Chapter 36 One-shot deal
Du Changgui counted by counting his fingers and knuckles, and finally calculated that the 10 heavy laborers who went down to the river cost 150 yuan each.There are 18 light laborers for dismantling crabs, 80 people each. 6 children participating in labor, 10 cents each.A total of 3000 Wen, which is 3 taels of silver.

There are a total of 38 people in the four families. Except for Xiao Ruoyu, Xiao Niuniu and Du Ruozhen's nephew, the rest of them are paid.

Du Ruoli asked the heads of the other two families: "What do you think?"

Wu Yueniang said: "It couldn't be more appropriate. We won't regret it if we take it."

Aunt Third Hall nodded: "Okay, that's it."

Du Ruoli decided: "Okay, let's do it like this. Next time we will follow this rule, and my uncle will be the general manager."

"Get it!"

Everyone spoke in unison.

Because it was the first time to share money, Du Changgui asked someone to exchange the coins and put them in the basket.

First, I sent it to Du Ruoli: "Ah Li led all of us to earn money. He has the greatest credit. These are yours."

Du Ruoli took it over with a smile: "Thank you, uncle, I will continue to work hard." Let everyone live a good life.

"That's daring!"

Du Changgui then sent a message to the grandmother's family in the third hall: "Your family has paid the most labor, with 8 people catching crabs, 14 people dismantling the crabs, and 4 people transporting the crabs. A total of 2360 wen. Please order a little."

Then he sent Wu Yueniang: "Two people from your family will participate in the crab removal and get 160 Wen."

Finally, it was his own turn: "Two people caught the crabs, two people dismantled the crabs, and two people transported them, and they got 480 Wen."

When everyone received the money, they all smiled happily and put it on the floor. They counted it one by one and put each one in the wooden box. The copper plate in the box made a beautiful note.

Du Ruoli has never liked the sound of copper plates as much as she does now.

Is that a normal sound?
No, that is joy, steadiness, and hope.

The copper plates were put into the box, and one or two of them held the box and giggled. Du Ruoli also giggled too.After laughing for a while, he said: "I was in the city today and saw someone selling toon seedlings for one tael of silver per pound. After careful consideration, I found that they are grown from toon seeds, which is only one more step than sprouting bean sprouts. Oh my god. After it clears up, let’s look for toon seeds everywhere!”

Everyone was convinced of her words and nodded: "Okay, toona seeds fall under the tree, and usually no one picks them up because they don't know what to do with them. We will pick up a lot of them, rub them into seeds, and leave them to you to arrange." .”

Du Ruoli nodded: "Yes!"

She thought she would have to wait until the rain stopped, but she didn't expect these people to go out in the rain to look for toon seeds as soon as they put on their raincoats and bamboo hats, which shows their determination to make money.

After the adults left, only the three grandmothers and a few children were left in the house.Du Ruoqiu's child was also there, watching the children while doing needlework.

Du Ruoli said hello to them and walked north around the barn.

Five meters away from the livestock shed is the side courtyard of the inn, which is used for businessmen traveling from north to south. There are countless business opportunities hidden in it.

There were no people walking along the way. When I got to the place, I stood under the eaves and took off my bamboo hat, coir raincoat and coarse cloth clothes, revealing the decent attire underneath.

Before I could figure it out, a seductive woman came down from upstairs. Her body was so fragrant that it could be smelled five miles away. She walked with three swaying steps, and she grew lotuses every step of the way.Seeing someone downstairs, he pursed his lips and smiled, raised his hand to caress the ruby ​​​​head on his head, and asked: "Is the girl here to drink with the guests?"

Tsk tsk, you still come to pick up guests on a rainy day, which shows that you are not popular.That's right, the clear soup has little water, which man can be interested in it?
Good guy, Du Ruoli is a good guy, and she was treated as a door-to-door service lady as soon as she arrived. It seems that this place is very lively!Suddenly he had an idea, he smiled at the other person, reached into his purse, or actually the space, to take out some cosmetics to touch up his makeup.

As a former counter girl at a luxury goods counter, make-up and retouching are the most basic professional qualities. She carries countless cosmetics in her bag at any time and buys some of them herself, most of which are samples from the counter.

At this time, I was using a sample lipstick in a porcelain bottle. It was a rich, true red that would look beautiful on whoever wears it.

As soon as the flaming red lips were applied, the whole face became bright and lively, and it looked more than twice as beautiful as before.

From the moment Du Ruoli started to put on lipstick, Yang Meier opposite her was already stunned.As a veteran of the sex industry, she knew the allure of this color on men.

After a few steps, he came to Du Ruoli and asked, "Where did you buy my sister's lipstick?"

She wanted to buy ten, no, a hundred, and apply them to the dead man every day to see if he would come home and find a decent wife.

Du Ruoli pursed her lips to make the color uniform before answering her: "I mixed it myself! Does your sister think it looks good too?"

Yang Meier nodded like a chicken pounding rice: "It looks good, it looks so good. I wonder if my sister can give up my love and give this lipstick to her? I'll pay you money!"

"You can give in." Du Ruoli put away the small round mirror and lipstick that were as big as her palm, so that she could not see the front of the mirror. She tilted her head and said, "It's just that the materials used are quite complicated and won't be cheap!"

Money is nothing, there are plenty of dead men. If she doesn't help spend it, will it be left to the yellow-faced woman at home?Yang Meier smiled, her smile was full of charm: "Sister, just say it, sister can afford it."

Du Ruoli's lion opened his mouth: "100 taels of silver!"

Yang Meier covered her mouth and chuckled: "Oh, sister, I thought it was so expensive, but it turns out it's only 100 taels of silver!"

The dead man casually gave her 1000 taels of pocket money. She was so happy that she didn't give her 10000 taels.

It’s only 100 taels, so sprinkle it on!
Du Ruoli: "..."

We don’t understand the world of rich people, and we are shocked!

He opened his purse again, took out the lipstick and handed it over: "Then give it to my sister. I will mix another one when I go back."

The purse was opened wide, revealing the dazzling array of items inside. Yang Meier was really attracted by it: "If there are any other good things for my sister, take them out and let my sister open her eyes."

Speaking of this, Du Ruoli didn't feel sleepy anymore. She sold out a box of loose powder, a box of concealer, a box of blush, a box of eye shadow, and an aunt-colored lipstick, earning 1000 taels of silver.

Cosmetics that are small in size and poorly packaged sell for such a high price!

Sure enough, rich people make money easily!Women with money but no brains make the best money!

If she had known this earlier, she should have stocked up on counter samples, or genuine ones, and packed them up when she came back. She could have sold them for a lot of money... It would have been a shame if she had not known earlier that this kind of one-shot business depends on luck, so she should have been honest about it. Get some food!Be practical!
After getting the good stuff, Yang Meier happily went back to her room to dress up and show off.She was calculating how much money she could get out of the dead man, and whether she should let him simply accept her, stop running around with her, and become a free house without the control of her mistress.

Du Ruoli smiled and shook her head, took off her jewelry, put on her rain gear, and headed back home.

With more than 1000 taels of silver in hand, I feel safe.This place was a mixed bag, so she decided not to go.

(End of this chapter)

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