Chapter 43 Flood
Because not far ahead, on the road they must pass, the river surged so much that it flooded the road, forming a huge lake in the middle.

I don’t know how high it rose. Anyway, in that forest, only part of the tree crowns could be seen, and most of the trees were submerged together with their crowns.

On the turbid river water, there were a few flopping people, several dying animals, and countless fish.

It seemed that the river had suddenly risen, otherwise it would not have drowned people and animals.

Who would have thought that the persistence of the Zhao family actually saved the lives of these people.

If these people, who are carrying heavy objects, wearing shackles, old, weak, or sick, suddenly encounter a flood, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The floodwater continued to rise, spreading its ferocious fangs, and rushed in all directions with the momentum of swallowing up everything.

Maybe it won't take long before it reaches their final destination.

Du Ruoli ran desperately down the mountain, shouting loudly as she ran: "Run, the flood is coming, run quickly..."

Her shout startled everyone.

Except for the Zhao family who buried the old man, the rest were stunned for a moment, and then rushed to the luggage from the mountain, from the roadside, and from every corner, and hurriedly picked up the luggage.No matter if there is a path or not, grab whatever you can to climb up.

There were gasping people scattered on the hillside. Du Ruoli rushed to Du Ruoqiu and took her sister Du Ruoyu from her hand.

When he wanted to pick up the luggage from Zhou Daya's husband, Du Zhixiao, the other party refused: "Let's go quickly, it's not heavy, I can carry it. Don't waste time by changing it."

"Thank you so much!"

Du Ruoli didn't pull with him. She held her sister in one hand and grabbed the tree or grass in the forest with the other hand, climbing up with difficulty.

Lu Jizhou came down from the mountain and passed by her so fast that he could only see an afterimage. He took a few steps to the new grave at the foot of the mountain and said in a deep voice: "The flood is coming, hurry up, otherwise it will be too late!"

The Zhao family members all shook their heads when they looked at the new grave where the coffin had just been placed and the soil had not yet been filled.

A little while, they only need a little while to let the old man who has passed away rest in peace.They swore in front of their ancestors that everyone should live and die with dignity.

The funeral couldn't be more simple, so there's no reason to give up halfway.
Lu Jizhou looked straight at Mrs. Zhao and asked: "The flood is coming at a moment's notice, and the time to escape is only a short moment. Do you want these living people to be buried with the dead?"

"do not want!"

Mrs. Zhao immediately woke up, no longer hesitated, and waved her hand: "Let's go, all the Zhao family will follow me. The ancestors who have not yet been laid to rest have spirits in heaven and will not blame us. At this time, he He died so that we could avoid the flood, and we cannot let him down."

The old lady responded to every call, and the Zhao family all put down their work and rallied behind her.

She picked up her small baggage and climbed up along the road that Du Ruoli had just run down, which was also the only road that could be called a road, without looking back.

The family members followed her in an orderly manner, imitating her example of not looking back or missing the deceased.

The mountain road was difficult to walk, and the soil was soaked by the rain and became soft and sticky. The mud was all over the shoes, and every step weighed as much as a thousand pounds.When encountering a slippery road, I couldn't climb up. I needed a push from the person behind me... I climbed hard like this for half an hour before I reached the halfway point of the mountain, barely safe.


Not long after standing halfway up the mountain, the flood in the distance surged in like a ferocious beast, swallowing up everything.

Wherever he passed, there was a vast ocean.The bushes where they had stacked their luggage, the big rocks where they sat and rested, and the newly dug graves were all submerged and sank to the bottom of the water.

Du Zhizhong and Zhang Xiuhe, who missed the best time to escape because they were fighting together, were also swept into the water an hour and a half after climbing.

Zhang Xiuhe was a landlubber, flopping desperately in the water and shouting for help.Every time he shouted, he drank a large mouthful of muddy water.With each flutter, the person sinks further.

Du Zhizhong knew how to paddle a dog and was not that afraid of water. However, he was just floating on the water and could not swim out. He had to wait for someone to rescue him.

Zhang Xiuhe's husband was left alone. The children were so frightened that they cried and knelt on the ground to kowtow to the patriarch Du Changxing: "Uncle, please save my mother. Please save my mother."

Du Zhizhong's father and brother also knelt down and cried and begged for mercy: "Head of the clan, please save us! It won't rain now, and the flood will not come. There will be no danger if we go down to rescue people."

The clan leader, one with two heads, looked at the servants who had found a leeward place, lit a fire in the stove to cook meat, and had no intention of leaving for the time being.He gritted his teeth and said: "Families with boys, each have a boy, and go down to the water to save people! Families without boys, prepare a bite of food for the rescuer."

Families with boys ignored him.

Du Zhizhong's family is talking nonsense. Who said that the water will not rise when the rain stops?It will rise at any time. If you go there, don’t even think about coming back. No one wants to die.

Even more unwilling to die for people like Du Zhizhong and Zhang Xiuhe.

Families without boys ignored him.

It’s said that there are no men, so where will the food come from for others to eat?Shouldn't it be the two families asking for mercy?Clan leader, don’t be too partial.

The scene cooled down for a moment, and the clan leader looked at the clansmen in disbelief: "You don't listen to my arrangements, right? What I say is like nonsense, right? I have been busy for the family for most of my life, and I have no credit but also hard work. We have ended up like this! Good, very good, very good. Whether this clan leader is not my husband or not, whoever you want to be should be. Don’t come to me if anything happens in the future!"

Everyone in the Du family looked at each other in disbelief, and the patriarch gave up his choice. Don't they have no backbone?

But compared with his own life and food, if he doesn't have a backbone, he's nothing.Since their exile, they seem to have never had any problems and have come back fine.

People are afraid of comparison, and Mrs. Zhao is the kind of person who can be called the heart and soul of a lord.Du Changxing is a piece of shit, so it’s okay if he doesn’t want it.

Du Changxing waited for a long time, but he did not wait for the tribesmen to apologize and plead for mercy; he did not wait for the tribesmen to form a rope under his leadership and rescue their relatives in distress.

The Du clan are no longer the Du clan they used to be. They have become cunning, selfish and disobedient.

Is it really necessary to take care of such tribesmen?
Du Changxing leaned against the tree slumped, a little frustrated.

The two families saw that their clan members were not helping each other and that their relatives were becoming more and more dangerous, so they had no choice but to run down alone.

Du Changgui glanced around and called a few familiar men: "In this case, let's go and help. Don't go near the water, find a strong place nearby, tie yourself up, and leave someone to take care of you. Give one away Put a piece of bamboo into the water and let the people in the water grab it and bring it up."

This advice is reliable. It can save others without incurring any debt of conscience.You don't have to be in danger all the time, and you might lose your life.

"Listen to you, just do it!"

The men he pointed out all agreed, and the ones he didn't point out were not to be outdone and asked to follow him.

In less than half a stick of incense, Du Changgui gathered a team of 30 people and went down to rescue people.

(End of this chapter)

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