Chapter 66
Arriving 500 meters away from the cave entrance, Lu Jizhou put Du Ruoli down.

The two of them each sat on a stone, facing each other.Under the light of the candle, start counting the money.

The first was the banknotes. Du Ruoli took them out one by one, added them up, and quoted a number.Lu Jizhou sent them back one by one, added them again, and quoted the same number as her: 47 taels of silver.The amount distributed to each person is 5 taels.

The money alone made Du Ruoli rich overnight, turning her into a serf and singing.

Next comes the medicinal materials. The quantity of medicinal materials is not large, but the quality is better.Lu Jizhou said that the ginseng was over a hundred years old and the tiger bone and bear bile were of the highest quality. They were probably stolen from a powerful family.Du Ruoli asked for a ginseng and half of a tiger bone.She didn't ask for the bear bile wine and asked Lu Jizhou to convert it into money and give her 1000 taels of silver.

Then there are the gold beads. The gold beads are easy to divide. There are eight bags in total. The number in each bag is the same. Each person can take four bags.

The most difficult thing to separate was pearls and gems, because each one was different and represented different values. Lu Jizhou asked Du Ruoli to pick first and leave the rest to him.Du Ruoli didn't do this. She mixed these things together and packed them into two even bags. She picked one bag at random and gave the rest to Lu Jizhou.

Lu Jizhou took it and joked: "We've divided the money. Bags of rice, bags of flour, please go back."

Du Ruoli blew a kiss to him: "Thank you, little donkey!"

Little...little...donkey?Lu Jizhou's fist hardened.

Du Ruoli smiled and rolled her eyes, stood up, and trotted back.

Get rich, get rich, so happy, so happy that I want to go to heaven, side by side with the sun...

Lu Jizhou looked at her cheerful back and slowly smiled.

Even he couldn't tell whether he was laughing because of the girl or because of the unexpected big gain.

The sky turned white, and a new day had arrived. Du Ruoli ran back to the cave and saw a group of people warming up at the entrance of the cave.There are the elderly third cousin and his wife, uncle Du Changgui who has an injured shoulder, and young Xiaoqiu.The three families who usually go with her, except for a few ignorant little Douding, are all sitting here.

Du Ruoli was surprised: "Why did you get up so early... No, you must have stayed up all night, are you waiting for me?"

He must be waiting for her, a little orphan girl, the baby of all of them, living in the dark with a little older sister, leaving in the middle of the night and not coming back, which is almost worrying to death.

They searched everywhere but couldn't find anyone, so they had no choice but to sit here and wait, while scolding Du Ruozhen for not asking clearly.

But you can't say these words to her, it will be stressful.They were relieved that she was back well.

The highest-ranking female elder, the Third Grandmother, spoke on behalf of everyone: "I'm not waiting for you. Last night, I was killing people and carrying the dead. I was so frightened that I didn't dare to close my eyes. I just got up and sat down to talk. As I talked, I It’s time.”

Du Ruoli blinked, "Grandma, you can make up lies more convincingly. How many of the people here look scared?"
There was worry, fatigue, and sleepiness, but not much fright.

They were just waiting for her.

Since they chose not to tell the truth, she could just pretend not to know.Keep this precious affection in your heart.

She came close to her cousin and whispered: "Idle time is idle, come with me to a place, I found something good."

When everyone heard it, there was no one who didn't respond, even the old grandmother wanted to participate.They fought over each other, leaving Zhou Daya in the cave to nurse and look after the child, while the others followed Du Ruoli.Du Ruoli handed her sister, who had not yet woken up, into Zhou Daya's hands and led everyone to a place not far from the main battlefield. Pointing to a bush as tall as one person, she said: "There are several carts of things in there, which are hidden by bandits." Yes, let’s break up quietly, right?”

Although the things were not hidden by the bandits, she had just put them in.But the source is the bandit kitchen and storage room, so this is not a lie.

When everyone heard that the bandits had left something behind, they hurried over and pushed the cart out of the bushes.

As soon as the cover was lifted, everyone's eyes widened.

The life of a bandit is too good, right?
Bags of thin noodles as white as snowflakes, bags of crystal clear polished rice, a whole cart of sweet snacks, a whole cart of fat chickens and big ducks, half a cart of fungus and yellow flower mushrooms, a whole sheep, two whole pigs, watching Just makes people drool.

There is also a neat cart full of rabbit skins, with hairs about an inch long attached to them. They sew a vest and a pair of shoes. I don’t know how warm they are.

Du Ruoli said: "There are a lot of things. It would be too conspicuous for just our family to take them back, and we would easily be resented. How about giving points to everyone who cleaned the battlefield last night?"

Although everyone was a little reluctant to give up, they still understood the reason and nodded: "What you said is that you want to share it with the tribe and the Zhao family."

Du Changgui stood up and asked to take over the burden: "If you feel at ease, Li Yatou, please leave it to your uncle. My uncle will give it to the Du and Zhao clans, as well as Lu Langjun. The servants who have made great achievements and rest in the cave have nothing to do." Forget about keeping other serious criminals alive."

"What did uncle say? Why should I not trust you?" Du Ruoli wished that someone would take care of it and immediately threw away the burden: "In this case, it will be hard for uncle."

Du Changgui laughed loudly: "You don't even say it's hard work, why does uncle work hard? If it's not hard... Uncle will go find Mrs. Zhao and the clan leader to discuss how to distribute things to everyone."

"Sure, go quickly!"

Du Ruoli looked in the direction of Du Ruozhen, fell down on her shoulder accurately, yawned and said, "I'm so sleepy, give me some support, and call me when you're dividing things."

Du Ruozhen was so angry because of her last night that she finally suppressed it just now.When she leaned against her like this, she jumped up again and cursed: "Go away, don't lean on me, sister is sleepier than you!"

Du Ruoli chuckled: "Don't be like this. I'll treat you to a good meal when you get the things."

"Who cares! You're not the only one who can get something!"

Du Ruozhen rolled his eyes, but he didn't push Du Ruoli away.Du Ruoli had been busy all night, but she was so tired and sleepy that she actually fell asleep on Du Ruozhen's shoulder, snoring loudly.

"I really owe you!"

Du Ruozhen cursed and put his arms around Du Ruoli to let her sleep more comfortably so that she wouldn't accidentally fall to the ground and smash her face.

When Du Ruoli woke up, everything had been divided. She received half a loin of beef, a piece of mutton as big as a palm, two pieces of snacks, a handful of dried vegetables, two kilograms of rice, three kilograms of flour, and a piece of rabbit skin.

Eight carts of goods were distributed to each person, that's all.Those with a heavy stomach may not even eat enough for two days.But she didn't dare to go too far, so she could only find a way next time.

(End of this chapter)

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