arrive, the old lady came up to her and asked with concern.

Xue Jinxin lifted the baggage in her hand and said, "I got it. I also gave some wild fruits. I will cut them for my grandmother to eat later."

"That's good!" The old lady said with a smile, "Go back quickly, Qiao'er just fell asleep and couldn't sleep well. She kept looking for her."

"This kid!" Xue Jinxin quickened her pace.

Back at the place, Xue Jinxin sat next to Qiaoer.Qiaoer smelled her mother's breath and fell asleep peacefully.

After Qiaoer fell asleep, he unpacked his bag and peeled one of her favorite persimmons for his grandmother, cut it into small pieces, and put it in a wooden bowl: "Grandma, try it and see if your skills in soaking the persimmons can be used in the kitchen." mother."

"Okay, grandma, try it." Mrs. Zhao picked up a piece with chopsticks, put it in her mouth, chewed it carefully, and tasted it carefully.

How long has it been since you tasted sweet and delicious fruit?
It's been two months, right, since something happened to the master, the whole family was devastated, and she was imprisoned with her whole family, the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled?

For two months, soaking in coptis juice caused indescribable pain and suffering.Not to mention eating good fruit, I didn’t even think about it.

So, is this fruit particularly delicious?It tastes better than before?

Mrs. Zhao greeted Xue Jinxin: "You eat too, let everyone eat, sweet mouth, you will have more strength to walk tomorrow." "Hey, my granddaughter-in-law listens to you." Xue Jinxin knew her grandmother's temperament, so she stood up without making any excuses. Distribute the persimmons.

The persimmons were sliced ​​very thin, and everyone in the courtyard would share enough. The last piece was Xue Jinxin’s turn.She put it in her mouth and her eyes widened immediately.

Grandma said that Du Ruoli was a girl worthy of close friendship, and she felt the same way.

At the end of the village, Du Ruoli watched Xue Jinxin leave and slowly returned to the house.

Third Hall's grandmother asked with concern: "What do the Zhao family want from you?"

The others looked at her and expressed the same idea.

In their eyes, the Zhao family is still noble people, people who cannot reach high places, and people with boundless power.Being approached by them is not necessarily a good thing.

Du Ruoli explained with a smile: "During the day, the Zhao family's children ate my food and came here to thank me."

"Oh, they are quite particular about it." Third cousin's grandmother yawned: "Why haven't you come back yet? Do you want to go out and look for us?"

"You're just fooling around. I'm not familiar with the village. Where can I find it?" Du Ruoli felt uncomfortable lying and wished she could change the subject as soon as possible.

"No need to look for it, the old lady is back." The old lady came in from the outside and blocked the rickety door with a stone slab: "It's getting late, go to bed quickly!"

She had nothing to do, she just walked around the village.

Bring water to guests and see them preparing to eat.Worrying that he would catch a joke, he went outside to hide.It is estimated that the guests will come back after finishing their meal.

The guests said nothing more and lay down to sleep.

I was too young to see what the old lady had gone through, so she slept peacefully.The older ones see that there is nothing they can do, so it is better not to think about it and sleep well.

In a small room, Du Ruoli would not sleep in the space.Holding my sister in my arms and leaning against Du Ruying, it felt warm.

In the middle of the night, my sister shivered and showed signs of peeing.Du Ruoli woke up with a start, got up and took her outside to urinate, and saw the old lady of the owner sitting in the yard.

After enduring it again and again, I couldn't help but ask: "Mother-in-law, do you have no relatives in your family?"

The old lady hesitated for a while and then said: "There is more."

"Did we have bad relations and no contact?" As long as she had the support of her mother's family, the old lady would not be bullied like this.Of course, the property of a childless old man must return to the clan after his death, but he did not say that it would be taken away while he was still alive. The Wang clan is so shameless.

The old lady shook her head: "There is no bad relationship. The old lady cannot give birth to children, so she is an unlucky person. She is too embarrassed to return to her parents' home. She has not moved around for 30 years."

Du Ruoli sighed in her heart and continued to ask: "Do you still remember where your mother's family lives?"

"Remember, how can you not remember? You can't forget even if you die and turn into ashes."

The old lady looked up at the sky. There were no stars or moon in the sky. It was so dark that no light could be seen:

"My parents have been dead for many years and are buried under the jujube tree at the door. Every year, people pay homage and burn incense, and the tombstones are polished.

My nephew is born to be adventurous.I made a fortune doing business outside.Together with his relatives, the family moved to Qingyun County and lived in a large house with four entrances;
The grandsons are handsome and have three scholars. One of them was a scholar last year and studied at Qingyun Academy;
They are all doing well...very, very parents should feel at ease...I...also feel at ease..."

The old lady was not talking to her, so Du Ruoli sighed again and went into the room to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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