Chapter 65 God's Daughter

When he rolled in, he found that the room was empty except for Lu Jizhou, standing in front of a large shelf with his hands behind his back, his shadow stretching long on the ground.

Have you hallucinated yourself?
Just as Du Ruoli was about to ask something, heavy footsteps and loud noises came from outside.

No need to guess, it was the guards who won the battle and were rushing towards the yard with the purpose of grabbing money.

How to do?
This room is so spacious that you can see as far as the eye can see, and there is no place to hide.It’s too late to light some incense. Will the guards suddenly come in?Will you ask for their things when you come in?Or even kill them?
Du Ruoli looked at Lu Jizhou and subconsciously regarded him as her backbone.

Lu Jizhou took great advantage of this kind of dependence and trust. He gave her a reassuring look, indicating that she didn't need to worry, he knew it well.

After conveying the meaning, Lu Jizhou stepped in front of Du Ruoli, picked her up from the ground, and rushed to the door quickly.After kicking their toes on the wall next to the door a few times, a secret door leading to the underground opened in front of them.

It turns out that there is a secret passage hidden in this room.

Du Ruoli, who was dizzy from the series of actions just now, finally felt relieved. The number he said was true, not 13.

Under the guidance of Lu Jizhou, Du Ruoli stepped into the secret door.Watch him find the mechanism behind the door, fiddle with it a few times, and let the door close in front of them.

The art of mechanism is really unpredictable. Du Ruoli looked at it carefully and didn't understand anything, so she gave up.

As the secret door closed, the space gradually darkened and turned into pitch black.

It is not allowed to light lamps or torches in such places. Burning items will consume the already thin oxygen and cause hypoxia in the human body.Du Ruoli didn't dare to take out the lighting equipment in her space, so they could only move forward in the dark.

Being in a dark environment where she knew nothing about, Du Ruoli was a little nervous and said without words: "Brother Lu, you remember that I said that there is a secret passage in the house of the eldest master, right? That secret passage leads directly to the cliff behind the mountain. , it’s enough to escape, why do you need to build another one?”

Lu Jizhou explained as he walked: "Heifeng Village has great ambitions. It wants to become bigger and stronger and dominate. Therefore, the foundation has been laid very solidly. The underground is made like a maze, with several passages leading to various parts of the mountain. The current end of this road is halfway up the mountain in front, which is where we came up before, and it has not yet been used."

The people in the dungeon are strong men captured by the bandits from all over the place, who specialize in building tunnels.I heard from Yao San that due to living underground for a long time and suffering inhuman torture, when these strong men were rescued, they all had pale faces, as if they were mostly dead but not buried.

The level of evil committed by these bandits is comparable to that of the Northwest King!It's just that it hasn't really grown up yet, and it can't reach the level of causing trouble to the world.

They destroyed the village and the pots today, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

Lu Jizhou's voice sounded in her ears, as mellow and moving as a cello, and Du Ruoli's panicked heart gradually calmed down.Follow closely behind him and move outward quickly.

Lu Jizhou changed his usual careless and self-indulgent manner and handed his sleeve into her hand.Said to her: "You hold my hand and walk."

"Thank you!"

Du Ruoli felt completely at ease, clutching his sleeve tightly and walking out of the cave step by step.

In Heifeng Village, Ji Tong felt like a sunken dog at this time.

After a lot of effort to invade the stronghold, seven brothers were killed and more than a dozen were seriously injured. It must have been hard to win, but the stronghold was evacuated like a snow cave.

I heard that there was still some horse meat left in the backyard kitchen, so I thought I would take my brothers to have a meal first. When I took a look, it turned out to be his little red.Xiaohong appeared here strangely, seeming to laugh at his incompetence.

In order to prevent Xiaohong from being eaten, he dragged Bizuzhong's body and searched desperately for the secret warehouse of the village on Chen Bangming's back. He finally found it, but before he could decipher the mechanism, the village was compromised.The two rooms in the front yard, east and west, burned at the same time, and the flames shot up into the sky, sweeping everything and engulfing everything.They had to leave the village empty-handed and broke.

Jiji Yingying was so busy that it was almost like a joke.

Not long after Du Ruoli and Lu Jizhou walked out of the secret passage, a red light appeared in the sky. The red light expanded rapidly and illuminated half of the sky in a few moments.

Du Ruoli looked back at the burning Black Wind Village, feeling completely relieved.

The locks she opened, the drugs she ordered, and the warehouses she ransacked could all expose her information, which was always a hidden danger to her.It would be better to burn it on fire, and no one would be able to find any clues.

Looking at the intensity of the fire, the burning speed of the buildings in the village, the various screams, and the sounds of heavy objects falling, she was completely safe.

Lu Jizhou stood next to Du Ruoli, looking at the tongues of flames in the sky in the same posture as her, with some doubts in his eyes.

Because he didn't want to use the huge wealth that he couldn't take away to make money for the police, and he didn't want his actions to be discovered by anyone who wanted to do it, he left a kindling on the shelf in the armory.When the fire meets the wooden frame, it will burn slowly. When it reaches the point where it is dripping with fire oil, it will rise into the sky and swallow up the entire room and then the entire cottage.

The fire did start, and the time was right.

What is puzzling is that no matter how high the flames spread and how fiercely they burned, they only burned the buildings in the village and did not spread outside. The ancient trees surrounding the village were not affected.

According to common sense, shouldn't the fire extend to the river and then stop?
Also, the fire started not only in the armory in the east, but also in the master's room in the west and the armory burned almost at the same time.

It's Du Ruoli!

There are really a lot of good things in her hands. The ones he has seen include aconite juice, poison, things that attract thunder and things that set fire.

Every one of them was better than he imagined. She must have had an adventure, and she was a daughter protected by God.

Du Ruoli, God's daughter, already knew that the other fire was set by Lu Jizhou.

Well put!Excellent placement!Let it croak!
He was being used and calculated by Ji Tong's gang in every possible way. If he didn't fight back, she would still look down on him!

After going up the mountain, the mission was successfully completed. Seeing that the guard was about to come down, Du Ruoli pulled Lu Jizhou's sleeve and said, "Stop looking and leave quickly."

Lu Jizhou no longer thought about the magical thing that could set fire and control the fire. He fished it out with one hand and carried Du Ruoli on his back. With the wind under his feet, he rushed towards the cave.

Du Ruoli: "..."

Big brother, we have legs and can walk and run. I don’t mean to ask you to carry them on your back, right?

Are you afraid that you are addicted to carrying others on your back?
In this case, the beautiful and kind-hearted little fairy will satisfy you and let you carry it.

Lu Jizhou, who was riding high on his luck, heard the muttering behind him, his knees weakened and he almost staggered.

(End of this chapter)

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