Chapter 73
Chapter 73

After the initial moisture evaporation of the muntjac meat on the shelf, the Maillard reaction begins.

The overbearing aroma spreads out and goes straight into the noses of people inside and outside the cave.Du Ruoli couldn't talk any more, so she held her chin with both hands and waited for the meat to be eaten.

A group of children rushed out of the cave, led by the son of Zhang Xiuhe's family. They put their dark fingers in their mouths and drooled over the barbecue.

Lu Jizhou threw a few meat patties to them and told them to go back to the cave to eat and not to come out again.The child happily took the meat pie and wolfed it down and ran back to the cave.

No one came out, and only Du Ruoli and Lu Jizhou were left in front of the two huge fires.

Lu Jizhou rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong and tight forearms. He used a sharp knife to slice the meat into thin slices, put it on a white plate, and handed it to Du Ruoli's hand: "Eat it!"

Du Ruoli pinched a piece of honey roasted meat with her fingertips and put it into her mouth, closing her eyes in happiness.

Sugar, fat, and protein are all foods engraved in human genes. Just one of them is delicious enough.The perfect mixture of the three is almost like a nuclear explosion.

She ate slice after slice until she couldn't stop.After finishing one plate, his eyes couldn't help but look at Lu Jizhou's waist.

Lu Jizhou felt a chill go down his spine when she saw her, and asked calmly, "What's the matter?"

"How can you eat barbecue without drinking wine? Let's see if the drunkard has brought it!"

Du Ruoli pointed to a palm-sized cowhide bag and said, "Look, look, you are indeed an alcoholic. You carry wine with you. Take it out and share it!"

Lu Jizhou was speechless, so he simply shut up and silently took off the wine bag and handed it over.

Du Ruoli took the wine bag and handed the plate back, signaling Lu Jizhou to take another plate.

Lu Jizhou never expected that one day he would be treated as a maid.

The person who ordered him had a normal expression on his face, as if that was how it should be!
This kind of behavior is beyond his understanding!

Our ladies shouldn't be like this, and there is no way of being presumptuous in front of foreign men.

Xiaojiabiyu would not have her knowledge and agility.

She does not belong to this era.

She might not even belong in this world.

Okay, it's a mortal's honor to serve fairies. Lu Jizhou took the plate and continued to slice the meat.

His hands were big and his fingers were slender, and the knife flew freely in his hands, giving him a special sense of beauty.

Du Ruoli watched with interest, secretly glancing at his face from time to time, trying to guess what kind of dignity he looked like under the big beard.

Lu Jizhou's hand tightened, then slowly relaxed, and continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

Forget it, she is a fairy and does not understand the rules of the world, so there is no need to argue with her.

As the meat was about to arrive, Du Ruoli unscrewed the lid of the wine bag and took a deep breath.

The wine tastes extremely mellow and strong, and is more fragrant than the pear blossoms offered by the bandits. This guy knows how to enjoy it.

Lu Jizhou's eyelids couldn't help but twitch when he saw her raising her neck as if she wanted to blow into her mouth.

Du Ruoli laughed loudly, raised the wine bag, and poured a few drops into her mouth without touching the mouth of the pot.

Lu Jizhou breathed a sigh of relief.

Du Ruoli said: "Brother Lu, you are too funny to tease me." Lu Jizhou: "...I lost!"

Who would have thought that a girl's family would use ambiguous ways to tease a foreign man?Disrespect, disrespect!
The sixteenth-year-old moon climbed up and hung round in the sky.

Du Ruoli and Lu Jizhou chatted until late at night over a pot of wine and a piece of meat.

Du Ruoli didn't ask Lu Jizhou why he could buy property here despite being a guilty person.And the picture is not small, it means that the whole plate is covered?
Lu Jizhou didn't ask Du Ruoli, why she was a peasant girl, but she knew more than anyone else and had endless good things in her hands?

They both know that the other person hides a big secret that they don't want others to know, so they tacitly don't touch it.

They also know that the other party is willing to take the initiative to reveal a small part to themselves, which is the basis of trust, so they cooperate happily.

Different from the gentle breeze and drizzle outside, with laughter and laughter, inside the cave was a gloomy and gloomy atmosphere.

The third grandmother, Du Changgui, Wu Yueniang and others newly learned the ability to recognize gastrodia elata, and they were very happy.But not long after returning, I heard about Zhang Xiuhe forcing Du Ruoli and quarreling with Du Ruoli that morning.

Is this okay?

A large group of them have lived a promising life with Du Ruoli, so how could she be easily bullied?
Wu Yueniang exploded immediately, grabbed a stone and tried to fight with others.

Du Ruoying followed closely, and Zhou Daya joined them without hesitation.


The third grandmother shouted sharply: "Sit down! How can you behave recklessly? A large group of people block you, and what is reasonable becomes unreasonable."

The three daredevils were stunned by her yelling, and asked in confusion: "What should we do? Anyway, we won't tolerate it, even if we die!"

"Who told you to endure it? Can you use your brain when something happens?" Grandma No. [-] hates the iron. "Watch carefully and see how we behave."

The three of them sat down obediently, and the third cousin's grandmother winked at her third daughter-in-law, Du Ruozhen's own empress, Wang Guihua.

Wang Guihua understood it, picked up the little Douding at home and asked: "Shitou, the third aunt asked you, why were you crying just now?"

Shitou said loudly: "Uncle Lu just divided the meat pie for us, and each of us got a piece. After Brother Gouzi finished eating, he came to grab the stone again. The stone had already been fed to his mouth, and Brother Gouzi dug it out and ate it himself."

The Gouzi brother in Shitou's mouth is Zhang Xiuhe's eldest son, who is already seven years old.

Wang Guihua was so angry that she shouted: "Mother-in-law, eldest sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, and fourth brother and sister, please listen, listen, our children are going to be bullied to death. Fourth brother and sister, what do you say as your own mother?"

"I went to find Zhang Xiuhe, the mother-in-law, and asked her how she educates her children."

The fourth daughter-in-law rushed out like a firecracker, shouting: "Zhang Xiuhe, tell your son to spit out the stone's meat cake."

Zhang Xiuhe was slapped twice in the face by a man who couldn't beat him with three sticks during the day. He was so angry that he didn't eat or drink, and slept under the quilt all day.At this time, I heard the scolding, my mind was buzzing, I jumped up from the floor, pointed at the fourth daughter-in-law and scolded: "Children fight, you are an adult and follow me up and down, you have the ability to let the stone settle the score with the dog."

"It's your mother's fault. Shitou is only three years old. How can he be a match for Gouzi?" The fourth daughter-in-law rushed over, stretched out her hand and scratched Zhang Xiuhe's face: "I want to settle it with you!"

Zhang Xiuhe was not a vegetarian either. He grabbed the fourth daughter-in-law's hair, wrapped it around his hand, and pulled it back hard.

How could Wang Guihua and others watch their sister-in-law suffer a loss, so they rushed over and held Zhang Xiuhe down, creating a one-on-four group fight.

Zhang Xiuhe shouted at the top of his lungs: "Clan leader, Lord Ji, Lord servant, beat people to death, they are going to beat people to death..."

"Lao Qi, Du Lao Qi, you are a coward. Your mother-in-law is going to be beaten to death. Why don't you hurry up and help..."

(End of this chapter)

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