Chapter 71 Gastrodia
The food prepared for the full moon banquet is large enough and hard enough.

The guests were collectively speechless, using lightning-fast chopsticks and fast disc movements to express their satisfaction with the meal.

After having enough soup and rice, everyone did not disperse, but sat together to show off what they had gained in the mountains today.

There are many Chongyang bacteria in the mountains this season, so everyone picked some more or less, put them in cloth bags, and hung them around their waists.

Du Ruozhen was lucky enough to pick a bunch of yellow cockscomb fungi that looked like a cock's comb.Among a lot of light-colored Chongyang bacteria, it looks particularly eye-catching.

In the previous life, I only heard its name but never saw its shape.Because the production is rare, it is extremely difficult to preserve and transport, and there are almost none on the market. I only heard that it is extremely delicious.

Du Ruozhen saw that Du Ruoli liked it and said generously: "Ah Li, because of your hard work today, I will give you all the cockscombs."

"Wow, that's great!"

Du Ruoli took the ridiculously beautiful cockscomb mushroom and took a deep breath.

Um, okay, it doesn't have much flavor. You can't smell the deliciousness of mushrooms, you have to taste them.

She would cook it early tomorrow morning and taste it to see if it would make her eyebrows fall off as the rumors said.

Du Ruoli held the small basket of cockscomb mushrooms and continued to look at other harvests.

The most harvested thing is the fern root. After all, the fern root is full of starch and can be used as a staple food to fill your stomach.

The second most abundant crop is the cone chestnut.Half a mile up the road from where they collected the triton chestnuts yesterday, there was a triton chestnut forest.The coni chestnuts fell all over the floor, and you could pick them up and eat them by bending down.If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't take it away, they would have wanted to bring them all back and feast on them.

The third largest harvester was Wu Lingzhi. Men from Du Ruozhen's family and Zhou Daya's family had been listening to the calls of cold trumpeting birds with their ears open last night to determine their location.After returning from hunting today, we went up the mountain together after lunch.

The third grandfather followed them, lighting fires and drying them everywhere, and obtained more than twenty kilograms of dried medicinal materials, which was another small amount of ten taels of silver.

The rest are some odds and ends, pine nuts, pecans, kiwis, hawthorns and so on.Du Ruoli's sharp eyes saw something in Wu Yueniang's hand, and she suddenly became excited: "Auntie, isn't that Gastrodia elata in your hand? Where did you pick it? Is there only one?"

"What, Gastrodia?"

Wu Yueniang stared blankly at the ugly lump of soil in her hand: "Is this Gastrodia elata? The extremely expensive Gastrodia elata sold in drug stores? I also saw it accidentally, and thought about cooking it when I came back to try it, in case it was caused by stuttering. Oh! I didn’t expect it to be a precious medicinal material! I will have great luck one day!”

There was no need for Du Ruoli to ask questions now. Others asked questions one after another:
"Where was Gastrodia found?"

“What does Gastrodia elata look like on it?”

"How many are there in a litter of Gastrodia elata?"

“Is it difficult to find Gastrodia elata?”

"Stop asking, don't even ask, it's making my head bigger!" Wu Yueniang covered her ears and said, "Let me think about it, and I'll tell you after I think about it clearly."

Others let Wu Yueniang go for the time being and let her think slowly.

Du Ruoli said: "This place is really nice. If I hadn't been punished and had to be relocated to the frontier, I would really like to settle here." The third grandmother held the same opinion: "It is true that the land here is vast and sparsely populated, and the mountains are There is an abundance of food. You can live a very good life just by going to the mountains to collect herbs and hunt. If you work harder and open up a few acres of wasteland and plant food, you will live like a fairy."

The third grandfather felt that they were talking nonsense: "In such high mountains, the land is frozen for four or five months of the year. You can't plant seeds until after April. There will be frost before it grows, and you can't grow crops at all." , we can only live on the mountain. It is too risky to rely on the mountain and live on the mountain. If not, we may die. It is better to live in our hometown!"

Not to be outdone, but not knowing how to refute, the third grandmother placed her hope on Du Ruoli: "Girl Li, we can't lose to the old thing, or the old thing will start to tremble."

Du Ruoli couldn't help laughing, and retorted to her third cousin's grandfather with a smile: "No matter how high or low the mountain is, as long as you choose the right type of food, you will get a harvest. We can grow wheat and millet in our hometown, rice and rapeseed in the south, and we can grow rape in the high mountains. Grow red adzuki beans and grow medicinal materials! Red adzuki beans like this kind of climate best and have a high yield. Medicinal materials too, such as Duhuo, Gastrodia elata, Aesculus aesculata, etc., also like this cool climate. So, you are wrong. !”

"It sounds really good." The third grandfather sighed heavily: "It's a pity, no matter how good the place is, we can't keep it. We have to go to the borderland where birds don't poop."

"No, no, no,"

Du Ruoli objected to the Third Grandfather for the second time tonight: "The frontier is better than the frontier. The sunshine there is long and the temperature difference between day and night is large. The food grown there is extra sweet and the cotton velvet grown is extra long. The water and grass are luxuriant and the water can be harvested. By raising cattle and sheep, we will definitely be able to live a very good life."

The third grandmother suddenly got excited, grabbed Du Ruoli's arm and asked, "Girl Li, are you telling the truth? Is the borderland really as good as you say? You can grow food and you won't go hungry?"

Others also looked at Du Ruoli with burning eyes, with the same consciousness as the third grandmother. Is this true?
Du Ruoli nodded heavily: "Of course it's true! Why should I lie to you?"

Also, lying to others won't do her any good, so there's no need for her to lie.

Therefore, it is true that people can survive in the frontier and live well!

Everyone let out a long breath.

The long-term worry that had been weighing in my heart finally disappeared.The whole body feels relaxed.

As if to echo this relaxed atmosphere, Wu Yueniang suddenly let go of her hands and said loudly: "Ah! I remembered! I remembered where I picked Gastrodia elata! There should be a lot more there. Who can go with me to pick it?" return?"

Everyone here wants to go.

Hey, who doesn’t want to get to know precious medicinal materials?If one day we encounter it in the mountains, wouldn't we be able to collect it and sell it for money?
Several families who had gathered early stood up immediately, picked up the torches made of fir bark, and wanted to follow Wu Yueniang.

The new member sat not daring to move, with his eyes lowered, peeking at Du Ruoli from time to time.

Du Ruoli said with a smile: "You can go if you want, it doesn't matter! We are all a family, there is no need to be so polite."

"Hey, let's go and see it!"

They stood up hurriedly and followed the large army into the mountains.

Du Ruoli handed her sister over to Xiaoqiu again, and walked in the middle of the team with a few good friends.

The team was moving so fast, unprecedentedly fast, as if if they were one step too late, the gastrodia would fly away.

When Du Ruoli was almost out of breath from exhaustion, she finally heard Wu Yueniang's heavenly voice: "Here, this is where I discovered Gastrodia elata!"

(End of this chapter)

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