Chapter 30 Accuracy
"It turns out he's an acquaintance of my aunt!"

The person sitting at the counter was none other than the owner, Qiu Mantang. Hearing this, he stood up and made a gesture of invitation: "My lady, please come this way."

When he mentioned the poor aunt, she didn't show any disdain. Du Ruoli nodded inwardly and followed him to the reception room on the second floor.

After entering the door, Qiu Mantang couldn't wait to ask: "How are you, my aunt?"

Du Ruoli took a sip of the tea served by the maid and shook her head: "It's not very good. To be precise, it's very bad. The bones and dregs will be eaten by others."

"What?" Qiu Mantang stood up violently, his face turned livid: "Did the heir who has raised him for decades do it? My uncle is a good old man and cannot do such a thing. It must be the heir who did it!"

"Heir?" Du Ruoli shook her head again: "She lives alone and has no heir. I was just passing by and saw her miserable life, so I took it upon myself to send a message. I don't know about the rest."

"That's it!" Qiu Mantang nodded: "Thank you, madam, I know, and I will go and see it in person. Madam, it's been a long journey from afar. Let's have a drink at home."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have to go on my way, so I won't bother you any more. Farewell!"

Du Ruoli smiled and shook her head, got up and went downstairs.

The silks and satins on the first floor were so gorgeous that they were dazzling. I couldn't help but choose several designs and colors, and cut them three meters each.

Qiu Mantang packed two bags of snacks and chased her down. When he saw the girl about to pay the bill, he raised his hand to stop her: "Forget it, the lady is a distinguished guest, so the price will be paid."

The VIP price is [-]% lower than the regular price, which is a [-]% discount, which is very generous and sincere.

"Really? That's great!" Du Ruoli smiled and rolled her eyes: "For the sake of your generosity, I will buy some more."

Qiu Mantang laughed: "That's great!"

I asked without being too talkative, why are you dressed in such rags even though you have a lot of money?Don’t ask what you want to do if you buy so much silk and satin at once?
His consistent principle is that only business is discussed on the trading floor.I don’t say a word about other things, and I don’t care or be curious.

People who know too much always die quickly, and he cherishes his life.

Du Ruoli liked to cooperate with such knowledgeable people, so she chose a few pieces of high-priced silk and satin.

When she was choosing silk and satin just now, she remembered that the grassland nomads had always loved silk, tea and porcelain from the south of the Yangtze River.

Silk can be sold at a high price in the frontier, and the price is even several times higher than in the mainland. Why not become a second-rate dealer and save some for selling?

There is no need to waste more space treasures when you have stockpiles.

But silk and satin are so expensive!Especially those with strong technical skills, such as Shiyang Brocade and Shu Brocade, are simply ridiculously expensive. After spending 400 taels of silver, I only got two bags of goods.

Painfully, he handed over the money, hung a cloth bag on one shoulder, and staggered out.After walking a certain distance, Du Ruoli sent the satin into the space and continued shopping.

Du Ruozhen's family has a large population and consumes food quickly.The meat and vegetables I bought at Longquanyi five days ago were almost finished, so I asked her to help me buy two bowls of braised pork.The meat is rich in fat, and you can heat up a bowl of it every three or five times and eat it in the steamed buns. It will make you feel full and delicious.

Zhou Daya's family has a lot of food left, so there is no need to buy it.But the thimble for sewing was broken, so I asked her to buy one for me.

Du Ruoying originally had nothing to buy.I see other people are itching to buy something, so please bring me a needle and two threads.

The hard-working human flesh purchasing agent went to a butcher shop and a grocery store to buy everything.By the way, add some food for yourself, meatballs, tofu, free-range chicken, etc.

There was still enough time left, so Du Ruoli went to the tea shop, bargained hard with the shopkeeper, and bought 300 taels of good tea.

The same goes for tea and silk, both of which are for the purpose of making a lot of money from the prairie nobles.After buying this, her pocket was cleaner than her face, and she didn't even have a single coin left.

There were a few beggars in front of them, with a broken bowl in front of them, leaning against the wall to bask in the sun.Du Ruoli lowered her head and looked at herself. Well, very good. The only difference between him and the beggar is the bowl in front of him.

No need to dress up, just pick up a broken bowl and start business.

Du Ruoli was thinking happily when she heard the baby in the space making noises. She went in to feed her, took off the diaper, put on the diaper ring, took her out and rushed to the gathering place.

At the entrance of the restaurant where they were gathering, Li Jianming was stuffing things into the carriage.

Since the Zhao family joined, the income of the servants has soared.Correspondingly, more and more food was purchased, and it became more and more expensive. Most of the carts were filled with fat chickens and big ducks, and several jars of good wine costing ten taels of silver per catty were purchased, which was enough for them to travel comfortably to the next city. .

These things don't even require them to spend their own money.The difference in price earned from buying things for the Zhao family is enough.

Therefore, when leading a team, you should still lead a team of powerful people.

Even if the rich and powerful have their homes confiscated, there are still three thousand people left in the ruined ship, which can make them make a lot of money.

If the team were all paupers like the Du family, hey, I don’t dare think about it.

Of course, if the Du family were all good-looking, sensible and polite young ladies like Du Ruoli, he would still be willing to take them with him.

Thinking of Du Ruoli, Du Ruoli is here.Li Jianming gave her a white flour pancake and a large chicken drumstick as before: "Eat quickly, and go back to the inn after eating."

Du Ruoli took it and ate it happily.

She finally understood Li Jianming, a rookie who had just entered the workplace.

Originally a very innocent and cute young man, under the influence of the general environment and the assimilation of old fritters like Ji Tong and Zhang Da, he gradually changed and became ugly.

However, his kindness is still there, and he will not take the initiative to do anything harmful to nature. Occasionally, he will provide some help to the old, weak, sick and disabled.

This is also the reason why she is still willing to date him

She just hoped that he wouldn't fall deeper into the trap and turn into a devil who eats flesh but doesn't spit out bones.If possible, stop being a servant, leave these people as soon as possible, work in a bright place, and make yourself bright.

After eating and drinking, Du Ruoli followed Li Jianming's carriage back to the inn.

Mrs. Zhao and Lu Jizhou were waiting at the door of the inn to collect their things.Mrs. Zhao has a lot of stuff, five or six big and small bags; Lu Jizhou has a little stuff, only one small bag.

Lu Jizhou received the thing and glanced at it, accurately scanning the dagger hidden in Du Ruoli's sleeve.

The dagger was smeared with highly toxic aconite powder. If he told Li Jianming about this, he would confiscate it and never let it go out in the future.

Du Ruoli scolded Lu Jizhou half to death in her heart.

Why are you staring at others when you have nothing to do?Enough support?I didn’t see him eating much, just a few black steamed buns. How could he be more worried than a paid servant?
Aren't you worried about baldness?

Despite the scolding, he still pretended that nothing happened, returned the dagger to the space, hugged the little sister tightly in his arms, jumped out of the carriage, and walked away.

Looking at the girl who was pretending to be calm, a faint smile appeared on Lu Jizhou's face.

(End of this chapter)

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