Chapter 53 Planned
Following Du Ruoli's instructions, the eyes of others also shone, eager to put these things into their bags immediately.

Du Ruoli calmed down and felt that she should attack the most expensive ones first: "Let's go hunt pine nuts."

Everyone thought so too, and raised their hands in agreement: "Agree!"

Du Zhiquan said: "We big ones have fast feet, so we rushed to occupy the space first. You guys carry your backpacks and take your time behind."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man had already dragged Du Zhixiao and his two brothers and ran away without any baskets on his back.

The remaining four, five, six, and seven brothers, plus Du Ruoli, Du Ruozhen, and Du Ruoying, each carried a backpack and a basket, and strode after them.

Zhou Daya was persuaded by them to go back and take care of Niuniu and Xiao Ruoyu. Picking is not a temporary thing, so don't starve the two children.

After eating well, Zhou Daya's milk is more abundant than before. In addition, Niu Niu will eat an egg yolk or a small half bowl of glutinous rice during the day to subsidize it. Du Ruoli is relieved.

While the fern roots were still being excavated, the third grandfather straightened up and said, "Be careful on the road, boys, protect the woman. We'll come back after we finish."

"I know!" they replied, without stopping.

Looking at the mountain, the pine nut tree seemed not far away, but in fact it took almost half an hour to reach it.

When they arrived, the four older brothers had already broken off a lot of pine cones.Each of them knocked a bag of pine nuts, and while working, the pine nut shells were spit out everywhere.

The four new brothers couldn't wait to join in, climbing up the tree and breaking it violently.Du Ruoli and other three girls consciously became the ones who cracked pine nuts.

The pine nuts are attached to the pine cones and will fall out when knocked with a heavy object.Then put it into the water and discard the pine nuts that float. The ones that sink below are the plump and good pine nuts.

They knocked faster, and those above broke the pine cones even faster.In the blink of an eye, a hill piled up in front of him, covering the people opposite him.

Fortunately, the four elders stopped showing off and handed over the task of breaking the pine nuts to their younger brothers, who came down to help.

Good guy, he is indeed a thick-skinned man who eats a lot.As soon as they arrived, the hill quickly became smaller and the number of pine nuts in the basket quickly increased.

When the basket was full, Shen Sanzhi, his grandmother's four daughters-in-law, and three grandson-in-laws came and patiently pounded the pine nuts open with small stones to get the kernels.

After Du Ruoli and others finished their work, they also joined the team to fetch Ren'er. They took it for two hours, and they were so tired that they could hardly straighten their necks.

But the result was also remarkable. They got half a basket of pine nuts, weighing about five kilograms.Go back and fry the water to dry it, and you can get four pounds of pine nuts.If you take it to the market, you will get a few taels of silver into your account.

In the fern root field, Du Changgui and others cleaned the dug fern roots, leaving only a basket of food for dinner.Chop all the rest and wash it in water.After washing the starch, throw away the residue, leaving only the starch water.Let the starch water settle for a period of time, pour away the water on top, and take the bottom layer of starch paste back to dry to make fern powder for easy portability.

After pounding the pine nuts, the elders went back to the cave to fry the pine nuts and dry fern powder, while the eight men and six women of the same generation set out again to collect chestnuts, kiwis and hawthorns in a clockwise direction.

Triton chestnuts are similar to chestnuts. After taking off the shell, there are not many, and each person is given a small half basket.

There were too many kiwis, but considering the transportation capacity, we only picked a few baskets and didn’t take them away after we finished eating that day.Du Ruoli excused herself to walk at the end and tried to say "collect" silently, but all the kiwis disappeared and entered her space.

When we were in front of the hawthorn tree, everyone was too lazy to pick the hawthorns because of the acidity of the hawthorns. She followed the same method and put the hawthorns into the space.

In late autumn, it gets dark early.At the first moment of Youshi, it was almost out of sight, and the group finally returned home with a full load.

Zhou Daya hugged Xiao Ruoyu and waited at the entrance of the cave, circling around: "Sister is back, sister will be back soon, okay? Let's not cry, let's wait for sister to come back, okay? It's dark, I miss my sister, right? No, my eldest sister-in-law knows, my eldest sister-in-law knows that, we, Xiao Ruoyu, are good children. We kiss our sister, but we are worried that her sister will be scared in the dark..."

"Woah... woah..." Xiao Ruoyu cried more and more sadly, her voice getting louder and louder.

Hearing her sister's cry from a distance, Du Ruoli's heart tightened, and she ran towards them, shouting as she ran: "Xiao Ruoyu, sister is back, sister is here to hug you."

Ruoyu stopped crying instantly and started to giggle. His face-changing skills were superb.Du Ruoli felt soft in her heart and rushed over to hold her in her arms, smacking her breasts: "Little Yu'er misses my sister! My sister misses you so much too!"

"Isn't that right!" Zhou Daya explained at the side: "It started to moan as soon as it got dark. No one could coax him, nor could he feed him. He stuffed his mouth into his mouth and pushed it out. The sky was getting darker and darker, and his crying voice was getting louder and louder. As it got bigger, I had no choice but to carry it to the entrance of the cave and guard it. If I didn’t come back, I would find myself in the forest.”

"I've caused trouble to my sister-in-law!" Du Ruoli said apologetically, "I'll try to come back before dark next time."

"Why are you causing me so much trouble! It's just that the child is crying pitifully and I don't know what to do." Zhou Daya touched the baby's forehead: "She's crying all over her forehead. Please take her in quickly and change her clothes. So are you."

"Okay, I'll go in first."

Du Ruoli hugged her sister tightly with both hands, let her face to face with him, walked into the cave and stood in front of the luggage, put down the backpack, sat down, wiped her whole body with warm water, and changed out of her sweaty clothes.

Then he pulled out a bottle of milk from the space and fed it into his sister's mouth through the cover of his sleeves.The younger sister murmured loudly, clutching the skirt of her clothes tightly with her little hands, and looking up at her from time to time.

The little child ate happily and relied on her wholeheartedly.Du Ruoli's heart felt sour. The fatigue from wandering in the woods all over the mountains was gone, and she felt like she could run another five kilometers.

On rest days, the official only provides one dinner.Du Ruoli hugged her sleepy sister and received a black steamed bun.

The black buns were put away first, and Shen Sanzhi prepared steamed fern roots for everyone.The fern roots are washed and steamed, and they taste delicious with a hint of sweetness.Add a handful of kiwi fruit, and it’s a sumptuous dinner.

They gathered around the fire and had a lively meal.Lu Jizhou took advantage of the darkness and came to the ancient tree a mile away from the cave to meet Yao San.

Yao San said: "Master, our people have been sent to Bai San to recuperate and observe the situation. It's all planned, don't worry."

Lu Jizhou nodded: "I know, send someone to keep an eye on it and make sure nothing goes wrong. If there is any danger, take the people and evacuate quickly."

"Subordinates obey!"

Yao San solemnly agreed. Seeing that his master seemed to want to be alone, he flew down from the tree and said, "My subordinates, please leave."

(End of this chapter)

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