Chapter 69 A Serious Lesson

Du Ruoli stood up and asked Zhang Xiuhe condescendingly: "If I don't forgive you, how will you treat me?"


Zhang Xiuhe hit her hard, causing her forehead to become red and swollen, and said loudly: "If you don't forgive me, I will knock myself to death here."

Du Ruoli nodded: "Then die, I will make room for you."

After saying that, he carried his sister behind his back, bent down to clean up the bed quickly, and walked out with the bed roll.

Zhang Xiuhemu watched her movements blankly, and it took him a while to realize that they really didn't care whether she lived or died.

Thinking of the unknown retribution, he grabbed the hem of her skirt and broke down crying: "Li Yatou, you are so cruel! Even Aunt Seven has knelt down for you, what else do you want? Do you really want to force your elders regardless of family ties? Are you going to die? If Aunt Seven is dead, what will happen to your cousins? They are still so young and cannot live without their mother..."

The cry attracted the attention of many people, and a few lively ones were already walking towards them.Xue Jinxin and Mrs. Zhao also came, full of worries.

Du Ruoli was annoyed to death. This kind of person was like a fucking toad sitting on the instep of his feet. It couldn't bite anyone, it was disgusting to death.

She tore off the hem of her skirt with a stab, put the bedroll on the ground, sat on it and asked angrily: "Did I beat you? scold you? Or did I do something excessive to you?"

Zhang Xiuhe didn't realize that the topic had gone astray, and shook his head in denial: "I never beat or scolded him, nor did I do anything excessive."

As soon as she finished speaking, Du Ruoli stood up suddenly, pointed at her nose and asked loudly: "In that case, why does the seventh aunt keep saying that my niece is forcing you to death? If the reputation of the younger generation forcing the elders to death spreads, will my niece continue to be a human being?" ? We, the Du clan, have already been exiled. If we are known for killing our aunts again, will we still be alive? What is the intention of the seventh aunt to make things difficult for the whole clan? "

When Du Ruoli got excited, the little baby behind her felt frightened and began to cry heartbreakingly. The cry surrounded the cave, feeling so wronged.

The onlookers pointed at Zhang Xiuhe, and Mrs. Zhao and her husband and grandson looked at her like she was a piece of shit.

Zhang Xiuhe's mind was buzzing and he was completely confused.

No, she just came here sincerely to ask for forgiveness. How could she be in trouble with the whole clan?
She was born as a member of the Du family and died as a ghost of the Du family. Why should she have trouble with the Du family?
She wanted to retort loudly, but she didn't know where to start.

While racking his brains, the husband's roar came from the entrance of the cave: "Shut up, Mrs. Du Zhang, if you keep talking nonsense, I will divorce you!"

Du Laoqi strode in with a sullen face, said "Sorry" to Du Ruoli, then roughly picked up Zhang Xiuhe's back collar and carried her out of the cave.

Du Ruoli no longer paid attention to what happened next, and hurriedly hugged her sister to her body, patted her back and apologized softly: "I'm sorry, little Yu'er, it's my first time for my sister to take care of a child. I don't know how serious it is. I scared you just now.”

"Stop crying, okay? My sister is wrong. She shouldn't have lost her temper loudly and frightened you. My sister promises you that she will never do this again, okay? Forgive her once and give her a chance to change her ways. opportunity, okay?"

Under the gentle comfort of her sister, the baby gradually stopped crying.With eyes washed with water, he looked at his sister for a moment, slowly showed a smile, then giggled, and touched his sister's face with his little hand.

Du Ruoli's heart melted, and she wished she could give all the good things to her.

Mrs. Zhao and Xue Jinxin did not leave and kept watching the two sisters interact.After Du Ruoli coaxed her sister to sleep, Mrs. Zhao said, "Girl, I'm going to say something to you, please listen to me."

"Say it!" Du Ruoli hugged her sleeping sister and sat in front of them.

Mrs. Zhao looked at her skinny hands and said, "If you don't kill the snake, you will be disturbed by it. When it's time to be ruthless, you must be ruthless, otherwise you will have endless troubles." Du Ruoli nodded silently.

Isn't it?

Zhang Xiuhe plotted against her twice and three times, but she didn't fight back hard and pinned her to death. That's why what happened today happened.

Before, she kept saying that she didn't want to kill Zhang Xiuhe and Du Zhizhong personally, and she didn't want to stab Zhang Da to death, but she wanted them to live worse than death or be punished by heaven.In fact, he neither dared nor wanted to kill anyone.

Because she had received a modern education, the legal concepts deeply rooted in her mind were not cleared away in time, and she was unable to do things like a white knife going in and a red knife coming out.

Today, Zhang Xiuhe taught her a serious lesson.

In this lesson, moral kidnapping is not the most disgusting thing. She has a thousand ways to deal with it.

The most disgusting thing is that Zhang Xiuhe dared to come to her door to force her because he was sure that she would not tell the truth.Once it was separated, no one would pay attention to the right and wrong, only the fact that she had been sent to a big bed.

Although she was a victim and nothing happened, it did not prevent the rumors from killing her and her sister, and even implicating other cousins.

Like Lianzuo, this was the most fucked-up place in ancient times.

Zhang Xiuhe's lesson completely awakened her. This is not a civilized society. Don't think about calling the police when something happens. No police will help you, you can only help yourself.

In order not to be picked on anymore, Du Laoqi, I'm sorry, you will lose your wife, and your son will lose his mother.

Seeing that Du Ruoli understood, Mrs. Zhao held Xue Jinxin's shoulders and walked slowly towards her destination.

The old lady was a mature woman. After listening to Zhang Xiuhe crying for a few words, she knew that this person could not be kept.I wanted to quietly help solve the problem in order to repay her for rescuing Jin Xin.Later, I saw that she was smart and turned the situation around with a few words, so she changed it to a reminder.If she doesn't wake up at all, it won't be too late for her old lady to take action.

Everyone left, Du Ruoli sat on the ground in a daze for a while, then went out to ask Li Jianming to borrow a big iron pot.

No matter what, today is the day when my sister is one month old. After receiving so many gifts, she has to prepare a decent meal and finish the day happily.

We can't let Zhang Xiuhe, a stinky rat, spoil the whole pot of soup.

Li Jianming's injury was not serious. He secretly used the medicine he bought from Du Ruoli and there was nothing serious about him.Next to the sinkhole set up as a trap, we are cooperating with Qingyun County officials to investigate the situation of the fight against bandits last night.

After hearing Du Ruoli's request, she quickly went back to the cave to help her take it out, and also gave her a piece of about five kilograms of bacon and a basket of taro: "Take it to add some vegetables."

Du Ruoli knew that he felt that he had taken advantage of the medicine, so he specially compensated her. She happily took it: "Thank you, sir! Sir, you will come and sit down later!"

Li Jianming waved his hand: "I'm busy, you can eat by yourself."

After speaking, he left without stopping.

When he walked away, Du Ruoli jumped up happily, thinking about what to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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