Chapter 42 Dog bites dog

Feeling Du Ruoli's gaze, Du Changxing said to himself, "I want it too."

But who calls the Du family poor and not as rich as the Zhao family?Without money to open the way, what can he do?

Can he hit it?How many stabs can his body bear?
Fighting against the guards is nothing but death.

If he dies, won't the whole family be doomed?

The cowardly old man was wronged, but Du Ruoli didn't notice and followed Du Ruozhen and others to look for the toon tree.

It doesn't take too many people to bury an old man, especially women who are weak. There's nothing wrong without them.Her good friends were very energetic, so she couldn't sit idle and followed them to look for them together.

They climbed up along the winding path and climbed nearly two miles before they saw a toon tree.The fruits fell all over the ground, in bunches, like birds spreading their wings.

Step forward to pick up the fruit, break it open, take out the tiny black seeds inside, and put them in your purse.

After picking up the fruits on the ground, Du Ruozhen saw that there were still some fruits that had not fallen from the tree.Take off the bamboo hat, wrap a layer of oil paper on your head, climb up the tree and pick fruits.

She was pampered and pampered by her family. She followed her brother everywhere since she was a child. She climbed trees, went down rivers, and was proficient in shooting slingshots.She is the Du family, and she may be the girl who is least like a girl in this era.

Du Ruoli was attracted to her because of this unique temperament of life.

She likes her so much, number one.

The leaves were covered with water. Every time Du Ruozhen climbed up, countless water drops would fall down and sprinkle on the people under the tree.

The people under the tree left first and looked for new toon trees or gallinopsis fungi nearby.

Galli mushrooms are good things. Those without open umbrellas can be sold for money, while those with open umbrellas can keep them for yourself.It tastes delicious no matter how you prepare it. When fried into chicken fir oil, it tastes as delicious as meat, making people want to swallow it with their tongues.It's a pity that they picked it once and never picked it again.

Even so, every time they go to a new place, they will subconsciously look for gallinopsis.

Du Ruoli did not hold out hope for the out-of-season gallinomyces, so she stood in the open area and looked around.

Where they stayed, a dozen strong men from the Du family were helping the Zhao family dig a hole as deep as possible.Only in this way, people buried in the soil will not be dug out by wild beasts and chewed up until no bones are left.

The Zhao family members were weak and could only do ordinary work. They stood outside the pit, collecting soil from outside, and then poured it into piles on the side.After the person is buried, the soil will be filled back in to create a grave.A wooden sign is inserted into the grave bag to identify who is buried inside.If my family comes looking for me in the future, they won’t be in the wrong place.

The men who cut the wood and order the coffins were mainly men from the Du family, supplemented by old men from the Zhao family.Under the leadership of Du Changgui, everything is in order.

The Zhao family's women and children stayed by the deceased old man's side and accompanied him on his last journey.

Even the two or three-year-old children did not run around. They stayed close to the adults and did not make any noise. This shows that the Zhao family has a good family tradition.

The former head of the Zhao family was really a capable person. No matter what the reason for his beheading was, there was no denying that he was an expert at managing the family.

The current head of the family, Mrs. Zhao, is on par with him, or even better.This kind of Zhao family makes people feel good.

Hidden by the bushes a mile away from them was a man and woman talking.This couple is Du Zhizhong and Zhang Xiuhe.

Zhang Xiuhe wiped her tears as she spoke, her body trembling uncontrollably: "My most loyal nephew, what should I do? God has found me. If God shines a red light on me at night, will I be killed?" "Ah? Really?" ?When did it happen? Please tell me in detail!" Du Zhizhong's heart skipped a beat and he asked hurriedly.

Zhang Xiuhe thought about the weird red spots last night and cried louder, her nose and tears mingling together. It was as disgusting as it was:

"Yesterday... last night... a... burning... red spot... was... running around... on... my face..."

She pointed to the burnt places on her face and said, "Look, these are the places."

Du Zhizhong endured his nausea and stared at the scars on her face.

These scars look so weird that they cannot be burned by fire or boiled by water.

He murmured: "God really found me!"

When he said this, Du Zhizhong had already forgotten the scholar's strange power and chaos in his mind, and a cold air came out from the soles of his feet and went straight to his forehead.

Now that Zhang Xiuhe has been found, is it still far behind to find him as the instigator?
What to do?What to do?What should he do?

Du Zhizhong was running around anxiously. Zhang Xiuhe looked at his cowardly look and couldn't help complaining: "It's all your fault. You have evil thoughts that you shouldn't have, and you want to plot against your own clan sister. You also dragged your elders into the water and made you a fool." Errand runner. This is a good thing. God has punished you, and instead of punishing you, a great evil person, he will punish me, an errand runner. How can I reason with you!"

Du Zhizhong retorted: "Getting in trouble? Running errands? Aunt Seventh has no evil intentions, so Aunt Seventh will drug her niece? Aunt Seventh has no evil intentions, but Aunt Seventh will send her comatose niece into a man's room? She obviously wants to benefit from it, but why? Aunt Seventh, don’t be too shameless if you are trying to win over others!”

"You are shameless. You are a man's wife. You go to sleep with a man and you are made to walk with your head pouted. Who doesn't think you know?"

Zhang Xiuhe was not someone to be trifled with. She pointed at Du Zhizhong's nose and scolded: "In order to please Zhang Da, I went up to him myself and plotted against my clan sister. I didn't see him giving you any benefits. Could it be that you just put in the effort! Tsk, tsk, Scholars just know how to play!”

When women become bold and bold, men will have nothing to worry about!
Zhang Xiuhe stabbed Du Zhizhong in the heart with every word. Du Zhizhong was so angry that he almost fainted and jumped up and retorted: "No matter what I do, I can still get up and down. It's not like some people who deliberately flirt in front of Zhang Da and turn around three times in one step, wishing to directly Pounce on you. It's a pity that people don't care to look at you. Also, you look like a firewood stick, with thick eyebrows and a big face, even a man doesn't care to look at you. "


Being said so badly, Zhang Xiuhe couldn't bear it anymore and rushed forward and slapped Du Zhizhong on the face: "You bastard with no moral integrity, I will kill you today!"

Du Zhizhong received a slap in the face and his face was in burning pain. He covered his face and was stunned for a moment. Then he grabbed Zhang Xiuhe's hair and started fighting with her.

Dog bites dog, a mouth full of hair.Before she could do anything, the two started fighting.Du Ruoli shook her head, no longer watching the two mad dogs fighting, and turned her attention to the toon tree.

On the toon tree, Du Ruozhen was like a nimble monkey, constantly climbing and walking.He even dares to hold a branch with one hand and hang his body in the air to collect the most difficult fruits to ensure that no fragments are left behind.

Oh my god, it's so handsome!

More handsome than a gymnast!
This is the person Du Ruoli has wanted to be in her entire life, and it is also the person she will never be able to become in her entire life.She couldn't help but stare blankly, tears of envy flowing from the corners of her mouth.

It's not appropriate to stare at a girl all the time. It feels like a dead pervert.Du Ruoli turned her head and looked in the direction she was going.

At one glance, Du Ruoli's pupils shook violently.

(End of this chapter)

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