Chapter 64 Two oriole
Lu Jizhou was not greedy for wine.

Although I usually drink a few sips when I am depressed.But when I have a mission, I never drink.

Just now, I just saw Du Ruoli treating Lihuabai as a treasure and trying to make her angry.

The way she looked when she blew up her hair was so fun. Once she did, he felt as refreshed as drinking ice water on a hot day.

Du Ruoli didn't expect the man's thoughts to be so dark. She thought he just lacked empathy and couldn't speak well. She even wanted to have a talk with him and teach him some basic principles of life.

However, time doesn’t allow it, so it’s time to get to work.

Du Ruoli went to the first room on the east side again and opened the heavy warehouse door with a master key also from modern times.

Boxes upon boxes of gold and silver jewelry were piled in the warehouse, blinding Du Ruoli's 36k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

The drug had its intended effect, and the two bandits fell to the ground, sleeping unconsciously.Du Ruoli crossed them, said "collect" silently, and put the gold and silver jewelry into the space.

In the second room, in addition to gold and silver jewelry, there was also a box full of silver notes, with denominations ranging from 50 taels, 100 taels, 500 taels, and 1000 taels. Du Ruoli still had room for it.

The third room contains precious medicinal materials, including ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, deer antlers, pangolin, tiger bones, bear bile, etc.Du Ruoli accepted the order without any politeness.

The fourth room was filled with silk, tea and porcelain, which were exactly the things Du Ruoli wanted to collect along the way. Why not?

In the fifth room, there are all kinds of animal furs, white, black, floral, all kinds of colors. God knows how many animals have been harmed.This was a good thing that was needed in the frontier, and Du Ruoli took it without leaving a trace.

The entire backyard was completely plundered, and the space was almost packed to the point where there was no room to stand.Du Ruoli thought for a while, then came to the kitchen again, took out Ji Tong's beloved horse, and the horse's head was facing the door, and it lay paralyzed on the ground.

Ji Tong is busy in the camp, so he should have a hot meal.

I just don’t know, when he sees his horse that has been dead for a few days and has been laid to rest, suddenly appears here, will he feel a little bit of surprise (jing) and joy (xia)?Can you eat it?
The most important thing is, are you willing to let your subordinates eat it if they have nothing to gain?

Although the horse was given away in vain and sold for a few taels less, it was worth it to Du Ruoli because it would cause trouble for Ji Tong.

After finishing all this, Du Ruoli filled her purse with gold beads and hung them on her waist.He came out holding a box of silver coins, a box of rubies and sapphires, a box of pearls and a box of medicinal materials.

The gold beads are solid gold, each weighing half a penny, and can hold three kilograms in a purse, which holds seven or eight purses.

She has never opened the banknote box, it is intact, and it is estimated that there will be no shortage of it.

The rubies and sapphires were chosen to be the most sparkling and lustrous.

Pearl picked the largest and most uniform one.

The medicinal materials are the most expensive and most profitable.Including two wrist-thick ginseng plants, a handful of tiger bones and a bottle of bear bile wine.

If there is no space to help, these are the best things she can bring out.

Lu Jizhou came in to make the selection himself, but that was nothing more than that.

Since Du Ruoli chose to cooperate with him, she had made plans to follow the rules and not let him suffer.Let alone ruin your reputation and cut off your future.

Hearing the movement behind him, Lu Jizhou, who was on guard, turned around and saw Du Ruoli returning home with a full load, and almost couldn't help laughing.

She was also too greedy. She hung so many things on her body that the boxes were piled higher than hers. She walked over slowly, and for those who didn't know, she thought the boxes had become sperm.

Lu Jizhou threw several cloth bags to Du Ruoli, indicating to her to discard the box and put the things into the bags. He still stood motionless, paying attention to the movements around him.Du Ruoli took the cloth bag to put things in and couldn't help but sigh that they were well prepared.

I don’t know how many times I have experienced the same thing before I became so familiar with it.

Just when I was thinking hard, I suddenly heard Lu Jizhou's voice: "Don't think so wildly. This is the same as Miss Du. This is the first time for me."

His long voice was particularly scary at this time. Du Ruoli was so frightened that she sat on the ground, covered her mouth and asked, "Did I accidentally say it just now?"

Lu Jizhou laughed like crazy in his heart. The girl was so inexperienced in deception, she could pull it off with just a simple trick.

There was no expression on his face, and he asked: "What do you think?"

Du Ruoli chuckled: "Mr. Lu Jizhou, you are dishonest, you are deceiving me!"

“How come you see?”

Lu Jizhou blurted out the question and immediately regretted it.Wasn't this the same mistake she made just now?

Seeing his annoyed look, Du Ruoli happily continued to pack things.

After loading, I gave him the heavy ones to hang, and hung the light banknotes and medicinal materials myself. I suddenly felt relaxed all over my body.

The battle ahead is nearing its end.

Under the dual stimulation of promotion and fortune, Ji Tong burst out with tremendous energy.Lying on Chen Bangming's back, he not only commanded the officers to pass through the blockade of Heifeng Village, but also beat the bandits in Heifeng Village to the point where they were left alive.Currently, only the second master and his right and left hand are stubbornly resisting, and it looks like they won't be able to hold on for long.

It would be too late if he didn't go to the front yard. Lu Jizhou and Du Ruoli looked at each other, and after getting her permission, he put her under his arm and walked around to the front yard.

This time, knowing that Du Ruoli was drugged and able to protect herself, Lu Jizhou suggested splitting up the operations, with him taking care of the east and she taking care of the west.

"no problem."

Du Ruoli quickly ran into the west side and ordered a piece of incense for each room.

There was no one else in the room except her, and the purpose of lighting up the drug was to deal with people who might come in unexpectedly.

To the west was the place where the three bosses lived, plus a living room. Needless to say, it was luxurious. Du Ruoli accepted the order again, not leaving a needle or a thread for the dog servant.

To the east are the martial arts training ground, armory and stables. The situation is different from that to the west. There are people inside, and there are a lot of them.

The leader was none other than Yao San.

They had already gone up the mountain when Ji Tong came out from the cemetery to grab the credit.When Ji Tong came up and fought with the bandits, he led his people to take away the secret warehouse in the back mountain, drove away hundreds of good horses, and transported away a large amount of weapons, iron and stone.He even found the entrance to the underground prison and received hundreds of detainees.

When it was time to take the next step, the master, Lu Jizhou, arrived.

After Lu Jizhou nodded, he issued an order: "First, withdraw quickly and make a clean withdrawal without letting the guards get any clues. Second, after everything calms down, seize this place and turn it into a secret training base..."


Du Ruoli quickly collected the things and while standing in the yard observing the situation, she felt faint voices in the west and thought there was something wrong with Lu Jizhou's children's shoes.Hold the sleeve arrow tightly and somersault in...

(End of this chapter)

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