Chapter 47
The team stayed here for a long time, far longer than the half-hour lunch break.Ji Tong thought that if the Zhao family hadn't insisted, they would have already been in the water and would have to shed their skin even if they didn't die, so he simply turned a blind eye and let them do whatever they wanted.

Anyway, I can't walk a few miles in this kind of weather, so it's better to be a favor so that I can talk to him more easily in the future.

It wasn't until everyone finished eating the noodles that Du Zhizhong and Zhang Xiuhe came back from below.

The two of them had been soaking in the water for a long time, and their bodies were almost freezing. The family spent a long time rubbing, kneading, and covering them to calm them down, so they came up late.

Shen Sanzhi put the pot up again and made noodles for them to eat.After eating, Ji Tong waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Lu Jizhou went out again before and found out that there was a cave ten miles away that could accommodate people like them. They would spend the night in the cave tonight.

Du Ruoli carried her luggage again, but this time it was only her own. The belongings belonging to the Zhao family were taken away by Du Zhiquan's cousin.

Today's banquet, the Zhao family used more than 300 kilograms of grain, which was once carried on the backs of brothers Du Zhiquan.As soon as he relaxed, he quickly helped his family carry their luggage - Du Ruoli was included in the family.

Originally, she had to carry her own, but Du Ruoli didn't let it go and the other party didn't force it.

Just, a very relaxed and comfortable state.

Du Ruozhen's family of 27 members, four generations living under the same roof, are united and have nothing to worry about, just because of this thoughtfulness and relaxation.

Du Ruowang started to show off her today's harvest to Du Ruoli: "Ah Li, look, there is a purse full of toon seeds, at least a pound. According to your statement, if six pounds of toon seedlings can be produced, wouldn't that mean six pounds of toon seeds?" Two silver coins?"

Du Ruoli gave her a thumbs up: "Azhen, you are so great. All of us combined are not as much as you alone."

Du Ruozhen raised her chin arrogantly: "That's right, otherwise the name of the little tree-climbing genius can be called casually? But you and your aunt are still capable, know a lot of things, and can think of ideas, otherwise no matter how hard we work, we will never They only guard Jinshan Mountain and beg for food."

Don’t you have toon seeds in your hometown?
There are many!
I just don’t know how to turn it into money, and I don’t even know how to eat it, so I just let it rot in the mountains without anyone picking it up.

Thinking about it this way, it’s true that you can’t get rich just by working hard, you have to rely on your brain and knowledge.

It's funny that she used to look down on Ah Li, thinking she was too honest, and never wanted to talk to her.It turns out that he is the stupid one.

Du Ruoli corrected her: "It has nothing to do with me. It's the wisdom of others. I'm just a porter of wisdom."

Du Ruozhen pouted: "Okay, okay, whatever you say will happen! You are young, I will let you!"

Taking advantage of any disagreement, Du Ruoli scolded her: "You should have some respect, you will be two hours ahead of me!"

Du Ruozhen was so arrogant that he put his two fingers together and pointed at Du Ruoli's armpit: "What happened two hours earlier? That's my sister too. Call me sister quickly, or I'll punish you!"

Du Ruoli was ticklish, and when she saw this action, her armpits tightened, and she screamed in humiliation: "Sister!"

Du Ruozhen was satisfied: "This is right, my good sister!"

Du Ruoli: "..." Half an hour after climbing the mountain, it started to rain heavily again. People had to put on heavy rain gear, grab everything they could, and crawl forward.

The original hand was a pair of working hands, covered with calluses and cracks.Du Ruoli took good care of it after wearing it.Now the cracks are gone, the dryness condition has been improved, and the calluses are smaller than before. The delicate silk will not become stringy when touched, nor will I be woken up by itching in the middle of the night.

The price of comfort and good looks is that it will be very painful when grabbing rough and sharp objects with bare hands.Had to take the gloves out of the space and put them on.

The white work gloves, even though they were stained with mud and leaves, were too conspicuous among the crowd.Fortunately, no one paid attention to this.Paying attention to the road under their feet and ensuring that they don't fall have already made them use all their strength, and they have no time to pay attention to what others are wearing and what they are wearing.

The rain was too fast and fierce, and the ground was too wet and slippery. After two full hours, the sky was completely dark, and the team could barely climb half of the distance.

It was dark in front of us, and we didn't know what we would encounter if we stepped down. Everyone was afraid.But they had no rest, no shelter, no way to stay warm, and they would freeze to death if they took a night's rest.

Lu Jizhou was walking behind, and he clearly felt that the team had slowed down. From time to time there were frightened sounds, and he couldn't help but raise his voice and ask: "Master Ji, don't you plan to use the kerosene you brought?"

Yes, it’s kerosene!Du Ruoli knew that the guards would bring something to light up the rainy day, but she was stuck for a moment and didn't ask.

However, Lu Jizhou's question was much more effective than her question. After all, the guard looked up to him.And she is just a little transparent.

Ji Tong's original intention was not to take it out and force the Zhao family to pay for it.A torch soaked in kerosene cost ten taels of silver. If the Zhao family bought twenty torches, they would get 200 taels of silver.

Hearing Lu Jizhou's question, he was a little unhappy: "There is only a little bit of kerosene in total. I worked so hard to bring it here. What should I do after using it now? Just hold on for now. Isn't this still alive?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his beloved horse, who depended on each other for life, suddenly felt weak in its front legs.With a sharp roar, his body fell heavily to the ground and rolled down the hillside next to him. In an instant, he rolled out two or three feet away and got stuck on a tree covered with thorns. He was howling like a ghost.

Ji Tong was so distressed that he scrambled to catch up: "Xiaohong, what's wrong with you? Xiaohong, please don't let anything happen to you!"

Then he yelled at the team: "They are all dead! Don't you know how to come over and help lift me? I'm having a hard time, and no one can have a good time!"

The guards tied up their horses and stepped forward to help.The men of the Du family put their luggage on their backs and went to help.

Ji Tong squatted in front of the horse's head and gently touched its forehead and ears: "Xiaohong, just be patient and you will be rescued soon, okay? Wait...ah...ah...ah...get out... Hurry up and get out... I will be crushed to death..."

The person who came to help accidentally fell down. When he fell, he kicked the person in front of him on the leg, knocking him down.

The person in front used the same posture to knock down the person in front of him, forming a chain trap until he was in front of Ji Tong, pinning him and the horse tightly.

People behind also fell to the ground because the front was too slippery.On the hillside two or three feet high, there were two or three hundred people lying on the hillside at once, wailing and cursing one after another.

Seeing the man next door flipping on his back, Lu Jizhou sneered silently and silently retracted his right hand, as if he hadn't just attacked the horse with the iron ball.

Du Ruoli rested her chin on Du Ruozhen's shoulder, enjoying the excitement.It was as if this wrestling incident was not planned by her.

(End of this chapter)

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