Chapter 40 Vomiting
At night, Du Ruoli was sleeping well in the space, and suddenly she felt a commotion outside.He hurriedly escaped from the space and heard an angry man's voice shouting outside: "Everyone in the barn, come out, come out, and stand outside. Anyone who doesn't obey the rules will be killed!"

Everyone didn't understand what happened, so they hurriedly tied on their shirts, shoes and socks and headed outside.After Du Ruoli woke up with a hug, her sister, who was crying softly, followed her out.

As soon as the people in the room were empty, a guard from the inn came forward and turned the inside upside down, not missing any mouse holes.

The prisoners were divided into male and female teams and searched separately.There were countless officers walking around in front of the team. Whenever there was the slightest movement, they would whip over and beat the people to pieces.

They, the exiled prisoners, were so undignified that they were called out and searched in the middle of the night without giving any reason.

This cannibalistic society!

Du Ruoli stood in the crowd with a dull face, gently patting her sister.

My sister was so frightened that she had no bottle to comfort her. She kept looking for a sense of security and kept pushing towards her chest.

Du Ruoli had no choice but to put her finger into her mouth and use it as a pacifier.Du Ruoyu was not picky, he held his sister's little finger and sucked it very hard, and the person gradually became quiet.

The front search was very slow, and it took a while to finish searching one person.Du Ruoyu was tired of sucking his fingers and had fallen asleep for a long time before it was Du Ruoli's turn.

Du Ruoli stopped forward and realized that the person searching her body was actually Yang Meier who lived in the North Courtyard.

Yang Mei'er first looked at her face carefully, and then pinched her clothes carefully from the inside to the outside. Xiao Ruoyu didn't let go, and searched her whole body, as if looking for banknotes.

Du Ruoli suddenly understood that all this was coming for her.

Yang Meier bribed the police officers with great fanfare and conducted a thorough search on them, just to find out the banknotes spent during the day.

What's the point of wanting to go back on her word after spending the money... No, she had to go through such a big deal, and she would have to pay a lot for the inn, maybe it would be more than 1000 taels of silver.

So, what she is looking for is not the banknote, but the person Du Ruoli?
She is a skinny thing next to a businessman. All her thoughts are on eating, drinking, having fun, and pleasing men. What do you want to do with her?
Oh, merchant!

Du Ruoli understood that her master was interested in her cosmetics and wanted to find her a job.

Tsk tsk, this invitational battle is really breathtaking!

Du Ruoli raised her eyes and looked at the man with a strange mind, standing next to Yang Meier, who was called Mr. Bai by the guards.

Oh my god, why is this person so short? He is so short and fat that he is almost square.Standing together with Yang Meier, eating steamed buns and fried dough sticks.

"Hey, how old are you?" Yang Meier looked at her face and searched her body, but found nothing, and started to listen to the voice.

Du Ruoli said calmly and in her original voice: "The guilty girl is 15 years old!"

Trying to use this little trick to trick her is a bit shallow.

When you go out to sell something that is ahead of its time, can you not put on a good disguise?

She could responsibly say that there was nothing like her appearance at that time, from head to toe, and the banknotes had already entered the space, and Yang Meier could not catch her.

Sure enough, after questioning, Yang Meier shook her head at Mr. Bai and let Du Ruoli go.

Du Ruoli returned to the livestock shed. Du Ruoying, the mother and daughter in front of her, had already tidied up the house and were holding the clay pot with a smile: "The pot was turned over and some toona seeds were lost, but it's not serious, just I made up a small amount.”


Sure enough, the simpler the person, the happier. In this humiliating time, the mother and daughter only care about their toon seeds. They seem to be happy when they see that the seeds have nothing to lose.

Are you used to being bullied, or is this your nature?Du Ruoli didn't know, so she lay down and continued to sleep.Lu Jizhou was also searched.

Unlike Du Ruoli, he knew Bai San's purpose very early.

His people had been following Bai San, heard the conversation between Bai San and Shouma, and also knew how Bai San bribed the guards at the inn.

He hasn't taken any action, just because he wants to follow him.

Because he is also very interested in the woman Bai San is looking for.Winning women over, making money is secondary, he has a more important role.

It's a pity that Bai San couldn't find this person.They didn't find it on the Guanyi side, and they didn't find it on the exile team either.

He seems to be extremely cunning.

Lu Jizhou subconsciously thought of Du Ruoli's name and thought it was impossible. He shook the thought away and asked his men to keep an eye on Bai San.

Bai San is a person with a strong desire for control. He will definitely try his best to get what he wants.He will not give up and will keep looking until he finds it.He just follows behind and grabs the fruit.

It was obvious that Mr. Bai was being schemed. Because he got nothing, he went back angrily. He wanted to take his anger out on Yang Meier, but thinking that she was the only person who knew that woman, he suppressed his anger and ordered the capable steward around him: " Send people to keep an eye on me, send people to keep an eye on both sides, no matter what the cost!"

Yang Meier was so exhausted after a night that she went back to her room and fell asleep without any idea of ​​what had happened.

The next day.

The heavy rain still showed no signs of stopping. The exile team could not continue to stay at the inn and set off in the rain.

Traveling very slowly in the rain, Du Ruoli walked around Xue Jinxin and asked her: "Who is Mr. Bai?"

Xue Jinxin sneered: "The third son of the Bai family, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, travels on behalf of the Bai family all the time. He is shrewd and ruthless. He wants money rather than his life."

"It turns out he is the richest man!" Du Ruoli understood: "His hands and eyes are all over the sky!"

"Isn't it?" Xue Jinxin curled her lips sarcastically. She was humiliated last night. No matter how good-tempered she was, she couldn't help but turn on the venomous tongue mode:
"The eldest daughter of the next generation of the Bai family, who is also his eldest niece, will soon become the concubine of the Northwest King! The Jiangnan Bai family is a royal in-law, which is amazing! I just don't know if the Northwest King really sees it She falls in love with his niece, but she also falls in love with the Bai family’s money! I think it’s probably the latter.”

It turns out that there is such a relationship, no wonder the guards buy their face!

It can be seen that power is really good and can make people do anything!

Du Ruoli thought of Bai San's appearance and asked, "Is Uncle Xiao my niece?"


Xue Jinxin was also happy and said in a low voice: "I heard someone say that his appearance is very ordinary. He doesn't grow vertically but grows horizontally."

Isn't that the female version of Mr. Bai?
Although he was not kind and should not anger his family because of Third Master Bai, Du Ruoli couldn't help but laugh.

Xue Jinxin followed suit and lay on Du Ruoli's shoulder, swaying with laughter.

I don't know if it was because she was laughing too hard, but Xue Jinxin vomited "Wow" and squatted on the ground until she burst into tears.

Suddenly, countless pairs of eyes looked this way, especially those of Ji Tong and the other police officers, whose eyes were filled with fanaticism and excitement.

Everyone in the Zhao family turned pale and stood there unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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