Chapter 48 Farewell

Two people who met by chance reached a certain tacit understanding on the matter of resisting authority. Each of them added a handful of firewood and raised the fire to the highest level.

After the initial panic, the team rescued people.

The man who had never gone down reached out and pulled up the person on top.

The person at the top, then pull up the person in the front row.While pulling, someone fell down again, and the scene became a mess.

Ji Tong was deeply hurt by this, and suppressed the severe pain in his body and shouted: "Lu Jizhou, light the torch immediately, immediately."


Lu Jizhou agreed, and calmly came to the horses at the front of the team, one by one, taking the oil out of the sacks.

The team was forced to take a narrow and steep mountain road, and the carriage could not go up.It had already been abandoned when escaping from the flash flood, and a lot of things were thrown away, and the rest was packed in rugs.

It's time, don't worry!Ji Tong was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he was worried that scolding others would make people give up their job altogether.He didn't believe the rest of the people, so he had to endure it all the time.

Lu Jizhou wasn't sincerely trying, he just didn't want to get too used to Ji Tong and wanted him to learn a lesson, not to be obsessed with money and miss important things.

Half a quarter of an hour later, kerosene and torches were found. Lu Jizhou poured kerosene on the torches and lit them, and lit twenty of them luxuriously.

Finally, there was light where I couldn't see my fingers.As the fear in everyone's hearts dissipated, even the wrestling became less frequent.

The men got up one by one, the serious ones retreated outside, and the minor ones continued to help.

Unfortunately, the strong red horse died in the end, and Ji Tong was also seriously injured.

Before being lifted up, Ji Tong desperately stretched out his right hand, touched the BMW that was gradually cooling down, and said his final goodbyes to it.

"Please bury Xiao Hong well, so that he can have a good pregnancy in the next life, become a good horse, be loved and cared for by his master and believers, and live a better life than a human being."

There was a strong cry in his voice, which contained deep sorrow and reluctance.If they had not known that he was a human being, those who heard it would have been sad and those who heard it would have shed tears.

The servant had to dig a hole and bury the BMW according to his boss's request.

They said it would be better to just stew it and eat it.BMW is only three or four years old, which is when it tastes most delicious. It's not too tender and chewy, and it's not too old to bite. If you eat it in a warm bowl, it will be more powerful, right?

But Ji Tong always told the truth, and they just thought about it and didn't dare to speak out, let alone disobey.

Du Ruoli hid in the space when no one was paying attention.After everyone left, he quietly transported the horse into the space.

If you find an opportunity to sell it in the future, it will be a sum of money. It would be a pity to throw it away in vain.

Even if it can't be sold, it's okay to eat it yourself. She hasn't eaten horse meat yet, and I heard it's delicious.Especially muscular horses that have been exercising all year round. The meat is firm and delicate, and tastes better than beef and mutton. She just happened to have a taste.

After randomly kicking the dirt into the grave a few times, Du Ruoli caught up with the team and reached the end of the team.

Ji Tong did not have the lit torch and did not dare to ask for it to be taken back.Hold one up from a distance and shine it in mid-air, barely illuminating the way forward.

Lu Jizhou, who was walking at the end, raised the only torch in the prisoner's hand, looked back at her with eyes like a deep pool, and then looked at her fingers stained with some soil, thoughtfully.

What are you looking at? Have you never seen a stunning beauty?Du Ruoli was already immune to these eyes, so she looked back unceremoniously, bypassing him and rushing forward.

Lu Jizhou didn't say anything, he stopped silently, turned his body sideways, and made way for her.

Suddenly there was a cry from the front, so sharp that it could pierce people's eardrums: "Xiaolan, mother's daughter, where did you fall? Just promise, mother will go find you."

Then came the voice of Mrs. Zhao: "Xiaolan, good Xiaolan, please speak quickly and tell us where you are. Our family will go find you..."

Before Mrs. Zhao's voice fell, another young voice rang out: "Ah... Grandma is gone too. The one who was in front of me just now... Grandma, grandma, where are you? Don't leave us behind... "

The carriage was abandoned, and the Zhao family had no means of transportation and relied on their own feet to walk. They could no longer hold on.On the steepest section ahead, two of them missed the mark and fell off the cliff.

It fell silently.

The Zhao family stopped collectively and looked around.

Ji Tong was seriously injured and only received simple treatment. He was eager to find a cave and settle down.There were more than 20 injured officers, five of whom were seriously injured. Their wounds were not treated and they were eager to settle down.

At Ji Tong's signal, the second person in charge, Liu Zhi, stood up and said sternly: "Hurry up, don't stop even a step, and go to the cave as soon as possible to spend the night. Otherwise, my whip doesn't have eyes, and I'll beat him to death or maim him."

As he spoke, a whip was struck on Xiaolan's mother's back, causing her screams to suddenly stop. She fainted immediately and fell to the ground unknown to anyone.

Old Mrs. Zhao's face was as white as snow, and she knew she was no more stubborn than a servant. She found two relatively strong women to take turns carrying Xiaolan's mother, Zhang Yunru, and she personally held the hand of Zhao Mingyue, a girl who had lost her grandmother, and said to the tribesmen: "Let's go." , first go to the place where you live and then talk."

It would take at least two hours to walk to where we live and back again.Two hours have passed, how can these two people be alive?
Not to mention whether you are injured or whether you encounter wild animals, even the cold can freeze people to death!

But what about that?

They are no longer what they used to be, and no one listens to what they say.I have no choice but to move forward if I want to live.

With tears in their eyes, the Zhao family silently glanced at the bottom of the cliff, said their final goodbyes to their loved ones, and then continued on their way.

Du Ruoli looked very uncomfortable from the back, feeling as sad as a rabbit dying and a fox dying.From time to time, I stretched my head to look in the direction of the cliff, hoping for a miracle. When I saw the two people coming back alive, they said they just fell and it was okay, so they continued walking.

She didn't expect a miracle, but her feet slipped and her whole body threw forward.

Just as she was about to pounce on a sharp stone and get a bloody hole in her face, someone behind her grabbed her... by the back collar.

The wrestling posture stopped, and the person was almost strangled to death.

Du Ruoli didn't know for a moment whether she should say thank you or scold him severely.

Say thank you, but he held her back by the collar instead of pulling her.Don't say he didn't do it on purpose. With his ability, he really did it on purpose.

Damn it, they helped her after all.Counting the time when the wild boar attacked and the time when someone ran into her during the fire, he had helped her three times.She couldn't do it after someone helped her and uttered evil words.

After struggling over and over again, Du Ruoli glared at Lu Jizhou fiercely and said, "Thank you!"

Lu Jizhou faked a smile, showing his big white teeth: "You're welcome!"

(End of this chapter)

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