Chapter 35 Purchasing Business
It was originally said that he would leave Qingyun Station after burying Zhang Da, but in the end he did not do so.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the sky seemed to be perforated, with buckets of rainwater leaking downwards.Yellow water surged on the ground, making it impossible to step down.Let alone people, horses are not willing to go there.

Coupled with the rumbling thunder, Ji Tong and others were frightened, so they decided to take a day off.

Suddenly free, everyone was at a loss as to how to spend this long day.Du Ruoli sat at the door, looking at the rain pouring from the sky, and she was also filled with worry.

How can I go out?

The feeling of being penniless was so uncomfortable that she had to go out and look for money.

"Sister Du, you are in a daze!" Xue Jinxin came to the door with half a bowl of preserved peaches and apricots in her hand: "Sister, I have brought you something delicious."

"Sister is so polite!" Du Ruoli took the bowl and said with a smile: "It's very expensive. Sister, don't give it to me next time. Leave it to Qiaoer."

Xue Jinxin nodded in agreement: "It's quite expensive. The guards are too cruel. The price difference of five taels for a pound of preserved fruit is almost like robbing money. But the children were clamoring for food, and grandma didn't want to treat them too badly, so she could only knock out her teeth and blood. Swallow it, bear the pain and buy it.”

Then he lowered his voice: "No wonder even God can't stand it anymore and wants to kill them."

Du Ruoli echoed: "Yes, people are doing it, God is watching, it's better not to have bad intentions!"

The two talked for a while, and Xue Jinxin stood up to leave: "Qiao'er should wake up. Sister, go back first. Let's talk when we have time."

"Sister, wait a minute, I'll give you the bowl." Du Ruoli went back to her luggage, poured out the preserved fruits, and put a bowl of fresh winter dates back.

The winter jujubes she had hoarded before were gone. They were given by Zhou Mengjin.

Dongzao couldn't be given away in a big way, so Du Ruoli covered it with a black steamed bun and brought it to Xue Jinxin at the door: "Thank you sister for the preserved fruit. Sister, please go slowly!"

Xue Jin didn't feel comfortable opening it in public, so he took the wooden bowl with a smile and returned to his place of residence.

Her floor was next to Mrs. Zhao's. She went back and uncovered the black buns in front of the old lady: "Grandma, look, they are sweet dates again. Sister Du is really capable and can always get good things." "

Mrs. Zhao looked at Zaozi thoughtfully, and then whispered to Xue Jinxin: "Give Miss Du two banknotes and ask her to take whatever delicious food she encounters with her when she goes out next time." Bring one copy back to the Zhao family, and the Zhao family will pay the price for double copies."

Xue Jin's heart was clear at first glance. After Qiaoer woke up, he picked her up and went to Du Ruoli's room to visit.

I found an opportunity to tell my grandmother what she meant.

What doesn't Du Ruoli want to do?This is what she fought for!

She didn't think much about giving Xue Jinxin something last time. After all, she wasn't familiar with it and couldn't give a hint.Today she heard that the servants dared to earn ten times or a hundred times, so she got interested.

The servants earned it, and so did she.

The guards mainly buy rice, flour, oil and medicine. She doesn't compete with the guards, so she just fills the empty space with fruits and snacks.The prices are fair and we don't do unscrupulous transactions.

"Don't worry, sister, I know how to do it!" Du Ruoli took the banknote and put it away carefully.

Xue Jin smiled heartily: "Sister, I am naturally relieved."

After getting 200 taels of silver notes, Du Ruoli took advantage of the rain to subside in the afternoon, put on a hat and raincoat and went out to Qingyun Town.Because of the lightning strike last night, the police officers collectively shut themselves off and no longer kept an eye on the prisoners. Some brave prisoners secretly took to the streets.Du Ruoli blended in with the sneaking crowd and was not conspicuous.

