Chapter 37 Provocation
In the distance, hearing the cry of Du Ruoyu's child "Wow, wow", Du Ruoli's heart tightened and she started to trot.

Throwing down the bamboo hat and raincoat at the door, he rushed over to pick her up from the arms of Grandma Santang: "What's wrong, little darling, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

The third grandmother explained with a smile: "I was sleeping well just now with my little butt stuck out. Suddenly I stretched out my little hand and slapped myself on the face, giving myself a slap. It must have been a heavy blow and it made me cry in pain."


What should a sister say?Nothing is appropriate!

Seeing that the sleeping Niuniu was about to be woken up, Du Ruoli hurriedly carried her out and walked up and down under the eaves, holding back a smile and patting her to coax her: "Oh, oh, the little hands didn't obey their orders and hit us on the face. ! Next time this happens again, let’s beat the little hand, okay? Beat the little hand red and see if it dares to hit you!”

Lu Jizhou, who had returned from outside, was speechless when he heard these words from a distance.

Can this sister who loves to bully and talk nonsense all day long be thrown away?
Du Ruoli also saw Lu Jizhou walking in the rain. Because his face was covered by a bamboo hat and his beard was unkempt, he could only see the part below the shoulders.With broad right-angled shoulders, a long body and two meters of legs, he is much more pleasing to the eye than before.

The way he walked was as if his legs were broken, and he was careless and calm in his heart.Neither too serious nor too naughty.The combination between the two is just right.

I don’t know if the face covered by the beard is worthy of this figure?
If it’s worthy, wow, what a blessing this journey will be!Top models perform in front of you every day, so what kind of bicycle do you need?

If it doesn't doesn't matter, let's just look at the back and figure.There are many sexy places for men, not just on the face.Waist and hips, long legs, chest and abdominal muscles, etc... Look at whatever looks good!

Lu Jizhou didn't know what the girl across from him was looking at, and he sensed that she had bad intentions. He looked back sharply, inspecting her from top to bottom, and finally rested his eyes maliciously on her chest.

Du Ruoli was so disgusted by him that she yelled angrily: "You are seriously ill!"

Lu Jizhou gave a mocking smile: "You are not seriously ill, but you are staring at men?"

"Look what's wrong with you. Can you lose some meat?"

"Let's see what's wrong with you. Can you use less meat?"

Can it be the same?One is appreciative, the other is malicious; one treats people as human beings, as beautiful works of art, and the other treats people as tools, as boring pastimes.There is no comparison at all.

Du Ruoli only had two words to say to him: "You are blind!"

Lu Jizhou felt that this woman was simply unreasonable. She was the one who looked at her blindly, she was the one who was angry, and she was the one who cursed!
What?All the light of the sun shines on her alone, while everyone else is in darkness!

Not wanting to deal with this difficult woman anymore, Lu Jizhou walked away.

Out of sight is pure!

Haha, if you can't win the argument, just run away and make a fuss!Du Ruoli turned away with disdain.

Lu Jizhou: "..."

He walked faster, his long legs took one step, and he entered the house in three steps.

With the popularity gone, Du Ruoli felt comfortable, inserted her hands into Du Ruoyu's armpits, and suddenly lifted her up high.

Suddenly hanging in the air, Xiao Ruoyu was not only not afraid, but also laughed and danced happily.

My sister actually learned to laugh when she was one month and one day away.Du Ruoli became more and more excited, took it back, kissed it hard, and then raised it high.

My sister was in the air again, her laughter spreading for everyone to hear.

Lu Jizhou, who has sensitive senses, naturally heard it.

He suspected that Du Ruoli was provoking, but there was no evidence.So angry!

At this time, Lu Jizhou would not know that in the near future, when this girl steals his heart and turns against him, it will be impossible for her to be looked at or provoked.

She coldly isolated him from the world and didn't give him any response.Like he was a dead person, a dead mass, not worth a look.

He suffered and suffered day after day, and almost went crazy.

Of course, this is a later story. He doesn’t have back eyes, so he won’t know what will happen in the future, let alone change.

When it was dark, Du Ruozhen and others came back from outside, one by one, in a very embarrassed state.

The outside of the raincoat is covered with mud, and it drips down along the road.After standing for a while, a puddle formed on the ground.The bamboo hat was stained with leaves, and the soil under the straw sandals was two fingers thick, making it too heavy to lift my feet.

I was terribly embarrassed, but also terribly excited.

Everyone had a smile on their face and their eyes were shining. They gave the toon seeds to Du Ruoli like a treasure: "Ah Li, we are back."

Du Ruoli stretched out her hand and touched the cold fingers of her best friend. She felt very uncomfortable: "Come in and get warm."

"Hey!" Du Ruozhen and others took off their rain gear and straw sandals at the door. Fortunately, except for their wet socks, their clothes were not wet.

There were a large number of quilts and clothes in the stable, but there was no fire to burn them.When Du Ruoqiu heard that they were coming back, she had already spread the floor and opened the quilt. They came in and crawled directly into the quilt, shivering under the quilt.

Du Ruoli motioned to Xiaoqiu to cover them with the rest of the quilts, and went out to make ginger soup.

She built a stove in the wide eaves. On the stove was a large clay pot, cooking ginger soup.

After pouring a basin of ginger soup and returning to the house, I passed by the house of Du Changshun and others. I met my third cousin who was tidying up from inside and asked, "Are the clothes of my uncles and brothers wet?"

"No, don't worry. They are not stupid. They don't dare to joke with their own lives."

The third cousin's grandmother was not worried about their health at all. She had been dealing with the mountains and forests for many years, and the rain was not worth mentioning.

What people fear most is darkness and no hope.There is hope, nothing is a problem.

Du Ruoli was a little relieved: "That's good! You can take the rest of the ginger soup, it's enough here."

"I want it!" Third Hall's grandmother went to get the ginger soup.

Du Ruoli brought the ginger soup back to the house, divided it into wooden bowls, and put a spoonful of brown sugar in it. When it was dry enough to be able to eat, she handed it to them one by one: "Drink it quickly. You will sweat after drinking it."

They lay on the bed, climbed up half of their bodies, drank the ginger soup in one gulp, and then lay down.Lying in bed, carefully savoring the sweet taste of brown sugar, I felt extremely happy.

Du Ruoli asked them to rest for a while and went out to cook noodles with the third grandmother and Xiaoqiu.

Grandma Santang has kneaded the dough in advance. You only need to cut it, then cook it in a pot. Add half a hard-boiled egg and two spoons of chicken coriander oil, and you have a delicious meal.

The person lying under the quilt had already recovered. He got up and squatted on the ground, picking up the wooden bowl and slurping noodles.

After eating several bowls of hot, oily noodle soup, I felt comfortable all over and had endless strength.

(End of this chapter)

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