Chapter 38
The Zhao family in the next room are also dining.There are two flavors of steamed buns for dinner, a sweet bean paste bun and a salty eggplant and meat bun.

Du Ruoli helped buy the bean paste and eggplant.The bean paste is dense and sweet, and the portion is enough to make five to six hundred buns, and everyone can eat one.

The quantity of fresh eggplants is small, so I can only adjust the taste, which is also good.Together with the pork and dried vegetables bought by the servants at a high price, it is extremely delicious and sweet.

Everyone has a red bean paste bun, unlimited meat buns, and the golden and thick millet porridge. Although it cannot be compared with the past, it is already a rare meal on the road of exile.

Everyone ate happily, with long-lost smiles on their faces.

Mrs. Zhao looked at all this, and her mood, which had been heavy for a long time, finally relaxed a little.

She was really afraid that these family members would be disheartened and not interested in any affairs. What was the difference between that and the living dead?
fine!They still have appetites and are willing to laugh.

Her Zhao family is still alive.

Xue Jinxin felt scratchy in her heart from the moment she saw what Du Ruoli brought. She had many questions to ask. She brought the bowl to Mrs. Zhao's side and softly called "Grandma."

Mrs. Zhao turned her head, looked at her face full of curiosity, and knew what she wanted to ask.

It's just why Du Ruoli was able to collect so many good things in a short period of time?Good fruits and fresh vegetables are not easy to buy, and they are usually only available in the homes of the rich and powerful.How could she, a little peasant girl, get one with a basket?
She couldn't figure it out, and she didn't want to figure it out.Looking at this smart granddaughter-in-law, she asked: "Is the food not delicious? Or do you think it is expensive?"

The sweetness of the bean paste was still lingering in her mouth. Xue Jinxin shook her head: "The food is delicious and the price is very reasonable. My granddaughter-in-law just doesn't understand..."

"Since the food is delicious and the price is fair, then shut up and don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked."

Mrs. Zhao said sincerely: "There are so many people with supernatural powers in this world. Not to mention the ones we have seen before, there are only two in this team, one is Du Ruoli and the other is Lu Jizhou. As long as we ordinary people know about it, Don't get to the bottom of things. Only by being confused can you continue to have good food to eat and live a stable life."

Xue Jinxin understood that it was a life-saving strategy not to say what should not be said and not to ask what should not be asked, so he smiled and said: "Then grandson's daughter-in-law should eat something delicious, after all, she is greedy."

Mrs. Zhao nodded with a smile and concentrated on eating.

She is a stupid person. She doesn't understand so many things that her head is about to explode.Later, I simply didn't bother to think about it, but I could get a moment of peace.

She also hopes that these remaining relatives will not think too much, not have strong curiosity, and live a normal life.

Their time is still long, their hearts are not at peace, and they cannot live out this long and miserable life.

It's long... it's boring... ugh... it's so hard to live!

North courtyard of the inn, Tianzi suite on the second floor.

Yang Meier used the new cosmetics she got today to carefully apply light makeup on herself.

It's said to be light makeup, but it's not light at all.

But the powder is fine, the color is natural, and it blends perfectly with the skin.It not only covers the large pores and spots, but also makes it impossible to tell that it has been painted.

Unlike the powder you can buy in the market, it is white and can be seen at a glance.After a long time, the powder will fall off directly, which is very ugly.Apply the powder evenly, then use concealer to cover the two small pimples, and apply a small amount of blush on the cheeks to create a flawless face.

Yang Meier put on her lipstick, sipped it gently, and looked at her charming self in the mirror. She felt deeply that this man was so lucky that he actually plucked this peerless peony from her.

We can't give him the advantage in vain.

Hearing the footsteps, she lit all the lights in the room, put a pure white mink fur shawl on her shoulders, and opened the door to greet her: "Third Master, you still know how to come back!"

"I have a little beauty at home, so I wouldn't want to come back! Even when I'm outside, I always think about this sweet person at home."

Third Master Bai, Bai Yuanjing, was full of alcohol, and his whole body fell on Yang Meier.Yang Meier hugged him all the way to the big bed.

There were lamps lit around the big bed, making Yang Meier even more beautiful than usual.Mr. Bai fell in love with this face so much that he stared at it carefully.

After looking at it for a while, I felt something was wrong: "Xiao Mei'er, where did the cute little mole on your cheekbone go? The pimple that appeared yesterday is gone now?"

Yang Meier's hand in the man's hair froze, and then she giggled: "The third master can see this, it shows that he is as careful as his hair. He deserves to be valued by his ancestors and take charge of the Bai family."

Mr. Bai liked hearing this, and he pointed at Meier's small nose and said, "It's not because I care about Meier and like Meier that I remember everything about Meier, including a mole and a pimple."

Yang Mei'er was so moved that she couldn't help but tell the truth: "Mei'er got a set of good things today, and even the Third Master didn't notice it on her face. She spent 1 taels of pocket money just to please the Third Master. Does Third Master like it?"

"Draw it?"

Mr. Bai touched Meier's face vigorously with his hand, and sure enough he found some white and pink things.Looking at the lipstick on her lips, they are also more delicate than usual.

"You got something else, can you show it to Mr. Bai?" Mr. Bai pulled Yang Meier out of bed and walked towards the dressing table.

Yang Meier's body was soft and boneless, hanging on Mr. Bai's body. He took her to the dressing table and sat down. He took out his new treasure and showed it off in the same way: "This is powder, not made of rice powder. It does not contain lead. Apply it every day." It’s okay; this is a pimple concealer, it looks like it’s not there; this is rouge, the color is so beautiful; this is two colors of lip balm, Meier’s favorite thing.”

Mr. Bai's eldest niece is about to get married, and the person to be married is the King of the Northwest.The entire Bai family is collecting good things for this niece, including several boxes of makeup and powder.

However, I have never heard of such a magical creature.The freckles on my eldest niece's face can't be covered up even if they should.The family was so worried that they didn't know what to do all day long.

Third Master Bai suddenly became excited, grabbed Yang Meier's arm and asked, "Where did Meier buy these things? Can you take Third Master to see them?"

Yang Mei'er felt a little unhappy. She had been working hard for most of the day, and that's it?
Isn't this just flirting with a blind man?Isn't she more beautiful than those dead things?

But her intuition told her that at this time, she should not be willful and should follow the man's hair, otherwise she would not get any good results.

She smiled and said, "I met a sister downstairs for a while today. The sister knows how to prepare these. Mei'er bought them from her."

sisters?A sister who knows how to mix makeup?
What a rare talent!

If he could get it into his own hands and let her keep mixing makeup and powder, and the eldest niece's problem would be solved, wouldn't it be possible to make all the money from women in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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