Chapter 59
Du Ruoli ran on short legs, and when she reached the entrance of the cave, Lu Jizhou had already asked Ji Tong for command.

Ji Tong was a leader, leading a hundred soldiers and more than 1000 prisoners.Not to mention the high position and power, it is relatively noble.He actually handed over the command obediently, but he didn’t know what kind of poison Lu Jizhou had given him?

Lu Jizhou's method was actually very simple. He found a foolproof hiding place for Ji Tong: a hollow tomb.

The grave is not really a grave, no one is buried in it.The builders were probably preparing for the escape of future generations, so they built four underground palaces in the southeast and northwest.

Except for a coffin placed in the North Palace, with a stone man lying in the coffin.The remaining three underground palaces are empty and can accommodate more than a hundred people.

Lu Jizhou knew the art of traps and could see the traps on tombstones in the daytime.When I opened it, I discovered the secret inside.

The secret that I didn’t think much about at the time came in handy now.

When Ji Tong heard that there was a place to hide, he was immediately moved.After following Lu Jizhou to the tomb for a look, he immediately stopped leaving and handed the command flag to him, giving him full authority to command.

Ji Tong felt like a mirror in his heart, pitting the few against the many, the weak against the strong, outsiders against the locals, this was an unwinnable battle, and there was no point in persisting.

He was worried about how he could escape his life with his broken body.God helped him and asked Lu Jizhou to come to his door and tell him where the underground palace was.

The underground palace has a vent to the outside, so you can stay inside without being suffocated and without fear of your life.Once you press the switch from the inside, no one from the outside can come in. It is absolutely safe.

Stay inside for two or three days. When things calm down outside and his injuries are almost healed, he can then quietly go out and escape back to Qingyun County.He reported to the superiors that the team was attacked by bandits, and the superiors verified that they would not punish him. He continued to be his escort leader, enjoying the glory, wealth, and beautiful wife and concubines. How perfect.

No matter how loud his abacus was, Lu Jizhou took the command flag and quickly returned to the cave.

Time waits for no one, big things are urgent.

The guards at the entrance of the cave already had some suspicions when Lu Jizhou left with Leader Ji.At this time, I was not surprised when I saw the command flag in his hand, but instead felt a little expectant.

I hope that he will lead them to fight a battle with less to win more than he did against the wild boar last time, so that they don't lose their lives in vain.

The remaining prisoners, like the guards, looked at Lu Jizhou with burning eyes, hoping that he would lead them to create a miracle.

Lu Jizhou just nodded slightly, brushed a few times, drew a nearby map on the ground with a branch, and gave instructions to the guards and prisoners based on the map.

Those who received the order acted quickly and orderly.

The task of the young and strong women of the Du family is to pick up stones, pick them up, and deliver them to the men who occupy high places and act as trebuchets, and then throw them continuously on the path that the bandits must pass.

Du Ruoli was about to leave with them when she was stopped by Lu Jizhou: "Miss Du Ruoli, please stay. I have something to ask of you."

Du Ruoli thought she was assigned a mission alone, so she stepped back and stood in front of the map, looking at the branch he used as a baton: "Please tell me what the mission is!"

"It's not a mission." Lu Jizhou said, "I want to borrow the girl's aconite powder. Is it convenient?"

"Here, it's already been exchanged. Take it and use it directly." Du Ruo took out a porcelain bottle and handed it over.

No need to worry if you have too many debts, no need to worry if you have too many lice.He knew many of her secrets, not least of which was Wutou.

"Thank you!"

Lu Jizhou took the porcelain bottle, turned around and left.After walking a few steps, he stopped and said, "It's so easy to pick up stones."

The implication is not to take risks and protect yourself.Du Ruoli felt a warm feeling in her heart and nodded gently: "Yes, I remember."

Lu Jizhou stopped staying and strode away.Du Ruoli returned to the team and picked up stones with everyone.

This battle focuses on surprise.All teams are not allowed to light torches, and the lighting relies on a few burning charcoal fires.

The weak light of the charcoal fire did not affect the speed of the Detachment of Women picking up stones at all.Pairs of working hands, desperately grasping at the ground.He grabbed a stone and quickly put it into the basket, then grabbed the next one.

It seems that if you grab one more stone, you have one more chance of survival.

Du Ruoli's task is to transport stones.Seeing whose basket was full, he quickly went up to pick it up, then trotted all the way to the man above.

Sending them in basket after basket is too inefficient.She was running around, collecting a basket here and a basket here, putting them into the space, and only sending them out when a certain amount was reached.

When sending it, don't bear any weight. Just put stuffing under the basket and just put a few rocks on top to make a show.

After several operations, the transportation efficiency has been greatly improved.

Everyone was too busy looking after themselves, no one noticed the cheating, but instead felt that there was excess capacity.There were originally eight people tasked with transporting the goods, but four of them quickly changed careers and joined the stone-picking team.

There were more and more stones, and Du Ruoli once again gathered a pile of stones and sent them to her uncles and brothers.

The uncles and brothers were in a stone forest.There are only big rocks as high as a person's height in the stone forest, not small rocks.The terrain is higher than the surrounding areas, so no matter which direction the bandits come from, they can attack.

There is also a stone forest as a cover, which is unique and easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Lu Jizhou gave this good place to the Du people, and the trust in him was self-evident.

Du Ruoli arrived at the stone forest and felt relieved when she saw the men shouldering heavy responsibilities lying obediently behind the rocks, focusing on every move in front of them.Silently, he arranged some of the stones in the space and placed them in positions that were convenient for them.

Their entire clan is preparing in an orderly manner, and so is Lu Jizhou.

Find the seriously injured officer to take away the bow, arrows and saber, and apply aconite juice on the saber and arrow clusters.

Du Ruoli was more generous than he thought and gave him a bottle of aconite juice as big as his palm. After he applied twenty arrow clusters and the entire blade, there was still half a bottle left.

The remaining half of the bottle was put away for the time being. Lu Jizhou carried the weapon on his back. After checking everywhere, he took the path up the mountain alone.

After walking for half a stick of incense, he jumped to a nearby tree and watched the bandit team pass in front of him.

Similar to his previous estimate, the bandit team totaled 202 people, including 20 archers and 2 flag bearers.There are 180 people left, all with weapons.Swords, guns, swords and halberds, all kinds of weapons.

The leader is strong and strong, with an iron chain around his waist. He is a good martial artist.

The team is strong and seems destined to win!

Lu Jizhou didn't want to alert the bandits and let the bandits know that they were prepared. He held his breath and waited for them to pass one by one.

"and many more!"

The big leader seemed to feel something suddenly. He waved his hand to stop the team and looked in the direction of Lu Jizhou: "Go up and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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