Chapter 67
Du Changgui personally delivered a basket to Lu Jizhou: "Mr. Lang, our tribe found several carts of things left by bandits, and gave a share to those who participated in fighting the bandits at night and collecting the corpses from the bandits. This is yours, please keep it."

Lu Jizhou, who was leaning against the stone wall to rest his mind, immediately woke up, pointed to the items in the basket and asked, "Where did you find it? Take me to see it!"

"Done!" Du Changgui put down the basket and led Lu Jizhou toward the bushes.

The bushes are located not far from yesterday's guard station. They are said to be bushes, but in fact they are mostly made of tall thatch. The thatch is thick and dense. It is indeed a good place to hide a short cart.

He looked around last night, but there was nothing here. It was only there later.The fish that slipped through the village had to take valuables with them, and it was impossible to escape with heavy things.

Are they bandits who are out shopping?When you get here, you realize something is wrong, hide your things and run away?

Before he could figure out the reason, Lu Jizhou heard the sound of chaotic and shuffling footsteps, and knowing that it was a servant returning from a great victory with nothing to gain, he took Du Changgui away.

When the officer came back, his business also came, so he was busy with business first.Within Yao San's field of vision, several bandits could not go anywhere.

Ji Tong lived to be in his 40s and worked as a sergeant for more than 20 years.As a teenager, he started out as an errand boy at the lowest level, and with his cleverness and courage, he became an eighth-level jailer.There has never been a moment as embarrassing as today.

He was scarred and had to rely on others to carry him.Old wounds on his body collapsed, he was hit by a falling beam while escaping, and there were new wounds on his back.From head to toe, everything hurts.

The men under him were crying and mourning. On the surface, they were mourning for their dead comrades, but in fact, they were expressing dissatisfaction with him as their leader.Even if he finally relented and let them roast Xiao Hong and eat them, they were still not satisfied. They even suspected that he knew in advance that the village was empty and was deceiving them.What's even more outrageous is that some people suspect that he found someone to move the things in advance.He was about to die unjustly!

The seriously injured person screamed strangely, howled like ghosts, and kept begging him to find a doctor.It was as if the injury was all for him and he had to take responsibility.

The most damning thing is that he has nothing to gain!I worked most of the night, lost half my life, lost several brothers, and offended countless people, but in the end I gained nothing!If he had known this earlier, wouldn't it have been better if he had said a few nice-sounding words and asked Lu Jizhou to take the exiled prisoners to fight for their lives?Why bother?

Looking at Chen Bangming in front of him, if it weren't for...forget it, he also had good intentions. If he accused him and had a bad relationship with him, he would really be alone.

Ji Tong lay on Chen Bangming's back and endured the bumps again and again. As he approached the entrance of the cave, he unexpectedly saw three well-dressed people slowly walking down the mountain carrying medicine boxes.

Doctor Song’s master and apprentice are still there!
Their medical skills are first-rate. They treated his injuries and set his bones yesterday. The pain was gone at night and he slept comfortably in the cemetery for a while.

Could it be that appearing here at this time is God's compensation for him?

"Doctor Song, Doctor Song, don't leave, come back..." Ji Tong used the strength of breastfeeding to shout loudly, for fear that others wouldn't hear.

Could it be that Doctor Song couldn't hear the truth? He turned around and asked in surprise: "Ah, what's going on? Are you getting into trouble with bandits again? I'm sorry, how painful it is! You have worked hard to eliminate harm for the people!"

Ji Tong almost burst into tears when he heard what he said. He sniffed and said, "Isn't that right? Fortunately, you didn't leave. Please help us half-dead people get cured."

Dr. Song smiled kindly: "Doctors have a parent-like heart. How can they not treat patients when they see them? It's just that the ugly words are ahead, and doctors also have to eat. Your injuries are not serious, and the consultation fee will not be cheap. Think of it as soon as possible. , the exclusive wound medicine used here is more expensive." Ji Tong agreed without blinking: "That's natural! You can treat it, money will not delay you."

"There is a good place ahead, please come with me."

Doctor Song held his apprentice's arm, led him to the empty cemetery, opened the cemetery's mechanism and said, "This place is good for treating injuries. It's clean and clean. Please discuss who will be treated first."

Ji Tong wanted to say that he would come first. When he saw the unkind looks in everyone's eyes, he finally pointed at his unconscious subordinate who was bleeding from the chest and said, "He will come first."

One of Dr. Song's apprentices walked up to him, looked him over, and quoted him 3000 taels of silver: "The consultation fee is 1000 taels, and the medicine fee is 2000 taels. Pay first, and then treat the disease."

The man named Lu was so cruel that he actually asked him to quote a sky-high price.His master wouldn't dare to repay him like this even in a wealthy family. These servants are not fools, so it's strange that they would agree!
The officer was indeed not a fool. Ji Tong was so angry that he was shaking all over and wished he could kill these bastards alive.

Bullshit doctors are kindhearted, but they are just evil people who are greedy for money and take advantage of people's danger.

But what can he do?The wounds on his body were clamoring for medical treatment and medicine, and his soldiers were clamoring for medical treatment and medicine.

If they don't find a doctor named Song and take a long way to Qingyun County to ask for a doctor, will they be able to survive it?What about the medical skills of the doctors invited?
Ji Tong gritted his teeth and took out the banknote: "Treat it! Duzhi, I've paid out the money. You can take these, refund more and make up for less. Don't delay."

The apprentice took the thick stack of banknotes, cursed a fool in his heart, and went back to help the master.

Du Ruoli received the things, went back and hugged her sister, and gathered together with Zhou Daya, Du Ruoying and Du Ruozhen to share snacks.

Everyone has snacks, just different types.They divided the jujube cakes, sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, mung bean cakes and donkey rolls in their hands into four, and each of them had a piece, and ate them warmly and affectionately, making their mouths full of sweetness.

After finishing the pastry and cleaning my fingers, I heard someone talk about the servants paying high prices for medical treatment.

Du Ruozhen and the others gasped when they heard this, and kept lamenting that the policeman was rich, so rich. If it were them, let alone 3000 taels of silver, or even three taels of silver, they would have given up and gone home to lie down. Waiting to die.

Du Ruoli knew what was going on as soon as she heard it.Doctor Song was Lu Jizhou's prisoner, and he happened to appear in front of the officer who needed him most. The price he wanted was within the range of the officer's affordability. If this was not Lu Jizhou's business, she would cut off her head and play it as a ball for him.

Hey, they are both doing business along the way, so why is there such a big gap between her and Lu Jizhou?
She slowly saved a few pennies and a few taels, and she was able to sell tens of thousands of taels at a time;
He was hiding behind his back, and Doctor Song was carrying the pot, so there was no risk.She was selling a broken lipstick, and someone actually targeted her.

It's really human, it's maddening!
By the way, why did the person who was vaguely following the exile team a few days ago and seemed to be looking for her disappear?Did they give up on their own, or were they washed away by floods and stabbed to death by bandits?

(End of this chapter)

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