Chapter 54 Jam
After dinner, everyone has something to do.By the light of the fire, the men were making straw sandals and twisting ropes; the women were mending clothes and preparing dry food.

Du Ruoli buried a chestnut in the fire, waited for half a quarter of an hour, took it out, peeled off the skin and put it in her mouth, getting a mouthful of sweetness.It is an excellent variety, infinitely close to chestnut.

The ingredients are excellent and you can make some delicious food.Du Ruoli told Shen Sanzhi: "Auntie, steam the chestnuts and pound them into fine sand. Add fried pine nuts and maltose to the fine sand, and cut them into square chestnut cakes. Take them and sell them to Mrs. Zhao. One tael of silver per catty."

Most of the Zhao family are women, and they are used to living a good life. They miss a bite of sweets every day and will not refuse any sweets.

"So this is how chestnut cake is made!" Shen Sanzhi stood up in a hurry to find someone to work with: "Auntie, go prepare it now. Make a small amount first, and you can help taste it."

Du Ruoli smiled flatteringly: "Let's make a little more, and everyone will help taste it. You see, everyone has worked hard for a day, so it's time to..."

"No way! The windows are blocked for you! Don't think about these things until you have enough food and clothing!"

Shen Sanzhi rolled his eyes at Du Ruoli, picked out ten chestnuts and a handful of pine nuts, and started working.

Du Ruoli sighed in her heart and watched Shen Sanzhi get everything ready, put a drop of maltose in with chopsticks, and kneaded it into a beautiful chestnut cake.

Shen Sanzhi is really talented in cooking. He can make chestnut cake that is sweet but not greasy and full of flavor without even tasting it.

Du Ruoli broke off a small piece and put it into her mouth, divided the rest into two, and fed Shen Sanzhi and Zhou Daya a piece each: "It's done, this is the taste, please make more. Call me when you're ready, I'll sell it to the Zhao family. Now go in for a while."

"Okay, you go." When they thought about the money coming into their account soon, Shen Sanzhi and Zhou Daya swallowed the chestnut cake in their mouths without even tasting it, and got busy happily.

Du Ruoli carried her sister back to the cave.The best spot in the cave was brightly lit, and the doctor was treating Ji Tong and others, and there was a lot of wailing.

No one wanted to stay in the cave. They either gathered around the fire to warm themselves up, strolled nearby, or went up the mountain to hunt in the dark like the Du Zhiquan brothers.

There were only two prisoners in the cave, himself and his sister, and there was a huge stalactite between them and the guards. Du Ruoli simply disguised himself and entered the space.

Xiao Ruoyu, who was already drowsy, immediately became energetic after entering the space. He danced with joy and made strange sounds from his mouth.

The little one could tell the difference. Du Ruoli smiled and put her in a diaper and put her on the crib.

There are several small bells hanging on the crib. If you touch them with your hands or step on them, they will make a jingling sound.Ever since he learned it, Xiao Ruoyu would play for a while every time he came in.

Seeing that she was having fun, Du Ruoli went into the bathroom and took a hot bath.

Xiao Ruoyu fell asleep while playing, and Du Ruoli came out to see her. She tied a sleeping bag to prevent her from jumping and went into the kitchen to find something to eat.

There were chicken stewed with mushrooms and eggplant salad prepared in advance in the kitchen, and I ate two bowls with rice.After eating, wash and dice the hawthorn you picked today, mix in a lot of sugar, a few drops of lemon juice, and pour it into the bread machine.Use the jam function of your bread machine to make hawthorn jam.

Hawthorn sauce is sweet and sour, and it's delicious when used to spread steamed buns and bread.Du Ruoli likes it very much, and I believe pregnant woman Xue Jinxin will also like it.

While the bread machine was busy, Du Ruoli cleaned up the kitchen, mixed herself a glass of juice with Yakult and kiwi fruit, and sat by the well to drink it, enjoying the rare leisure time.

The bread machine stopped and the hawthorn jam was ready. She got up and went back to the kitchen, leaving two spoons of jam for herself to eat tomorrow morning. She packed up the rest and put it into a wooden bowl, which was more than half a bowl.

Seeing that it was still early, I made another half bowl of kiwi jam and took it out together.Outside the cave, the chestnut cake is already undergoing the final shaping process.Shen Sanzhi pinched a few plum blossoms, and they turned out to be decent.

Seeing Du Ruoli, Shen Sanzhi was a little uneasy: "Ah Li, help aunt see if this works. Aunt thought that the square was too simple, so she tried to shape it into a flower. I don't know if it will work?"

Du Ruoli gave her a thumbs up: "It's great, it's better than the ones sold in dim sum shops. I took it to the Zhao family. Please wait for my good news."

Being praised so hard, Shen Sanzhi smiled so hard that he couldn't even see his eyes: "Go quickly, my aunt is waiting for you."

The Zhao family was warming themselves in front of the fire on the other side of the cave. Xue Jinxin was next to Mrs. Zhao, whispering something, and Qiaoer was lying on her lap, already asleep.

Seeing Du Ruoli, Xue Jinxin waved happily: "Sister Du, come and sit down quickly and talk to sister."

"Hello, old lady!" Du Ruoli said hello to old lady Zhao, sat on Xue Jinxin's right hand side, and got straight to the point: "I got something in the mountains today, and I processed it myself. See if you like it."

He said and handed over the things in his hands.There were too many things to carry, so she made several net bags with thin ropes, put the wooden bowls into the net bags, and carried them over.

Xue Jinxin took the things, and the first thing she opened was the brightly colored and sour hawthorn sauce. She fell in love with it just by smelling it.I couldn't wait to dig out the remaining half of the steamed bun in Qiao'er's hand, dipped it in and put it in my mouth. All the internal organs were in place.

Just when he was about to take a bite, someone came to his door. Xue Jinxin almost cried with joy.

Then she opened the kiwi sauce. The taste was milder and sweeter than the hawthorn sauce. It was not suitable for her current taste, but it was more suitable for other people and it was excellent.

Finally, there was a box of beautiful chestnut cakes. Xue Jinxin pinched a piece and put it into Mrs. Zhao's mouth: "Grandma, try it."

Mrs. Zhao swallowed it in small sips: "It's so delicious. It's sweet and delicious. You can forget your worries after eating it. Thank you, girl, for thinking about us and bringing us something good."

Especially the hawthorn sauce, which makes my granddaughter-in-law greedy when she looks at it. Now it's better, and she doesn't have to worry about not being able to eat and being exhausted all the time.

Du Ruoli smiled: "As long as you like it!"

Although it was a business, she did her best, and she hoped that the other party would have a better attitude and not be picky and treat her as a charity.

The Zhao family is very good, and she is willing to put in a lot of effort to take care of all aspects of their affairs and make money on her own.

Old Mrs. Zhao said: "I like it, I like it very much. If there are good things, just feel free to make them boldly. The Zhao family will accept them all."

"With your words, I feel relieved!"

Du Ruoli took the 5 taels of silver given by the old lady, including 3 taels of chestnut cake, 1 tael each of hawthorn jam and kiwi jam.

She didn't mention that the jam was made with expensive sugar, and it would be easy to reveal the truth if she mentioned it. After all, she was a peasant girl and shouldn't carry sugar with her.Therefore, the price of jam is not high, only 500 yuan per pound.

Du Ruoli didn't feel any loss and went back happily with the money.

(End of this chapter)

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