Chapter 39
Du Ruoli, who was remembered, had no instinct of being remembered at all.After eating, I suddenly remembered something important, and ran out to the end of the corridor.

As expected, Lu Jizhou was here, with one leg bent, half leaning on a pillar, looking in the direction of the main room, his eyes were filled with confusion, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

She walked up and asked, "Who is that? You know that I was sent to Zhang's room last night, right?"


Lu Jizhou was thinking about bloodbathing the northwest king of the Yao family in order to gain credit.

The King of the Northwest has been in the northwest for many years. He is supported by the Queen and the Empress in the palace. His position is so powerful that even the emperor dare not touch him easily.

As the father-in-law of the Yao family, he has the blood of the Yao family flowing through his body. No matter how hard the iron plate is, he must kick it away, kill his enemies with his own hands, and seek justice for the family.

Now that he has successfully blended into the exile team heading to the Northwest King's territory, the next step is,
How to be a good earthworm and shake the big tree of the Northwest King?
When he thought of the key point, he was interrupted by Du Ruoli, who replied angrily with the word "hmm".

Du Ruoli was contradicted by his attitude and sneered: "You still have the nerve to admit it, don't you think you are as disgusting as the executioner? Fortunately, I thought you were a warm-hearted and good person. It turned out that you were just doing it for others to see, and you were competing in private. Everyone is cold and heartless.”

The executioner who once chopped off the head of a Yao family man with a knife, killing people without blinking an eye?

Being compared with such a person, Lu Jizhou couldn't help but feel happy, and said nonchalantly: "It's a pity that I didn't catch the excitement, but I watched another good show. When I passed by, Miss Du didn't know what kind of magic was used. , making Zhang Da shake like chaff, his hair stood up one by one, pointing straight to the sky.

I'm sorry that I'm not very talented and don't know Miss Du's magic. Could you please help me solve my confusion? "

He wanted to help her, but did she need his help?
It doesn't matter if you don't need to help, but you are still blaming him here. What kind of logic is there?
"That's right!" Du Ruoli smiled mysteriously: "To tell you the truth, you guessed it right, girl, I am the immortal in charge of thunder and lightning. You mortals, why don't you kneel down and kowtow?"

The last sentence was made in a louder voice, quite a bit like a goddess. Lu Jizhou was too lazy to pay attention to her and walked away.

After taking two steps, I heard Du Ruoli say from behind: "I'm sorry, I wrongly blamed you just now. You are as ugly as you are, but you still have a good heart, and you are a good and good person!"

Lu Jizhou: "..."

Is this a compliment or a detriment?
Such a good girl actually has a mouth!

Successfully angry at Lu Jizhou again, Du Ruoli hummed a ditty and returned to her residence.

Hearing her footsteps, the lights came on in the room.The lamp oil was saved by the third grandmother and would not be used easily.

Du Ruoli walked in and saw the expectant faces, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, let's start distributing toon seedlings now."

As he spoke, he took out the cleaned clay pot, grabbed a few handfuls of toona seeds that had been soaked in the rain and swollen, rinsed them clean, rolled the jar body so that the small seeds evenly adhered to the jar body, and sealed the jar with breathable cotton cloth. :
"That's it. Just wash out the water every day and let the seeds hang on the jar. After five or six days, you can get a handful of toon seedlings."

Shen Sanzhi was a little in disbelief: "So easy?"

Du Ruoli smiled: "Isn't it? It's not difficult for those who can do it, but it's not difficult for those who are difficult. Once you figure it out, that's all. I'll leave the rest to you. Give it a try and you'll be good at it."

Everyone took a clay pot, sprouted toon sprouts in their hands, and placed them under the wall.Change the water before leaving tomorrow morning and carry it on your back.

When I thought about getting a sum of money in five or six days, I was so happy that I couldn't open my mouth from ear to ear.If they hadn't picked up all the toon seeds nearby, they would have been working in the mountains all night.

At night, when everyone was asleep, Du Ruoli placed Xiao Ruoyu in the space, quietly got up, and walked around outside.After seeing no one, he went outside the next room, took out the laser pointer he had bought for fun before, and shined it directly on Zhang Xiuhe's face through the gap in the thatched house, letting the crimson light swim across her face.

Zhang Xiuhe was so frightened by the lightning strike that he couldn't sleep all day long and didn't sleep well at night.I woke up as soon as the light hit my face.

Opening her eyes, she saw a ray of red light coming towards her from nowhere!

There were more than 100 people sleeping in the room, but he was the only one to cum on her!

Could it be God...

Zhang Xiuhe was so frightened that she sat up and knelt on the bed, kowtowing: "I will change, I will change. I will never do bad things again. I will definitely change."

"It's so late at night, what's the fuss about? Are you letting people sleep?"

Someone muttered loudly, Zhang Xiuhe lowered his voice and continued to kowtow to admit his mistake.

Du Ruoli was too lazy to look at her ugly appearance, sneered, put away the laser pen and returned to the house.

Du Zhizhong and Lu Jizhou lived in the same room. Lu Jizhou was too alert. Using a laser pointer to plot against Du Zhizhong would inevitably alert Lu Jizhou, so let's forget it today.Spare him for now and make plans tomorrow.

In fact, Lu Jizhou was already alarmed. He heard the sound of Du Ruoli's footsteps. After a while, he heard the woman's begging for mercy and guessed that she was seeking revenge.

Revenge is right!If he doesn't retaliate, he still looks down on her!

If someone slaps you in the face, you should slap him back hard and chop off your entire arm.

As for the means?Forget it, who hasn’t ordered a secret yet?He is not curious anymore!
Lu Jizhou turned over, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

In the North Courtyard, Mr. Bai heard Yang Meier talk about the purchase process, and quickly sent people to each room to ask where the woman who called herself Jing Niang belonged to.

After asking around, naturally there was no such person.

Third Master Bai didn't give up and chased him to the gate of the inn and asked the old concierge if a young woman had come in today.

After saying that, he handed over a piece of silver. The old porter put the money away skillfully and slowly shook his head: "Not a single hair has entered the inn today, let alone a woman."

Mr. Bai understood that this Jing Niang lived in the inn.

There are three types of people living in the inn. Apart from low-class businessmen like them, there are also officials and exiles.The down-and-out official lady and the poor female exiled prisoner may secretly take things to sell in the North Courtyard. In the North Courtyard, they meet Yang Meier, a rich idiot, and a business is completed.

But luckily he has a fool like Yang Meier, otherwise how would he have discovered that there was a gold-encrusted capable person hidden in the inn?
O you who are encrusted with gold!It's rare for him, Mr. Bai, to take a fancy to a person. Since he has taken a fancy to you, no matter if you are a down-and-out official lady or an exiled prisoner, you must get it.

After getting it, his Bai family will reach a higher level.The niece's position as concubine will also be more stable.With a few more sons, the Bai family's status will really be stable, and they will no longer be a low-class person who can be trampled upon.

(End of this chapter)

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