Chapter 72
"Ah? Why is it gone?"

Wu Yueniang illuminated the place in her memory with a torch, but it was empty. She was about to cry: "I obviously found it in this place. There were seven or eight in the nest. I dug out one and left the rest untouched. Why are they gone? Have they been poached by others? I am a stupid person who can’t do anything. Why not poach them all? I...wuwuwu...wuwuwu..."

Wu Yueniang burst into tears, and the third cousin's grandmother comforted her: "Don't worry, don't worry, no one goes into the mountain at night. Let's think about it again. Did we remember the wrong place?"

"let me think again!"

Wu Yueniang was not too sure, so she looked around by the light of the torch.

Du Ruoli squatted under an oak tree and suddenly waved to everyone: "Come and take a look, there is a nest here!"

Everyone rushed over and saw two light yellow, hammer-like things.

Du Ruoli pointed at it and said, "Gastrodia elata grows in the soil, and it looks like this outside. It's easy to recognize, right?"

Everyone nodded, it was indeed easy to recognize.

Du Ruoli put her hand on the bottom of the hammer, pulled it out gently, and pulled out a nest of large and small gastrodia elata.

The largest one is half the size of a hand, and the smallest one is as big as a little finger. Together they weigh about seven or eight taels. After drying, you can get two or three taels of medicinal materials, which can be sold for a lot of money.

Everyone looked at it with envy, and Du Ruoli said: "This place is dark and humid, with thick fallen leaves. It is a place that Gastrodia elata likes. It should be fine. Let's search carefully. After you find it, dig up the big ones, leave the small ones, and let it continue. grow into……"

Before the words were spoken, people had already scattered in all directions, trying hard to find him.

In half an hour, they turned over the land no less than ten times, and finally found more than two kilograms of gastrodia elata, which together with Du Ruoli's amounted to exactly three kilograms.

Du Ruoli said: "It's too late tonight. I'm afraid there will be wild animals, so I should go back first. I probably won't be able to leave tomorrow. I'll just go out and look for him again."

"What you're saying is, you're afraid of wild beasts, so go back!"

Everyone reluctantly left the woods, turning back three times at a time.

Back at the entrance of the cave, Du Ruoli saw the rich man Lu Jizhou brushing honey on a muntjac's leg, as if he was going to eat honey-roasted meat, and he was so hungry that he couldn't walk.

She walked up to him and said, "With such a big leg, you won't be able to finish it, right? I'll help you share some of it!"

Lu Jizhou was speechless for a while.

I have never seen such a thick-skinned girl!The city wall that defends Dazi in the northwest is nothing more than that!

After a long while, he found his voice: "Who said I can't finish the food? I can finish even one of them!"

Du Ruoli cursed in her heart that she was a stupid straight man who didn't know how to show mercy at all. She still had a smile on her face: "That's it, you can eat it and eat it to your heart's content. I'll just sit here and won't disturb you!"

See if you are embarrassed to eat it!

Lu Jizhou skillfully brushed the last bit of honey water onto the muntjac legs with his big, knuckled hands. He lifted the muntjac legs with both hands and placed them on the iron rack, letting them roast slowly.

After finishing all this, he turned around and said: "You can eat it if you want, but you can't eat it for free. Miss Du will give me a detailed local crop planting plan, and I will give you the entire muntjac leg..."

Du Ruoli laughed angrily: "Mr. Lu Jizhou, eavesdropping on other people's conversations is probably not what a gentleman does, right? Also, are you addicted to doing business without capital, and want to take advantage of everyone you meet? You even made detailed plans, and I'll look at your face. good?"

It's just a broken muntjac leg. It's not like she has no money. How much can she buy?I was just joking with him, but he actually kicked me in the face!Boring!
Lu Jizhou looked at her with an extremely serious look on his face: "I didn't eavesdrop. It was because you spoke too loudly that I heard you. Not only me, but other people at the entrance of the cave also heard it."

Okay, this one is over, what about the next one?Du Ruoli looked at him, wanting to hear his explanation.

Lu Jizhou said, "Why don't you just listen and finish what I'm saying?"

"you say!"

"What I want to say is that as long as Miss Du is willing to come up with a plan, I am willing to give you a whole muntjac leg. If you need anything else, just ask!"

Well, I was angry too early. It was her fault. Du Ruoli apologized: "I'm sorry, I was rash. I apologize to you. Please forgive me!"

"It doesn't matter!" Lu Jizhou didn't care, he only focused on establishing a base here: "Are you willing to go ahead with that plan?"

The planting plan made by God's daughter must be extraordinary, and he was willing to take the risk.

Du Ruoli thought for a while and raised her finger: "I want this number. Not only the planting plan, but also a few kilograms of high-quality red bean seeds with a yield of more than a thousand kilograms per mu. The seeds are resistant to barrenness and are easy to manage, except that harvesting is a little more cumbersome. , basically nothing wrong with it.”

Lu Jizhou looked at her thin white fingers and asked with his mouth: "1 taels of silver?"

Du Ruoli nodded: "Exactly!"

Lu Jizhou seemed to be prepared. He took out a ten thousand tael silver note from his wallet and handed it to Du Ruoli: "Deal!"

"It's refreshing!" Du Ruoli accepted the bill with a smile, patted her chest and promised: "Girl, I will make a good plan, and I will satisfy you... But, I don't have paper and pen, and I can't write. Can I speak with my mouth? Brother Lu, can you remember it yourself?"

Lu Jizhou: "...Sure, tell me, write it down!"

"The muntjac legs?"

"I'll help you bake it!"

Only then was Du Ruoli satisfied. She sat on the stone slab and said, "Besides growing high-quality red beans, what I want to do most is to cut down the cone chestnut trees in the mountains, turn them into rootstocks, and graft chestnuts onto them."

"Rootstock? Grafting?" Lu Jizhou had never heard of these two words and didn't understand their meaning.

Du Ruoli doesn't know how to do it herself, but she can give ideas: "Isn't peony popular in this dynasty? Many valuable peonies are grafted. You can find a gardener who can grow peonies of different colors to help you. Maximize the use of the mountain forest. stand up!"

Lu Jizhou nodded: "I've written it down, you can continue."

Du Ruoli said: "Let's draw inferences. Fruit trees that grow strong in the mountains but are not very tasty, such as hawthorn and wild peach trees, can we find some branches of delicious varieties outside and use grafting to make them useless?" For treasure?"

"That's right!" Lu Jizhou continued to nod.

Du Ruoli continued: "The second thing I want to do is to plant Gastrodia elata! Tomorrow I will go up the mountain to collect some seeds and mycelium and come back to teach you how to grow it. But the cycle will be longer and it will take two years to see the harvest."

"It's okay! It's amazing to be able to plant it successfully. Don't worry about the long cycle!" Lu Jizhou said.

"Well, after all, the benefits are huge."

Du Ruoli said: "The third thing I want to do is to raise rabbits. I have observed that the rabbits you catch during the day are all species with very long hair. This kind of rabbit is not suitable for eating. It is suitable for shearing, spinning and making Clothes or blankets…”

(End of this chapter)

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