Chapter 49 Mystery
Du Ruoli didn't want to pay attention to him, turned around and continued on her way.

Lu Jizhou looked at her angrily back, and the corners of his mouth curved in a happy arc.

He just wanted to see her look like she couldn't stand him and couldn't kill him.

At midnight (11 p.m.), the team finally arrived at the cave.No one, including men and horses, was covered in mud and water, and no one was uninjured.

The cave is a place for hunters to stay. When the hunter is away, there is a lot of firewood and some food stored in it.Passers-by can take these things temporarily and return them before leaving.

The exile team did not take any food, but lit firewood and built two large fires at the entrance of the cave.The heat from the fire continued to flow into the cave, and the frozen people slowly recovered.

Du Ruoli was wearing thermal underwear and a waterproof jacket. She was not cold, but she was hungry, hungry and tired.

Away from the big-hearted Du Ruoying, she was under the nose of the attentive Lu Jizhou. She neither dared to secretly take food out of the space to eat, nor dared to send her sister into the space. She hung it on her chest all the way, which exhausted her to death.

When he entered the cave, he sat down on the ground and refused to move.

Zhou Daya came over and took away Xiao Ruoyu, Wu Yueniang, Du Ruoying and Du Ruozhen, surrounding a curtain with cloth and asking her to change out of her wet clothes.

Du Ruoli saw that they hadn't changed yet, but she was thinking about her first.He stood up desperately and changed his outer clothes.By the way, he smuggled a few pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus cake out of the space and gave each of them a piece.

He put the remaining piece into his mouth and devoured it.The other people, like her, also devoured the food voraciously and had already eaten it before they even tasted it.

After eating the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, the others also changed their clothes.

Outside, Du Changgui directed everyone to light a fire, and Shen Sanzhi boiled two pots of hot water for everyone to drink to get rid of the cold.

After a bowl of hot water, the cave became busy again.Those who changed their clothes changed their clothes, those who made the floor made the floor, and those who cooked cooked.

The black steamed buns that I ordered were completely unable to satisfy my stomach, which was loudly singing about the empty city strategy at this time, and needed some other comfort.No one was stingy, they all took out the best food and rewarded themselves.

The friends went to their own business, and Du Ruoqiu came to find Du Ruoli to get food: "Sister Li, mother said to cook pimple soup, it is quick to make, and the food is full and delicious. Everyone gives three liang of wheat noodles, which is just like this for a flat bowl. , you give it to me."

Being taken care of to such an extent, not only do I not need help with cooking, I even let the children help me with running errands.Du Ruoli blushed, took the thing from Xiaoqiu's hand, and gave her a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake: "You eat first, I'll scoop up the noodles right now."

Xiaoqiu tasted the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in small sips. Du Ruoli turned her back, cracked ten eggs into the basin, added several kilograms of flour, and filled most of the basin.

When you are so hungry, three taels of food is definitely not enough.Especially for men with big appetites, it’s just a gap between their teeth.If she can't help with the work, just provide some food.

Du Ruoli didn't let Xiaoqiu give it to her, but asked her to help hold her sister, and then brought it out to Shen Sanzhi herself.With Wu Yueniang's help, Shen Sanzhi had heated up the soup. A spoonful of lard was put into the soup, which was so fragrant that it made people salivate.

"Aunt, the flour is here." Du Ruoli handed the basin to Shen Sanzhi.

Shen Sanzhi saw the extra noodles and the faint egg liquid under the noodles, and knew what was going on. He reached out and slapped Du Ruoli on the forehead: "The little girl doesn't know how to live with such old things. You don't have to work or walk at night, and it's not worth eating when you're full. Don't do this next time, believe it or not, I'll beat you!" "I listen to my aunt, save food next time." Du Ruoli actively admitted her mistake and softened her voice Said: "I'm starving, please take it and make some noodles. Eat early and go to bed."

Shen Sanzhi thought she had heard it, so he took the basin and started stirring. When he found ten eggs hidden underneath, his hands itched again.

But when he looked back, there was still no trace of the smelly girl. He couldn't help but shake his head, feeling extremely worried.

Wu Yueniang stretched her neck to take a look at the flour and eggs in the basin, and took a breath. Then she said with a smile: "I'm almost used to Li Yatou's behavior. Sister-in-law, don't worry, she is very capable, and she is more capable than anyone else." We all understand and will live a good life. Better than us."

"That's right! After her father and mother died, she became enlightened. She can make money, deal with servants and nobles, and her sister is also good at taking care of her. She also brings the rest of us to make a fortune together. It seems that there is nothing she can't do." Shen Sanzhi shook her head again: "I think it's wrong. I always think of her as the honest child she used to be, and she needs to be worried and talked about by her elders."

"Were you honest before?" Wu Yueniang thought for a while, and finally remembered what Du Ruoli was like in the past: "Don't say it, the change is really big, it's like a different person. His ability has grown, and his personality has also changed. He loves to talk and laugh. She loves to act coquettishly and is extremely considerate, so I don’t know how lovable she is.”

"Indeed. She is getting better and better, and my parents should feel relieved."

Shen Sanzhi kept stirring the flour and signaled Wu Yueniang to open the lid and pour the flour lumps into the pot: "Thanks to you girl Tuoli, I can eat very full tonight. It feels so good to go to bed after eating. I slept soundly all night until dawn. This kind of life has never happened before. I didn’t expect that after being exiled for a while, I would actually enjoy such happiness."

The pimple soup boiled three times, and Shen Sanzhi poured it into wooden bowls respectively. Wu Yueniang continued to speak next to him: "Who says it's not true! I'm not afraid of my sister-in-law's jokes. The good food I have eaten in recent days is actually more than what I had eaten in the first half of my life. More, even better. I often think I’m dreaming.”

"Yes, yes, I always feel like I'm dreaming too." Shen Sanzhi was worried that his saliva would get into the food, so he said sideways, "I pinched myself several times, and my thighs are still green to this day."

The two of them were chatting quietly here, thinking that others could not hear the sound of rain, burning fire and boiling food.

Little did they know that there were people with sensitive five senses who could hear all their conversations.

Suddenly enlightened?
Like a different person?

Lu Jizhou tilted his head and glanced in Du Ruoli's direction as if nothing had happened.

The girl was holding her sister in one hand and Qiao'er in the other, talking nonsense and making the two little idiots giggle.

That bright and confident smile was completely inconsistent with her status as a poor peasant girl.

His initial feeling was correct, there was a huge mystery surrounding this girl.

Du Ruoli didn't expect that she was being considered. When the meal was almost ready, she handed her sister over to Xue Jinxin and went outside by the fire to drink a bowl of solid pimple soup to fill her empty stomach with food.

After putting down the bowl, Mrs. Zhao came out and saluted to Du Changgui: "Uncle Du family, I would like to ask for your help to find my relatives lost on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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