Chapter 34 Dinghai God Needle
Du Ruoli didn't enter the house, and the people in the house rushed out.I was anxious and panicked, not knowing what to do.

The child cried heartbrokenly. When she heard her little sister's cry, she squeezed over and took it from Du Ruoying's hand and hugged her.

As soon as the little baby came into contact with the eldest sister, he immediately stopped crying and moved towards the eldest sister.Du Ruoli's heart was in turmoil for a long time, and she was finally cured by this little one.Holding the little one tightly in your arms is like holding the whole world.

Du Ruoli was pushed out by the crowd.When the people who ran at the front found that the fire in the main house was blocked by the heavy rain and could not spread to the barn, they couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and stopped.

Stopping in front, she had to stop, and happened to stand in front of the pillar she had leaned against before.

There was another person standing in front of the pillar, it was the nosy Lu Jizhou.

Lu Jizhou stared blankly at Vanity, as if he was caught in some kind of emotion.Du Ruoli tried to stay as far away from him as possible to prevent the cold air from his body from scaring her sister.

After just a second, the crowd became turbulent again.She didn't know who rushed her, rushed in the direction of Lu Jizhou, and hit his chest with her forehead.

His chest was so cold and hard that it made stars pop out of her eyes, and tears flowed down her face.

Lu Jizhou finally came to his senses and looked at the girl holding the baby on her chest, turning sideways to block the flow of people behind her.

If this continues, something big will happen.Lu Jizhou almost instinctively commanded the scene with his Dantian tone: "Stand where you are and don't move!"

The sound reached everyone's ears, and the scene became eerily quiet.Lu Jizhou said: "The main house caused a thunder and fire, and it became a mess. Don't add to the chaos. Starting from the back, we should go back to the house in an orderly manner in groups of three. Only after the front group has entered the house can the people at the back move."

As he spoke, lightning struck in the sky again, and the sky and the earth were as bright as day for a moment.People looked at Lu Jizhou who spoke in a deep voice and felt like a giant.

Lu Jizhou's short words not only explained the truth of the matter, but also eliminated people's panic.And a proper solution has been arranged, which is not perfect.No one objected to his words and gradually returned to the house as he asked.

The chaotic scene was suddenly brought under control. Needless to say, this man had some great abilities. If he didn't have the stinky habit of being nosy, Du Ruoli would be willing to call him yyds!

The exit was quick and the crowd started to loosen up.Du Ruoli withdrew from Lu Jizhou's arms, thought about it, and gave him a thumbs up: "Thank you for today! You are the anchor of stability for us people."


Lu Jizhou hadn't fully recovered yet, so he didn't hear clearly what Du Ruoli said, but he probably knew he was praising him.He said it casually and turned around to go back to the house.

Du Ruoli didn't care about this and carried her sister back to the house.

The exiled prisoner regained his composure. Since he was a prisoner, he did not dare to talk loudly about the thunder and fire. He could only look outside the door at any time and sigh in a low voice.

The only two people who were not calm were Du Zhizhong and Zhang Xiuhe.

Lightning suddenly started and they saw Du Ruoli in front of Lu Jizhou.He couldn't figure out why she woke up early, nor why she appeared outside while Mr. Zhang was burned to death.

The only explanation is that she was protected by the gods, so she was safe and sound.

Now that Master Zhang has been struck to death by lightning, what about those of them who participated in the evil deeds?What will be the outcome?
Don't dare to think deeply!

Du Ruoli didn't live in the same room with them and couldn't see their appearance, but she could imagine their fear.

Go ahead and live in fear for the rest of your life.If you dare to reach out and do evil, you will have the consciousness of having your hands chopped off.

She won't kill them, that would be too easy for them.Letting them linger in the endless abyss is the best punishment for them.

Sitting on the floor, Du Ruoli felt deeply tired.He took out a bottle of milk from the space, fed his sister under the cover of his sleeves, and then hugged her and fell asleep.

The fire in the main room was finally brought under control, and those who ran out returned to their rooms to check their losses.After realizing that it was very small, he focused his attention on the large room.

The room, including the bed and furniture, was burned to the ground.There was only a long sword used only by the police officers, lying alone by the window.

Zhang Da beside the bed was burnt into black charcoal, and his original appearance could no longer be seen.If it weren't for the smell of burnt human flesh filling the air, you might even think it wasn't a person.

Someone in the crowd said something: "You can get struck by lightning even if you live in an official post. It seems that you do a lot of evil."

These words immediately aroused countless echoes: "Yes, yes, there are not many good people who escort the exile team. They rob money and abuse women. They are just the same skin as that bandit."

"The mere fact that this man was hacked shows that he is a wicked person among the wicked. He is so evil that even God cannot stand it. He sent down a thunder to eliminate harm to the people and to warn the world."

"You are right, I think so too!"


The main room of the official post house was occupied by people of high status, and all of them had a higher status than the servants.Ji Tong, who originally wanted to cry twice and collect his brother's body, did not dare to step forward when he saw this, for fear of being pointed at and scolded.

Li Jianming, who still lived in Datongpu, a side house, rushed over and collected the body for Zhang Da.The manager of the inn did not allow the body to stay in the room, so he had to build a shed outside, put the body in the shed, and stayed outside all night.

Early the next morning, other brothers came over and dug a hole to bury him.

From then on, there was no more bigness in this world.The position of the escort leader of the exile team was also taken over by Li Zheng, the six-fingered man.

The officers wanted to bury Zhang Da, so their departure time was delayed by half an hour.Not being able to appear too indifferent, the exile team sat together in the room, making mournful gestures.

Du Ruoli didn't want to do anything, so she took the opportunity to enter the space, cut a piece of chilled salmon, mixed it into the rice, sprinkled green onion and sesame seeds on top, poured a little wasabi and soy sauce, and ate it deliciously.

I usually don't want to eat salmon, but today I made an exception to celebrate Zhang Da's burial.

Well, all I can say is, money is great!Money filtered out tastes so good!

She feels happy!
After closing her eyes and being intoxicated for a while, Du Ruoli came to the tin room outside.The iron room was decorated with the help of my best friend Zhou Mengjin. One room contains the food purchased from Zhou's family, and the other contains old things that Zhou's mother is reluctant to throw away.She has been busy chattering all day long and has never come to see her before. This is her first time.

Unexpectedly, the pantry contained not only the things she bought, but also gifts secretly given by Zhou Mengjin: ten boxes of fruits, ten boxes of food produced by her family, and a small box containing lipstick, perfume, brooches and other items. box.

Wow!She is rich!

I'll exchange these things for money another day, and exchange them for a lot of money!Never be a penniless pauper again!
(End of this chapter)

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