Chapter 58 Taste
The battle outside space is coming to an end.

Several of the bandits were killed and several were seriously injured. They were thrown far away by the guards as large beasts that could eat meat cheaply.

Those who were slightly injured were tied up and knelt in a row at the entrance of the cave for interrogation.

Everyone gathered around to watch the fun and point.Du Ruoli took the opportunity to leave the cave, found an open place, and looked around.

There was no light from torches on the road leading to Black Wind Village.There was still no light on the road leading down the mountain.

In this dark night, without torch light, it is impossible to walk on the cliff.Not to mention the elusive beasts, even the bumpy hills and mud along the way can kill someone.

Therefore, Dr. Song and his party are still nearby.

By the way, where is Lu Jizhou?
After a few cold guns were fired, he was nowhere to be seen again.Are you also looking for Dr. Song and his party?
She tentatively shouted: "Brother Lu~~Brother Lu~~"

Du Ruoli's guess was right. Lu Jizhou was indeed with Dr. Song, his master and his apprentice.But he was standing and the others were lying down.

The man lying down was beaten half to death, with blood flowing out of his mouth. His eyes were wide open with fear and he was speechless.

After taking down the bandit leader and three other minions, he was worried that there were reinforcements behind the bandits who would pounce on them and surround them again, leaving the battlefield to the remaining people to investigate.

The bandits' reinforcements were not found, but Doctor Song's master and apprentice were found in the bushes.

At that time, the three of them were huddled in the bushes, excitedly talking about how long it would take to end the fighting, how much money they would get, and what they planned to do with the money.

He immediately understood that it was these beasts who had lured the bandits here.

Animals should be treated like animals. He flew over and kicked the man named Song, and then kicked the two apprentices to the ground with two consecutive kicks.

Without being beaten, these people were kicked down and couldn't get up. They lay on the ground and begged loudly for mercy: "Don't fight, don't fight, good man. I'm a doctor, a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded. It's very difficult to go out to see a doctor in the middle of the night." Please, for the sake of the Patriarch Medicine King, please spare the lives of my master and disciple."

Not being able to cry without seeing the coffin, Lu Jizhou didn't bother to talk nonsense and stepped on the eldest apprentice's chest, crushing him hard several times.The eldest disciple spurted out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

The same method was boring. Lu Jizhou walked up to his second apprentice and threw him high into the air with a sliding shovel.It drew a perfect arc in the air and fell back to the original place without knowing where it was.

Before he could perform the third set of actions, Doctor Song got up, knelt on the ground and took out all the silver notes on his body. He held them in front of Lu Jizhou with both hands: "Hero, this is my entire net worth, totaling 5 taels of silver notes. Please Please forgive me."

Lu Jizhou took the banknote with a sneer and asked condescendingly: "Tell me what the bandit is about. Tell it to the letter, without making a single mistake."

Dr. Song has seen how ferocious he is, how dare he lie and tell the truth.

It was similar to what he originally thought. When Lu Jizhou wanted to ask more questions, he heard Du Ruoli calling him.

The girl's sweet voice penetrated into her ears one after another, and it was difficult to ignore it.

Lu Jizhou glanced at the source of the sound and flew over.

Doctor Song was left standing there, not daring to move.

Du Ruoli felt a gust of wind blowing towards her face with a smell unique to Lu Jizhou.

He should love to be clean and change his clothes frequently.There is no sweat or dirty smell on the body, only a light woody scent.

The woody scent is very close to the oud and bergamot perfume she used to use in the past, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.As soon as she smelled this familiar smell, she knew Lu Jizhou was coming.

Lu Jizhou stopped in front of her: "What are you calling me for?"

Du Ruoli got straight to the point: "Brother Lu, have you met Doctor Song and his disciples?"

"Are you looking for them?" Lu Jizhou asked without answering.


"What's the matter?"

Du Ruoli raised her head, looked in the direction of his eyes, and said affirmatively: "You are with them."

Lu Jizhou looked back and said with the same certainty: "You already knew about their collusion with the bandits, before the guards opened the mouths of the bandits."

Du Ruoli was not to be outdone: "Generally, stones are not silver. You secretly hid iron weapons."

Lu Jizhou retorted: "Those who dare to go to the entrance of the cave to face the enemy alone, don't they have sharp weapons? If they say it's a dagger, do you think I believe it or not?"

wipe!How did this man see her while hiding outside the cave?Even the bandits not far away found it easy to cut!

Lu Jizhou Xin talks about the five senses. The five senses are not just vision and hearing, but also touch, smell and taste.

The smell on her body is different from others.It is a type that smells bad on the surface but not on the inside.The clothes and turbans were so dirty that no color could be seen, but the person was fresh and clean, giving them a reassuring smell.

So, he knew she was hiding at the entrance of the cave.As for facing the enemy alone, he guessed it, and it seemed that he was right. She did have this plan.

Her courage once again impressed him.

This unusual girl is his biggest gain from this trip.

Du Ruoli no longer bothered Lu Jizhou about Doctor Song.

He caught the person, so he should be responsible for it until the end, and no one else has the right to interfere.

She asked him for advice: "Brother Lu, let me ask you a question. Do you think Heifeng Village will send people over again if the team has not returned yet? If they send people over again, can we officers be able to handle it?"

Lu Jizhou's ears twitched and he said quickly: "The newly sent team from Black Wind Village is already on the way. Listening to the footsteps, there are about [-] people. The leader is a Lianjiazi, who is probably the legendary master. With that, Two hundred versus eighty soldiers, plus a group of disorganized guerrillas, the chance of victory is over [-]%."

As he walked towards the cave, Du Ruoli trotted to follow and asked eagerly: "What should we do now? You have a way, right? You can protect us all, right?"

"Don't dare, the next mortal can't protect Miss Du!"

Lu Jizhou said a word and disappeared into the darkness in an instant.

If you don't have a yin and yang, you will die!

Du Ruoli fell back in anger, glared fiercely in the direction where Lu Jizhou disappeared, and started running towards the entrance of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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