Chapter 41 Silent Resistance
Du Ruoli suddenly reacted, stretched out her hand to dig into her throat, squatted down, and vomited together with Xue Jinxin.

While vomiting, he said: "Sister Xue, it must be the problem with the piece of cake just now. It tastes musty and turns around when it enters the stomach."

Du Ruozhen was clever and shouted from a few people away: "Oh, I also ate that piece of cake. I can't do it anymore... vomit... vomit..."

Zhou Daya followed closely behind, also vomiting.

All the friends vomited, and Du Ruoying also squatted down and started to vomit. After vomiting, she actually vomited.

When the officers saw that they had eaten something bad, they immediately lost interest, turned their heads one after another, and ran away as far as they could.

Thinking about it, it has been more than two months since the Zhao family was confiscated. The female relatives were locked in a dark cell, unable to eat or sleep well.After I came out, I walked all day long, and there was no relaxing time.

If she is pregnant, let alone a delicate noble girl, even a peasant woman who works hard all day long will not be able to survive and will have already turned into a pool of blood.

Therefore, the Zhao family's daughter-in-law was really just as hungry as everyone else.

They don't have to stare at it, and they don't have to report it to receive credit.

As soon as the guards left, the Zhao family collectively came to their senses and looked at Xue Jinxin worriedly.Mrs. Zhao glanced over, and everyone came back to their senses. They no longer looked cautious and walked on their own.

The old lady took out a bottle of pills from her small bag and gave one pill to each of the five people who were vomiting: "Here, take it to stop vomiting. After eating, sit down and rest on the carriage. Don't take it easy in the future." Eating something rotten."

Du Ruoli and others acted weakly and helped each other to the Zhao family's exclusive carriage. They replaced several elderly people and sat on it themselves.

Doing the whole show, they are now patients.

Sitting in the crowded carriage, Du Ruoli looked at Xue Jinxin, whose face was pale, and wondered what would happen if she was really pregnant.
The Holy One had sentenced all the men under the age of 70 in the Zhao family to be executed. It was hard to say whether he would let her die immediately after learning that she was pregnant.

Even if she is allowed to live, the child will not be allowed to be born.Wouldn't this still cost her her life?

F*ck, what a perverted and dehumanizing system this is!
Compared to Du Ruoli's anger and anxiety, Xue Jinxin's performance was calmer.

Whether it was pregnancy or just plain vomiting, she accepted it.

This is her life, a life that cannot be escaped.

Resting her head on Du Ruoli's shoulder, she wanted to rest for a while.

Seeing her appearance, Du Ruoli gradually calmed down and closed her eyes to rest.

Du Ruozhen, Du Ruoying and Zhou Daya had never been in a carriage before. They were a little excited. They looked inside and outside for a while, but they didn't sleep.

Mrs. Zhao felt as if she was fried, but on the surface, nothing happened, so she followed the team for an hour.

An hour later, he changed with the people in the carriage.

Du Ruoli pulled Du Ruozhen and others out of the car: "Thank you for the pills. We are feeling better. Let's get out of the car now."

He said weakly holding the car door and slowly got out of the car.

Like her, her good friends got off the car slowly and followed the team slowly.

When they were out of sight, Mrs. Zhao held Xue Jinxin's wrist and began to diagnose her pulse.

When she was idle and bored, she learned a little bit about medicine and could read a simple pulse.

After pressing her left hand and her right hand several times, Mrs. Zhao burst into tears.

I used to look forward to my great grandson, and my most beloved grandson, Brother Rui, to have a child.

Now that I'm really looking forward to it, it's at a time like this.God, what should she do?

Xue Jinxin read the pregnancy information from her grandmother's expression, put her hand on her lower abdomen, and smiled infinitely tenderly.

When did you get pregnant?
Was it the time when Brother Rui went on duty and went around half the city to buy candied dates for her?

Or was it the time when Brother Rui saw her suffering in the summer and accompanied her to stay in Zhuangzi?

Or go back to her parents' home with her, in her former boudoir?
After five years of marriage, Qiao'er was already three years old. The couple was still as good as when they first got married, so good that she really didn't know which time she got pregnant.

It doesn't matter which time, what matters is that she is pregnant with Brother Rui's flesh and blood again.

This was the thought he left for her. She wanted to give birth to a child and raise her well.Both men and women should be educated well to become as good a person as Brother Rui.

Mrs. Zhao quickly made a decision and shook her head at Xue Jinxin: You can't have this child, so take it away quietly.

She wanted her great-grandson and wanted to leave a root for the Zhao family. She was going crazy thinking about it.

But she hopes that her grandson-in-law is alive and everyone lives well.

If the ancestors of the Zhao family want to blame, then blame her. It was she who betrayed her ancestors and cut off the Zhao family's only thought.

Xue Jinxin looked at her old grandmother pleadingly and shook her head gently: No, this is brother Rui's flesh and blood. I will fight to the death to give birth to him, and I beg my grandmother to grant her permission.

The old lady was unmoved, her expression extremely determined: No, this matter cannot be discussed.

Xue Jinxin showed a rare disobedience: The child is mine and no one can take it away unless I die.

Mrs. Zhao sighed in her heart, that's all, take your time.No one would agree to this immediately.

She is also a mother and understands the heart of being a mother.

Du Ruoli and others left the carriage and continued to walk through the water with heavy loads.She whispered to her good friends that she just had a bad stomach today, and she told everyone this.No matter what else I guess, I keep it in my heart and cannot speak it out, let alone meddle in other people's business.

She has done everything she can, and even exceeded her expectations.For the rest, no matter how powerless you are, just pretend you don’t know.

It rained in the sky and flooded the ground. It took three hours from Mao hour to Chen hour. The team only advanced five miles, which was ten miles slower than the original plan.

Everyone was exhausted. A 73-year-old man in the Zhao family fell into the water and never got up again.

The Zhao family stopped collectively, dug a hole, dug the soil, put on the best clothes for the old man, and wanted to bury him with dignity.

Ji Tong was furious and urged the team to leave quickly and not to waste time.The Zhao family is collectively deaf and still goes its own way.He was whipped and his body was covered in blood, but he still did what he was supposed to do.

Ji Tong was extremely angry, but he couldn't really do anything to them.If you can't make the payment then, your chance to make a lot of money will be gone!

He threw down the whip and found his own way down the stairs: "Since you are stubborn, don't blame me for being cruel. The Zhao family's lunch and dinner are gone today. Just be hungry. The rest of you will wait and rest where you are."

As soon as they heard about the rest, the remaining people hurriedly found a place to put their luggage, put it away and went forward to help the Zhao family. They dug holes, dug soil, and cut down trees to order the simplest coffin for him.

During the process, Du Ruoli kept looking at the patriarch Du Changxing.

The Zhao family is a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people, but they are still able to resist the guards and give dignity to their dead relatives.Why can't the Du family do it?

Her parents died, and her mother gave birth on the road, but she was not cared for at all. Is it because the patriarch has no blood and charisma?

(End of this chapter)

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