Chapter 55 Trap
In the cave, the doctor Yu Shenshi, who was invited by the police to take a long way from Qingyun County, arrived at the first moment of Shenshi.It was a middle-aged man with a goatee, surnamed Song, and he had two apprentices.

Ji Tong was seriously injured, and the others were not seriously injured either. The three masters and apprentices started busying themselves as soon as they arrived, and they were only about to finish their work at this time.

Several jars of medicine were boiled by the fire at the entrance of the cave, and the smell of medicine spread throughout the cave.Doctor Song sat down to take a sip of water and asked his apprentice to cook something to eat. Du Zhizhong staggered out: "Doctor Song, please help me take a look. I soaked in the water for a long time yesterday and lost feeling in one of my legs. Please Please save me."

Before Dr. Song could speak, the officer who was guarding the medicine spoke: "The doctor was invited by us. If you want to see a doctor, you can pay 50 taels of silver first. The doctor's money will be calculated separately."

"I pay, I pay."

Du Zhizhong eagerly took out the banknotes from his pocket, for fear that others would not treat him.

You can't reach the frontier by walking on one leg.It must be cured at any cost.

Du Ruoli came from Zhao's house and happened to see this scene.

This man actually still has money!In addition to four silver ingots, there was also a large amount of silver notes hidden!

A man with no background and no backing, who had been a minor official for two years, had more than 100 taels of silver in his hand after his house was confiscated.

Haha, only Du Changxing, the cowardly patriarch, believes that Tan Mo was wronged!

It's time for the clan leader to hand over the 40 taels of silver that belong to the entire clan.

Doctor Song's eyes flashed, and he spoke loudly: "The consultation fee is 20 taels of silver, and the medicine fee is 30 taels of silver. A total of 50 taels of silver. I am tired. If you want to be cured, you will be cured. If not, I will fall down."

You're so greedy for life and afraid of death, I don't believe you won't treat me!
The price for looking at a leg is ridiculously high, comparable to that of a royal doctor in the capital.Du Zhizhong was so angry that his eyes were red and his whole body was shaking.

Doctor Song didn't care and gave instructions to his apprentice: "Stew the pig's trotters for another half-quarter of an hour until the bones are almost peeled off, and then it tastes delicious when chewed. Pair it with a small glass of wine, drink it and sleep until dawn, which is the most comfortable thing. ”

Seeing that the other party was determined to demand a high price, Du Zhizhong gritted his teeth and said, "I'll treat it, 50 taels of silver, I'll treat it."

Dr. Song took the bank note with a smile: "That's right! Your body is yours, so take good care of it!"

Du Ruoli was too lazy to watch a few gangsters making deals and went back to find Shen Sanzhi.

Shen Sanzhi was waiting for her eagerly. When he saw the empty box in her hand, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank God, I really sold it and it didn't rot in my own hands. If I wasted a good thing, I would It’s hard to sleep and eat well.”

Du Ruoli handed her the empty box and three taels of silver: "What did my aunt say? Don't you believe me? I said it will definitely work!"

If not, you can digest it yourself!She needs to eat anyway.

"It's not that I don't believe you. It's just... it's just..." Shen Sanzhi was so anxious that he was sweating, but he just didn't understand what he meant.

Du Ruoli quickly said: "I'm joking, don't take it seriously. I understand your mood, but you just want to get things done and make everyone satisfied."

Shen Sanzhi smiled sheepishly: "Just don't blame Auntie. Auntie won't be impatient next time."

Du Ruoli smiled: "It's okay to be impatient, you just get used to it."

Shen Sanzhi smiled and touched her face: "Good girl, aunt listens to you." "Where's uncle? It's time to divide the money!"

Du Ruoli looked around but didn't see Du Changgui.Not only is he absent, many men are absent.The fire was mostly empty.

Shen Sanzhi said: "I heard that there was a nest of wild boars on the mountain, so I went to join in the fun."

Du Ruoli was shocked: "What? Hunting at night? I've never heard of anyone hunting at night! Isn't it dangerous for them to go out?"

Du Zhiquan's family is considered the most powerful hunter in the clan, and they only hunt during the day and never at night.

Hunting at night is ten times more difficult and dangerous than during the day. Most people will not take risks.

Shen Sanzhi said with a smile: "It's okay, they are not fooling around. Mr. Lu is leading the team. Mr. Lu is so powerful. He can deal with a group of wild boars with his bare hands, let alone a den. Your uncles and brothers will follow you, that is, to help. Just run an errand and pick up the pieces, there’s no danger!”

How dare God deal with a herd of wild boars with his bare hands!
Is that a technical and tactical thing?It doesn't mean he can fight on his own!
Well, those who understand techniques and tactics are the real ones.With him following him, his relatives are indeed not in much danger.

Du Ruoli was very curious as to why that lonely weirdo Lu Jizhou was suddenly willing to play with the Du family.

Lu Jizhou did not do it on a whim. He had been observing the Du family since he entered the exile team.

However, the clan leader was really bad, and the clan members were too tolerant towards Du Zhizhong, which made him look down upon him.

That is to say, recently, a lot of water has finally been squeezed out of the tribesmen's brains.Dare to confront the clan leader and treat Du Zhizhong as an ordinary person like himself.

A team that dares to think, dare to do, and yet still be kind is exactly what he needs.After practicing hard and cultivating loyalty, he would have exceeded his mission this time.

At night, after Yao San left, he sat in a tree in a daze and saw Du Zhiquan and others lighting fir bark torches and looking for rabbit holes near the cave.

Apparently he didn't dare to go into the mountains at night, so he flew down from the tree, caught two plump hares alive, one in each hand, and walked past them in a swagger.

The eyes of the eight brothers looking for the rabbit hole were all wide-eyed. Du Zhiquan swallowed hard, licked his face and asked: "Master Lu, where did you catch your hare?"

Lu Jizhou stopped and said lightly: "I caught them deep in the forest. They are everywhere. They are very stupid. You guys go and try."

Wouldn't trying mean death?Du Zhiquan wailed: "We are not good at studying and don't dare to go into the deep forest at night. Well, we don't dare to go in during the day when there are few people. We can eat Orion food simply because we have a large family."

So, can you point me to a nearby location?He really wants to eat meat!
This is so sincere, one sentence completely exposes his own background.Lu Jizhou suppressed a smile and said, "There is a nest of wild boars in the mountains. I'm going to pick them up. I'm short of a few people to surround them. Are you interested? If I catch the wild boar, I'll give you a thigh and a pair of intestines."

When something good happened, the eight brothers were moved. You looked at me, I looked at you, and gave one last high-five: "Done!"

Worried about the lack of people, he called in the other 22 people who had gone down the mountain to look for someone last night, making up a total of 30 people. They followed Lu Jizhou in a mighty manner and went up the mountain to hunt wild boars.

Du Ruoli never expected that the simple tribe members who had never left the village, had not had much contact with outsiders, and were unaware of the sinister world outside would fall into Lu Jizhou's trap when they went out to sell goods.

We can't blame them, but blame Lu for his deliberate efforts to catch the big fish.

(End of this chapter)

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