Chapter 51 Wulingzhi

September 9th is another day that I can’t leave.

Ji Tong developed a high fever in the middle of the night. His wounds were ulcerated and swollen, making him unable to move.Several officers were seriously injured, and their situation was not much better than his.

The accompanying doctor was of limited skill and worked all night but could not solve the problem.

Unable to delay like this any longer, the Sixth Appointment sent a few officers to take a long way back to Qingyun County and invite experienced doctors to come and treat him.It would take at least half a day to go back and forth, and the team was forced to stop.

As soon as Liuzhi announced the order, Du Ruoli winked at her friends and asked them to follow her.

Last night and this morning, she heard the sound of a bird.

This kind of bird is called Hanhao bird.

When she was in elementary school, she learned a text about the cold horn bird, "Dororo, Dororo, the cold wind freezes me to death. I will build a nest tomorrow." This was deeply remembered by her, and she went to check it out when she grew up.

I found out that Hanhao Bird is not a bird, but a kind of flying squirrel.Find out its unique call.More importantly, it was found that the feces produced by it, after drying, are a valuable medicinal material called Wulingzhi, which is used to promote blood circulation and relieve pain.

Du Ruozhen, Zhou Daya, and Du Ruoying knew something good was coming and hurriedly followed.Du Ruoqiu stayed behind to take care of the two babies.

The cry of the trumpeting bird came from the other side of the cave, from the narrow entrance near the cliff.

Du Ruoli and her friends walked along the cave. There were more and more rocks inside, and it became narrower and narrower. Only one person could crawl through.

She stopped and said: "If you find it difficult to breathe, panic or short of breath, stop immediately. If someone is a little thick and can't climb over, stop immediately. Don't get stuck and be unable to pull it out."

Du Ruozhen said: "You are not as flexible as me, and you are not as delicate as me. Why don't you wait here, I will go in alone, see the feces brought out, sell it and divide it equally."

Du Ruoli didn't agree: "I want to go in to confirm if it's okay. They probably also want to go in to see the situation, so let's go together."

They are a collective and cannot let one person take risks. They all take care of each other together.

Zhou Daya and Du Ruoying said in unison: "We are going too."

"Okay, let's go!" Du Ruozhen continued to crawl forward, followed by Du Ruoli, Du Ruoying and Zhou Daya.

After walking a certain distance, Du Ruoli suddenly became afraid: "What if I encounter a snake or other hibernating animals? Oh, I am most afraid of snakes. They are so cold that just looking at them makes my spine shiver. If I really encounter them, I'm afraid... I'm going to faint from fear."

Du Ruozhen chuckled in front: "Call you stupid, you are smart in this. Call you smart, but you are too lazy to think about things. Which animal would choose to hibernate with the cold horn bird? It screams all day long and is noisy. It’s so noisy, how can I sleep?”

What she said made sense, but Du Ruoli was speechless.He tightened his grip on the dagger in his hand, straightened the crossbow on his wrist, and moved forward again.

As Du Ruozhen said, there are really no large or medium-sized animals hidden in the cave.In addition to squirrels, mice, lizards and other small animals, the biggest one is probably the hornbill.

When the Hanhao Bird with its cute big eyes saw the two-legged beast approaching, it was so frightened that it flapped its wings violently and soared into the sky. In the blink of an eye, not a single one was left.

But the color, the flying membrane on the body, and the flying posture were exactly the same as in the video. Du Ruoli confirmed that this was the Hanhao bird.

Next, it’s time to pick up shit, ah, it’s time to collect medicine.

Hanhao birds do not defecate anywhere and have special toilets.Just find the toilet.The entrance of the cave is slightly wider and can accommodate two people.Du Ruoli climbed to the front, stuck her head out side by side with Du Ruozhen, and saw that the small hole next door was Hanhaoniao's toilet.

The toilet is on Du Ruoli's side, and the smell is so strong that it makes people's heads hurt.

She didn't mind it, so she put on her gloves and put handfuls of them into the bag, mentally building up while filling them: This is not daddy, this is medicine, a panacea for promoting blood circulation and relieving pain; this is not dung, this is money, you can buy anything. of money.

Oops, it still stinks. After quickly picking up a bag, Du Ruoli quickly crawled away, and Du Ruozhen came to pick it up.

Du Ruozhen didn't think anything happened. He even smelled it hard and said: "It's a medicinal material. Of course it's weird. It's not worth it if it's not weird. This one is worth it!"

Du Ruoli: "..."

Du Ruoying and Zhou Daya each stepped forward to collect a bag and cleaned the toilet before they were willing to go back.

Back home, it was still Du Ruozhen who took the lead, Zhou Daya at the back, and Du Ruoli and Du Ruoying in the middle.With a cloth bag tied to his back, he crawled hard.

The third grandmother, Wu Yueniang, Shen Sanzhi, and Du Ruozhen's own wife, Wang Guihua, were guarding the road halfway, each supporting the other.

The third cousin's grandmother took Du Ruoli's cloth bag, let her lean on her shoulder, hugged her and walked, scolding her as she walked: "Why don't you ask your uncles, uncles, brothers and nephews to do such hard work? They eat a lot and have thick skin. , it’s time to do hard work. We girls can just follow along and watch the fun, but don’t really do it. If you get injured or hurt, you will still have to suffer. "

Wang Guihua gave her mother-in-law advice: "Yes, next time you encounter an unknown situation, let the man get in first. When you are sure there is no danger, it is not too late to move forward."

As he spoke, he slapped Du Ruozhen from behind: "They don't know, and you don't know either? How do you teach me, why did you forget behind your ears?"

Du Ruozhen looked sad and did not dare to reply.

Du Ruoli held back her laughter and secretly looked at Shen Sanzhi and Wu Yueniang. What would their expressions be like if one was a mother-in-law and the other had no man in the family?

Okay, there is no expression, maybe I have been numb after hearing too many comments from this family.

Du Ruoli doesn't really agree with these views and doesn't think she should hide behind men in everything.But I extremely appreciate the family's protective attitude towards women. The women being protected include daughters, granddaughters, and married daughters-in-law.

This kind of family tradition quality is rare even in modern times thousands of years later.It can be seen that this family is ahead of its time.

Du Ruoli respected her cousin and did not want to refute her words. She leaned on her shoulder and said, "What you said is that I know how to do it next time."

The old man smiled and touched her head: "Good boy, that's pretty much it."

Once the Wulingzhi is harvested, they will have nothing to worry about.The elders took it, asked about how to handle it, spread it on the dustpan next to the fire, and slowly dried it over low heat.

Place the dustpan in the leeward direction, away from the entrance of the hole, to ensure that the unpleasant smell does not spread into the hole.

Du Ruozhen's grandfather, the third grandfather, stayed by the dustpan, turning the medicinal materials at any time to prevent them from being overcooked or not dry thoroughly.

An hour later, they harvested a whole bag of dried Wulingzhi, weighing about ten kilograms.

When Du Ruoli was buying medicine at the drug store, she paid attention to the price of Wulingzhi. One pound was 400 Wen, and this bag was worth 4 taels of silver, which was very valuable.

(End of this chapter)

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