Chapter 57 Confession
Du Ruoli took every step with fear.

The people in the cave were either so frightened that they couldn't see her movements; or they thought she was stupid and dared to go directly towards the bandit in fear of her life; or they were one of their own, worried and full of hope.

Du Ruoli wanted to follow, but Du Ruoli stopped her with a look.She had no choice but to retreat and stay where she was, restless.

There was no response from the cave, and the third master became impatient. He slashed at the big stone at the entrance of the cave again, shouting loudly: "I count from one to ten. If no one gives me any more money, I won't be polite."

After several heavy blows, the stone fell apart and fell down, as if there was a rain of stones.

Amidst the sound of the collision of stones and the counting of "" by the third master, Du Ruoli quickly moved forward and came to the place closest to the cave entrance. Behind a stalactite.

He hid his figure, took out his sleeve arrow from the space, and pointed the arrowhead stained with aconite juice at the leader, who was as tall and strong as an iron tower.

The Xiu Jian was bought from the black market. Because it uses the most advanced machine enlargement machine, it has high precision and the error is within millimeters. It is easy to operate and even a fool can use it.

Coupled with the highly toxic aconite juice, it is foolproof.

But it will be more troublesome for the guards afterwards, who will confiscate her weapons.

The matter is urgent, and I can't take care of it now. Dealing with the bandits is more important.

To capture the thief, capture the king first, shoot the leader to death, and ensure that the remaining minions are in chaos, and she will take advantage of the chaos to clean them up one by one.

Besides, there are also well-trained police officers. They have already gathered and are slowly approaching the entrance of the cave.

When the bandits arrived, Lu Jizhou and others had already packed up and were on their way back.

The men participated in night hunting for the first time and returned home with a great victory. They were so excited that they kept discussing how to make pig legs and intestines delicious, making the sound of slobbering.


Lu Jizhou heard the sound of gold and stone clashing at the entrance of the cave. He cheered up his luck. He stepped forward quickly and said, "The situation is abnormal. The cave is dangerous. Throw down the wild boar, pick up the stick, and get in!"

As he spoke, the person had disappeared, leaving only an afterimage.The thirty-year-old man was stunned for a moment, then quickly dropped the wild boar and ran towards the cave.

After several flashbacks, Lu Jizhou arrived near the cave and saw clearly the situation at the cave entrance. An iron bullet popped out and hit the leader in the heart.

With a piece of iron in his heart, the leader shook twice and fell to the ground.Even to the day of my death I never understood what had happened.

The remaining bandits were stunned and subconsciously looked back.Lu Jizhou fired three iron bullets again, hitting the temples of three people.

A large amount of blood spurted out, all over his head and face.Thirty-year-old men rushed up and hit the bandits with sticks.

The escort officer finally found his place of use. Under the leadership of Liu Zhi, he rushed out to make dumplings with the officer and killed all the bandits.

In the blink of an eye, the situation changed drastically. Du Ruoli looked at the arrows in her sleeves and was a little unable to react.

Already... nothing happened without her?No need for her to take action?What you're worried about won't happen?
Oh, great!
She was really frightened. She didn't know if a weak woman with no force value and no combat experience could handle it.The previous rush to the front was just a matter of chasing a duck, and relying on one's own bravery, there was no chance of winning.

It would be great to have a stronger person who can solve the problem perfectly.

She thanked Lu Jizhou. Although she didn't see him just now, she didn't know where he was hiding.But he feels like a god, 2 meters tall.The matter was not over yet, Du Ruoli took advantage of the chaos and rushed into the battle, grabbed a bandit and brought him into the space.

The bandit suddenly came to a strange place. It was daytime, and when he faced a girl with a smile, he rolled his eyes with fear and was about to faint.

Du Ruoli leaned against the door of the thatched house, chewing an apple in her mouth, and said vaguely: "Don't faint in a hurry, I have something to ask you. Answer it well, and I will spare your life."

This voice, this breath... Is he just an ordinary person... There are no outsiders here... So what are you waiting for?
The bandit suddenly showed a fierce look on his face, jumped into the air, and rushed towards Du Ruoli. He grabbed her neck with his right hand, hoping to kill her with a fatal blow.

Hahaha, if you don’t eat the toast, you will be punished with a drink.Du Ruoli suddenly raised her hand and took out the electric baton hidden in her sleeve. Turning the power to the maximum, she hit the opponent's back of the hand directly.

The back of the opponent's hand went numb, his whole body was electrified, he twitched a few times in mid-air, and fell heavily to the ground.

Du Ruoli took back the electric baton and continued to eat the apple.

She was so nervous in the cave that she could not calm down for a long time. Only sweet and crisp fruits could cure her.

After chewing an apple, Du Ruoli threw away the core, clapped her hands and squatted in front of the bandit, and asked with a smile: "Do we need to come again a few more times? My aunt is willing to accompany me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before the bandit could reply, he picked up his baton and hit him directly in the chest.Give him a sour blow closest to his heart, making him tremble all over.

The bandit felt separated and begged loudly for mercy: "My aunt, have mercy on me, my aunt have mercy on me, I can tell you anything, I can tell you anything."

Du Ruoli stood up and looked at him condescendingly: "Where is the nest? How many people are there? What are their names?"

The bandit didn't dare to make another mistake, so he answered obediently: "On... on the top of the mountain, ten miles up the road, it's called Heifeng Village, there are more than 300 brothers..."

No wonder there is so much food and small animals running around in the forest here. It turns out that there are ferocious bandits guarding it, so most people don’t dare to come!Fortunately, she thought it was because Shanda was sparsely populated.

Shen Te Mo Mountain is sparsely populated, and there are people everywhere who don't have enough to eat. If there was no danger, they would have been rounded up long ago.

Du Ruoli secretly despised herself and continued to ask: "Why do you want to target our team?"

The bandit was a small leader and knew quite a lot, so he continued to answer honestly: "Doctor Song sent a letter to the big boss, saying... saying... that you are extremely rich and don't have a strong sense of defense. This is a perfect opportunity. Master... …The little ones are here.”

"Doctor Song?" Du Ruoli's eyes narrowed and her voice raised a few degrees: "Doctor Song who helps people treat illnesses in the cave?"

The bandit nodded: "It's him. He has a good relationship with the big boss. When he meets a wealthy client during a medical consultation, he will notify the big boss to take care of it. If the matter is completed, the big boss will give him a sum of money. The specific amount is unclear. "

Du Ruoli took a breath of cold air when she heard this. What kind of doctor was this? He was clearly the living King of Hell who wanted to kill him.

How should she find him, take his life, and eliminate harm for the people?
Du Ruoli took out the rope and tape, tied up the bandits, threw them into the iron room containing sundries, and locked the door from the outside.

After making sure that the bandits could not escape and that Xiao Ruoyu sleeping in the house was not in danger, Du Ruoli left the room.

Damn it, if you don't do something, it's hard to get rid of the bad breath in your heart.

(End of this chapter)

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