Chapter 70 Full Moon Banquet

Du Ruoli took out a bag of rice from the space. The rice was smashed in advance. It was similar to the polished rice in the grain store. It was washed and soaked.

Peel and dice the taro, stir-fry it with the diced bacon in the pot. After it becomes fragrant, pour in the rice and water, cover the pot and simmer over low heat.

While the rice was sizzling in the pot, Du Ruoli cut the pork and mutton she received in the morning into thin shreds.Uncle Changgui knew that she loved to eat lean meat, so he specially selected the tenderest tenderloin for her and cut it beautifully.

There was too little shredded pork, not enough for one person to hold one chopstick.She soaked a handful of dried beans, put them together with the meat, added a tablespoon of lard, and slowly simmered them in a clay pot until all the oil went into the beans.

Everyone loved to eat the noodles and fruits in the morning, so Du Ruoli brought out two more bowls of noodles and fruits from the space.

When I was still thinking about cooking a few dishes, the hunting team came back, carrying a black bear, a muntjac, and countless pheasants and hares.

Except for Lu Jizhou, who was walking at the end, the smiles on everyone's faces almost reached behind their ears.There was a loud sound under their feet, for fear that others would not know that they had made a triumphant return.

So, a man is a boy until he dies!
Du Zhiquan was walking at the front, calling from a distance: "Cousin, little cousin, what's cooking in the pot? Why is it so fragrant? Is there meat? Get me a bowl quickly, I'm here. The forest is so busy that I’m starving to death, and I’m just waiting for this bowl of rice from you to replenish my energy.”

Du Ruoli was so amused by him that she greeted him: "Uncles, brothers, and Brother Lu, put your things down, wash your hands, come and have a bowl, and have a taste of my craftsmanship."

Du Zhiquan only smelled the aroma and didn't know the actual contents of the pot. Thinking that his cousin was a generous person, he also helped to greet him: "Come all, come all. You're welcome, my family. Once you've eaten, you can collect your prey."

It was hard to resist the warm welcome, so the other 30 people had no choice but to sit by the fire.

Du Ruoli gave each of them a full bowl of bacon and taro rice, and then placed braised beans and noodles and fruits in front of them.

After picking up their rice bowls, everyone looked at each other: Are you so arrogant?
Du Zhiquan wished he could find a hole in the ground and crawl into it. How brave are you to dare to be such a big boss for others?

Du Ruoli said with a smile: "Eat it, there will be some in the pot after you eat it. It is specially prepared for you, so feel free to eat it."

Du Zhiquan was worried. He had already picked up the bowl, could he still return it?So I put a big mouthful of rice with meat and vegetables into my mouth.

God, why does it smell so good?The fragrance is so fragrant!

Try the braised beans again, my God, I will kill you!

Everyone saw that Du Zhiquan was picking up vegetables very quickly, his mouth was bulging, and oil was still coming out of the corners of his mouth. They could no longer remain restrained and joined the queue to grab vegetables and rice.

Lu Jizhou didn't fight with them and ate the rice in his bowl slowly.

Well, the little girl's cooking is pretty good, the heat is just right, the seasoning is right, and it tastes very similar to what he ate somewhere before.

Where exactly?He couldn't remember it for a moment.

Du Changgui handed the plate to him: "Lu Langjun, don't just eat, eat some food!"

Lu Jizhou's thoughts were disrupted and he simply stopped thinking about it. He picked up a handful of beans and ate some noodles and fruits slowly.

The home-cooked meals are quite satisfying and satisfying. The little girl knows how to live her life.

The food prepared by Du Ruoli was clean, and the thirty tribesmen looked at each other again, wishing they could slap themselves in the face.If Te Niang takes advantage of a little orphan girl, are they still human?

When everyone was thinking about how to compensate, Lu Jizhou said: "Miss Du, since I have eaten your food today, I will leave it to you."

Du Ruoli actually wanted to try the muntjac meat, but she still shook her head: "Just give me some rabbit and pheasant, muntjac is not delicious."

Lu Jizhou is a rich man and has no shortage of money. If his clansmen are in need, it would be good to sell it and get an extra penny.

Lu Jizhou probably knew what she was thinking, so he nodded and said, "It's up to you. Go and choose for yourself, and then sell the rest!"

"Good!" Du Ruoli ran to the pile of prey and picked out two fat rabbits and two fat pheasants.

The rabbits and pheasants were still alive, so Du Zhiquan took the initiative to stay and help her kill and clean them.

Du Ruoli said with a smile: "Brother, tonight is the full moon banquet dinner. You won't come, right? With these game meats, the dinner will probably be more sumptuous..."

Du Zhiquan wanted to say that he couldn't come, and he didn't come with what he had eaten at noon, so as to save some food for his sister. The words came to his mouth and turned into: "Come! How could you not come! If the full moon banquet is held, what else can it be called if your relatives don't support it? Relatives? You must come!"

Du Ruoli laughed until her stomach ached, and her mood that had been ruined by Zhang Xiuhe finally became clear again.

This family is so interesting, Du Ruozhen is interesting, Du Zhiquan is also interesting, and it is extremely comfortable to get along with them.

After Du Ruoquan finished speaking, he brought out a large knife of pork belly and gave it to Du Ruoli: "I divided it in the morning. You can stew it with dried beans. It's more delicious than lean meat."

As soon as he finished speaking, several people came out from behind, either the men who had eaten here just now or their family members, each carrying something to give Du Ruoli a gift in return.

The food was not bad, it was all the meat, snacks and whole grains that I had just picked up in the morning that I was reluctant to eat, as well as the Chongyang Yang bacteria I had just picked up on the mountain.

One or two, poor people will be poor, but they want face and don't take advantage of others.

Du Ruoli has always liked the coming and going of emotions, and will not refuse these gifts.Next, I prepared to cook them all together in the evening and eat them with everyone.

If we often eat together, make money together, and send each other gifts from time to time, won't feelings come out?Wasn't the reunion she wanted achieved?
Next, Du Ruoli fell into the smoke and fire again.

The hare is plump and is perfect for making into a griddle; the pheasant meat is firm and can be stewed with the chestnuts; I just had the bean stew at noon, so I replaced it with braised pork; the mutton doesn’t have green onions to fry, so it’s ready to be steamed with rice flour; Chongyang bacteria Fresh and tender, stir-fried; add a piece of black fungus cold and make six dishes.

There were a lot of new people, and she was worried that one pot of rice would not be enough, so Du Ruoli made some hawthorn-filled sesame seed cakes, plus a bowl of noodles and fruits, and she finally got it.

When it got dark, people who went out to collect mountain products came back one after another, and Du Ruoli formally invited them to dinner.

The original 35 adults and three babies were enough. With the addition of the new uncles and brothers and their families, there were exactly 100 people, filling the fire.

Xue Jinxin was originally going to bring Qiao'er, but after looking at Wuyang Wuyang's people, she went back.Du Ruoli brought her two sesame cakes, some rice and light vegetables, and asked her to take them back to eat.

Next, Du Ruoli placed the large pot of vegetables next to the fire, hugged her sister, and greeted with a smile: "Thank you to all my relatives and friends for supporting me. Have a good meal and drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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