Because it was really difficult to walk on the road, Du Ruoli gave up her plan to go to the county town to make another fortune, found a place on the road and slipped into the space, and had a good sleep in the space.When the time was almost up, he came out carrying a backpack and two baskets.

The basket contains several fruits such as winter dates, snow pears, crisp persimmons, and tangerines, as well as five kilograms of brown sugar, five kilograms of white sesame seeds, two kilograms of pine nuts, twenty salted duck eggs, two pieces of ham, a pack of raisins, and a pack of dried osmanthus. .

The basket on the left contains uneaten stockings during the mask period.There are kelp seedlings, long kelp, wakame, sea rice, scallops and other seafood.Plus two pounds of dried fungus, two pounds of dried shiitake mushrooms, and ten pounds of dense red bean paste.

The basket on the right hand contains Chinese snacks produced by Zhou Mengjin's family, and the basket is half filled in total.I also packed a jar of home-brewed butter.Underneath the snacks were five or six eggplants grown in the space.

The market price of high-quality fruits and fresh vegetables in late autumn is one tael of silver per catty, so she put in forty catties.Dried longans from the south cost one tael of silver per catty, and raisins from the frontier cost two taels of silver per catty.She had seen other ones but didn’t ask the price in detail, as it was definitely not cheap.

So, for such a sincere thing, charging 100 taels of silver is not too much, right?

Mrs. Zhao and Xue Jinxin were about to cry when they got the things.Not only does it not feel expensive, but it feels too cheap!

How long has it been since they saw these good things?No, there are some things they have never seen before, let alone eat.

These things are worth a lot of money, which shows that the little girl does not earn much and is an honest and good child.

They couldn't bully someone who was honest, so they persuaded her to accept 150 taels of silver.

Du Ruoli: 233333
Before it was over, Mrs. Zhao gave her another 200 taels of silver: "Next time you have the opportunity, keep buying! Remember to double the price difference, don't suffer a loss."

Du Ruoli: "..."

The Zhao family’s financial resources are good!
Did you leave a way out early?Or do you have rich relatives to support you?

After collecting the money and going back, Du Ruoli continued to pay accounts to her good friends.

They eagerly hope that the butter will be sold so that they can buy rice for cooking.

The butter is cooked so well that it is delicious when mixed with rice or noodles.Du Ruoli was reluctant to sell the remaining ones and wanted to keep them for herself, so she randomly quoted a higher price: "We sold them together for four taels of silver. We divided them equally, one tael for each family."

This time, Wu Yueniang quit: "We can't divide it like this. There are only two women in my family who can't do heavy work, can't come up with ideas, and take advantage all the time. They have no face to see others. From this time on, I will definitely not divide it equally." Otherwise, my family will not participate in the future.”

Zhou Daya's father-in-law Du Changgui also said: "My family also thinks it is inappropriate. The third uncle's family has a large population and a lot of strong labor, so he puts in the most effort. He cannot get it the same as us. There must be a difference."

When the Third Grandmother was about to speak, Du Ruoli raised her hand to stop her and asked Du Changgui: "What uncle thinks is the most reasonable way to distribute the goods?"

Du Changgui expressed an idea he had already had: "Divide according to the amount of effort. For example, if A Li comes up with a good idea to boil butter, then divide one or two. For the rest, the young man who fishes for crabs in the river works hardest and gets the most; Secondly, the child who carries things has little strength, so he has to give it. Finally, add up the total of four taels of silver. Don't let the person who uses the strong force suffer, and don't let the person who uses the small force take advantage. Only when there is fairness, will there be long history. Long lasting peace.”

Du Ruoli had long known that this was a clear-headed and understanding person, better than the clan leader.Listening to his words at this time, my previous thoughts were confirmed.

So he said, "I think what my uncle said makes sense. Only fairness can last forever. Uncle, I'll leave it to you to arrange this matter."

Du Changgui nodded solemnly: "Okay. I'll do a good calculation and tell everyone clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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