Chapter 29
At the threshing floor at the head of the village, when everyone else was asleep, Lu Jizhou sat up in the darkness and swept out silently to a locust tree outside the village.

Someone was waiting for him on the tree: "Master, you are here."

"Yao San." Lu Jizhou, wearing dark clothes, stopped on a thick branch, blending into the night: "How is the harvest for the border team?"

Yao San said: "As the master expected, the frontier has already changed its owner. The king of the northwest has taken refuge with Dazi and obeyed Dazi's orders. In the second half of this year alone, he sent 100 million taels of silver and tens of thousands of soldiers to Dazi... ...The deportation teams that arrived one after another were also sent there. Young and middle-aged people were sent to the army, old people fed the livestock, and women and children entered the military tents to serve... The border is no longer the frontier it used to be..."

Although he had expected it, Lu Jizhou couldn't help clenching his fists, with a sinister look on his face: "Okay! Very good! The five generations of my Yao family, who have fought to protect the frontier, fell into the hands of rebellious officials and traitors. I want you to make wedding clothes for me! Dazi is so arrogant, how can I embarrass my ancestors?! How can I embarrass my dead family members and soldiers?!"

After saying this, Lu Jizhou's chest rose and fell violently twice, then quickly calmed down.

Great hatred is ahead, and great things are yet to come.What's the use of being angry and sad?Can you hurt the enemy even a little bit?If you have this time to feel sad, it is better to clear the road one step at a time.

He commanded in a deep voice: "The Northwest King is about to marry the eldest lady of the Bai family in Jiangnan as his concubine. Present the generous gift we have prepared!"

Yao San cupped his hands: "Yes, I will do it now!"

"Wait a minute!" Lu Jizhou said: "There is one more little thing, you have someone do it. Find out whether the ginkgo trees are divided into male and female trees. If so, move the ginkgo tree at Base No. [-] in the suburbs of Beijing and pair the male and female trees. ."

Yao San looked at Lu Jizhou in disbelief.

When did his master care about such trivial matters?
Lu Jizhou said sternly: "There are more than 100 ginkgo trees held by the two of us at the base, and most of them are sterile. Move them and let half of the trees bear fruit. We will produce at least [-] to [-] kilograms more food every year!"

Yao San thought for a while before he figured out what his master meant.

The result of co-writing ginkgo is just like giving birth to a child. It pays attention to the harmony of yin and yang?
He didn't understand and asked: "Master, how do you know this?"

Lu Jizhou: "Listen to what a fire-burning girl said!"

Yao San: "..."

It's outrageous!
The master had to listen to his words, and Yao San handed over his hand again: "I obey my orders."

"Go ahead. Tell shopkeeper Zhang that you did a good job today."

Lu Jizhou tiptoed and disappeared into the darkness.


Yao San disappeared immediately, and the big locust tree was quiet, as if no one had ever been there.

There was nothing to say all night, and we set off again in the early morning of the next day.

Before leaving, Grandma Santang left behind two black steamed buns that she was reluctant to eat.Shen Sanzhi kept one and Wu Yueniang kept half.Du Ruoli didn't like being special, so she kept one.

The Wang clan is watching with eager eyes. Mrs. Wang may not be able to keep these things, so they just want to have peace of mind.

The autumn rain gradually stopped, followed by continuous sunny days. Du Ruoli and others traveled all the way through mountains and rivers, and arrived at Qingyun Station four days later on September 4.

Qingyun Station is a medium-sized station. It does not have as big an open space as Longquan Station for the exiled team to live in, so they can only live in animal sheds.Mrs. Zhao spent a lot of money to buy four servant rooms, allowing her family members to take turns bathing and changing clothes.There are 600 people in the family, and they wash from morning until midnight.

The Du family didn't have the money, so those who liked cleanliness went to the river to wash themselves, and those who didn't liked it had to live with it.

Du Ruoli's friends love to be clean, wipe their bodies frequently and change their underwear frequently.Together with their family members, they all do this, and there is no peculiar smell on their bodies.Unlike other people, the smell arrives first before the person arrives, and goes straight to the sky.

Even so, these people may not have had a good bath in a long time.When they heard that there was a small river, they all rushed towards it.

Du Ruoying, Du Ruozhen and others found a secluded deep pool and lit a fire next to it to boil water.They drew a rough curtain between each other and went in with their own little wooden basins to wash.After that, they twist each other's hair, beat and wash clothes, and enjoy the rare leisure time.

Du Ruoli didn't go with them and asked Li Jianming again to take her shopping together.

It’s not good to always trouble people. As early as the second day after the wild boar attack, I learned that he accidentally twisted his arm when selling wild boars, and gave him a bottle of Chinese patent medicine for bruises and bruises in the space, claiming that it was passed down from his ancestors.

Li Jianming started using it and the pain was relieved immediately.The next day, the wound was much better.The third day was completely fine.From then on, I took a higher look at Du Ruoli and tried to help her as much as I could.

At this time, he went out to buy things and was wondering if the girl wanted to go. When he saw her coming over, he said with a smile: "Get in the car and let's go."

"Thank you, sir!" Du Ruoli carefully hugged her sister and climbed into the carriage.

Since the last time she gave her sister to Zhou Daya and she got diaper rash, Du Ruoli easily stopped letting others take care of her sister.Always take it with you and try to give her the best.

As the carriage drove by, Xiao Ruoyu leaned in her sister's arms, looking left and right excitedly, making babbling sounds.

Du Ruoli was surprised to find that her sister's body bones had become stronger, her neck had become straighter, and she could support her head by herself without the need for support!
Wow, great, great, the child is developing normally and she has fulfilled her responsibilities as a sister!
Du Ruoli pinched her sister's obviously fattened breasts and smiled so hard that she couldn't even see her teeth.

The baby seemed to sense her sister's joy and blew a bubble at her, making her look even more like a fool.

This time, Du Ruoli's purpose in going to Qingyun City was not to do business, but to help the lonely elderly people in Xiaowang Village find relatives.

If you want to persuade the old lady to find it on your own, it will be difficult enough to persuade her to change her deep-rooted ideas.Even if it makes sense, what if her mother's family refuses to help and kicks her out?Didn't she even have her only thought?
Therefore, Du Ruoli said nothing at that time and chose to find it herself.

If the mother's family still recognizes the old lady, everyone will be happy.If you don't recognize it, you can just keep it as it is.

According to what the old lady said, her nephew Qiu Mantang opened a silk and satin shop named Qiu Ji in the west of the city.After getting off the bus in Chengdong, Du Ruoli sent her sister back to the space to sleep and walked all the way there.

A quarter of an hour later, Du Ruoli arrived at the door of Qiu Ji's silk and satin shop.

The grand entrance of the shop, the exquisite decoration, the large number of silks and satins, the complete colors, and the large number of people flowed beyond her imagination.

This man's business is not ordinary. No wonder he has the ability to buy a big house and move his family to the city.

I just don’t know what my character is like. Are you willing to rescue a helpless aunt?

Du Ruoli walked to the counter, looked at a tall, strong, middle-aged man with a bronze complexion and asked, "Is your host's surname Qiu? I came from Xiaowang Village and wanted to bring a message to the old lady Qiu in the village."

(End of this chapter)

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