Chapter 52 Autumn Scene
The Wulingzhi was dried and packed. After a busy night last night, the man who had been catching up on his sleep woke up and told many details about the missing person:

"The old man stepped on the wrong foot and fell directly to the bottom of the cliff. At the place where she was lost, we tied someone down to take a look, and we saw it at a glance. We took many detours, went around to the bottom of the cliff, and buried her."

"The place where Miss Xiaolan fell was a slope. There were trees and rocks blocking the slope. It should be nearby, but no one could be found. We searched the whole mountain, but there was no one anywhere. wild animals. Take it away."

Du Ruoli couldn't understand why neither of them made a sound.When you suddenly encounter great danger, shouldn't you scream uncontrollably?
This is human instinct and cannot be controlled.Especially Xiaolan, who is so young that it is impossible for her to have perfect qi-nurturing skills. It would be too strange for her not to call for help... Forget it, everyone is gone, so stop thinking about it.

Du Ruoli retracted her thoughts and continued to listen to Du Changgui's words: "Thanks to Li Yatou for having the foresight to bring us salt, sugar and good medicine. Halfway through, the guys were too tired to walk, so they stopped to boil a pot of salt and sugar water and drink it down immediately. Feeling energetic. When we went down the mountain to find the old man, several young men were scratched by thorns. Their faces, backs of hands, and legs were covered in blood. After taking the medicine given by Li Yatou, nothing happened. Li Yatou, uncle here represents thirty. Thank you, uncle and brother."

Du Ruoli waved her hand: "You're welcome, so what? It's not raining heavily outside. Do you want to go into the mountains? It's also good to find some mushrooms to eat back."

The third grandmother helped: "I think it will work. A grown man's family is not as sensible as a little girl. He sleeps in the house during the day and leaves the work to women. When he wakes up, he doesn't know how to work. He just brags here. Bragging. Can we eat it or drink it? Hurry up the mountain! Lunch is for you."

Du Changgui and others: "..."

This is not your attitude when you get back a large sum of money!When I talked about last night’s experience just now, you were the one who listened the most carefully and asked the most questions!How do you say you fall out when you fall out?

There is no way, they are the elders, and the younger ones can only obey.

The men were preparing to go to the mountain. Grandma Santang and Shen Sanzhi took Du Ruoli and wanted to share the money with her.

In one trip last night, they sent 11 people from one family and two people from one family, and got 2 taels of silver and 110 taels of silver respectively. They became rich overnight.

After getting the money, Du Ruoli wanted to give some supplies and medicines to her.

Du Ruoli said: "I don't want it. Going out to find people in the middle of the night is hard and dangerous work. I don't have to work hard, so why should I? You two elders, please put it away quickly. It's not good for others to see it."

"No, I'm the elder, you listen to me!" Grandma No. [-]'s face was stern, trying to use her seniority to overwhelm her.

Du Ruoli used her trump card: "If you two insist on giving, then we will break up and each of us will do our own thing."

With one sentence, the two of them shut up at the same time and silently took back the money in their hands.

Seeing Du Ruozhen waving at the entrance of the cave, Du Ruoli handed her sister to the third grandmother: "We are going into the mountain. Help keep an eye on her, and change a clean urine ring whenever you pee. I will come back to wash it."

Grandma No. [-] stopped talking nonsense and hugged Xiao Ruoyu: "Go, let's all go, leave my sister to me, don't worry."

Du Ruoli had just fed her sister, so she had nothing to worry about.Go out and join the others and go into the mountain together.There were only three grandmothers and a few children under the age of five left in the cave.

This place is high in mountains and sparsely populated, and there is a high probability that precious food can be found on the mountains, so everyone is dispatched.

Sure enough, not far up the climb, I saw a toon tree.Because the climate is colder than down the mountain, the toon fruits have not yet fallen and are still hanging on the trees.

Du Ruozhen's seven brothers, plus one Du Zhixiao, climbed up the tree like monkeys, picked off the seeds, and put them into their own purses without anyone else having to do anything.

Du Ruoli and others continued to move forward, and Shen Sanzhi suddenly screamed: "Fern roots, there are fern roots, there is a fern root here, come and dig it!"

Where she stood, there were many withered fern leaves and some bulges on the ground. There was no doubt that fern roots were buried underneath.Everyone was excited.

These are fern roots!The fern roots can be used as food!

How long has it been since they last met?

When I left my hometown, the fern roots were not yet mature.Along the way along the densely populated road, the fern roots had been dug up, leaving no cubs for them.Now that I suddenly saw such a large piece, it would be strange not to be excited.

The men carrying wooden sticks dug hard, and the women holding hard stones did not want to be outdone and dug with the tips of their knives.

Du Ruoli was infected by them and squatted down to dig with stones.

Fern roots are not easy to dig, as the roots have strong adsorption force and can drill deeply.You must first dig out the hardened ground, and then dig downwards for more than ten centimeters before you can see it.

They are also starchy foods from roots and tubers, which are much more difficult to dig than potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, taro, etc.It is precisely because of this that it has not been domesticated by humans and has become a food grown on a large scale.

It's hard to dig out, but it's hard to dig out, but it can't be difficult for old farmers like Du Changgui.It didn't take long for the fern roots to form a hill on the ground.

Du Ruoli dug for a long time before digging out a palm-sized piece.Not even the little Du Ruoqiu can compare, there are already four of them in the basket!
This job is not suitable for her!Du Ruoli gave up decisively and walked 100 meters forward to an open area with a good view. She took out the telescope from the space and looked around.

With the late autumn scene in full view, the corners of Du Ruoli's mouth grew wider and wider.

In the sunny place in the east, there is a chestnut tree with abundant fruits.Although the cone chestnut is not as big as the chestnut and not as sweet as the chestnut, it is enough to satisfy the hunger.When you encounter a good variety, it tastes like chestnut when roasted.

There are several wild kiwi trees in the south, growing as high as a story.The fluffy kiwi fruits are crowded together on the branches, which looks very pleasing to the eye.

The wild hawthorns in the west are particularly eye-catching. Their bright red color lights up the entire forest.

What's even worse is that in the north, there is a pine forest, a pine forest full of pine nuts.

This is what the mountains should look like in autumn!There are countless delicacies and countless wealth.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Du Ruoli jumped up and down with joy: "I want to pick pine nuts, I want to pick hawthorns, I want to pick kiwis, I want to pick cone chestnuts, who will come with me?"

"Where, where?" Du Ruozhen, Du Ruoying and Zhou Daya rushed up and asked.

"Where, where?" The eight men who had just finished picking toon seeds rushed up and asked.

"There... there... there... there..." Du Ruoli pointed to them one by one: "What should I do? There are so many good things, it's hard to choose. I don't know which one to pick first!"

(End of this chapter)

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