Chapter 74
When I lived in the village, quarrels and fights were common among women, as were eating and sleeping. On average, there were four or five incidents a day. It would not be enough to cut oneself into eight pieces, and the patriarch never cared about it.

On the way to exile, things calmed down a bit, and they occasionally made a few noises. It was rare that they were beaten so fiercely.The patriarch is passive and sabotaging his work and still doesn't want to take care of it.Just let your son go and watch, don't cause any harm.

If Ji Tong were here, he would never allow any noise.But he was still lying in the grave, waiting for a long time, and finally it was his turn for treatment, and there was no chance of giving up halfway.

Even if Lao Wang and I come here!
The other officers, except those who were lying down and unable to crawl, were either patrolling outside or burying their dead brothers.

Seven were sacrificed last night, and one more was sacrificed today.A total of eight people could finally be buried after being inspected by people from the county government.No matter what, they were going to dig a few shovels of soil and give their brothers a ride.

Therefore, there was not a single servant in the cave.

Zhang Xiuhe shouted until his throat was broken, but he never called anyone to stop the fight.

Du Laoqi couldn't bear to see his mother-in-law being beaten, so he stepped forward to help.

Du Changgui arrived at the right time, pulled him and asked, "Old Qi, didn't you say the day before yesterday that you wanted to go hunting with me? I just wanted to tell you."

Du Laoqi awkwardly pointed at the female comrades who had been beaten into a pot of porridge: "Brother, can you do it some other time? Look..."

"What's wrong with women fighting? I used to see them fighting a few times in the village. They have been holding their breath for a long time outside. It doesn't matter if they come out! Can they still be broken?"

Du Changgui said nonchalantly: "If you really want to get involved, I won't stop you. I asked Lao Ba if he would go hunting tomorrow morning. There is just one person missing."

Du Changgui turned to leave, and Du Lao Qi thought of the large number of prey he saw during the day. He heard that after the prey was sold to the Zhao family, the thirty tribesmen who went with him all received half a tael of silver.

That’s half a tael of silver!It cost half a tael of silver to go there all morning!If you have to do this every day, won’t you become prosperous in a month?

Now he can't find ten coins in his body, his stomach is growling with hunger, and he just wants to sleep all day long.The three eldest cubs were so hungry that they had only a handful of bones. The little cub sucking milk cried like a cat and was about to die.We need to buy food for them and some winter clothes and quilts. Money is needed for everything in the house.He desperately needed to find a way to make money.

Du Laoqi grabbed Du Changgui and begged, "Brother, just wait for me for a moment, okay? I'll pull them away and come!"

"No!" Du Changgui shook his head: "We are all brothers of the same race. Many people are looking at me eagerly and want to go with me. I have asked you since I was a child. There is no reason to waste time here with you and let others wait!"

Du Laoqi was worried and said eagerly: "I'll go, I'll go with you! Brother, please tell me about hunting now! I'll listen carefully and won't interfere with women's affairs."

Du Changgui's eyes flashed, he sat in front of Du Laoqi, and carefully explained to him the rules of hunting. He talked about some of them for half an hour, and his mouth went dry.

Du Ruozhen had already come to Zhang Xiuhe's older children before his mother showed off her power, and played a game with them using the black steamed buns issued by the guards: "Stand facing the stone wall, and you are not allowed to speak or move. Whoever can hold on the longest will win." Whoever holds on the longest will get a whole steamed bun. No. 3 will get half a steamed bun."

The three brothers are seven, six and five years old, which is the age when they are growing up.Because he had never been full before, his eyes immediately lit up when he saw the black steamed buns. There was no reason to be disobedient. He stood motionless in front of the stone wall.

Even if I heard my mother crying crazily and calling them frantically, I would not waver in the slightest.

Du Ruozhen was happy that Zhang Xiuhe was completely isolated and helpless, but at the same time he was a little chilled.

This family has no heart.

It’s true for adults, and it’s true for children as young as five or six.

Zhang Xiuhe shouted at the top of his voice for a long time, but no one called for help, so he could only fight hard.But those four sisters-in-law didn’t know what they had eaten recently. They were so strong that she couldn’t do anything to one of them, let alone four of them.
Not long after, she felt a pain in her scalp, her throat and face were burning, and there was blood flowing out of her arms and hands.

Someone who had no descendants suddenly kicked her in the back of her legs.She plopped down on her knees and bowed.

The fourth sister-in-law clapped her hands, closed the drum and sang gold.

Before leaving, he did not forget to say cruel words: "Next time, I will beat you again!"

Zhang Xiuhe lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment. Thinking of her husband and son who had never shown up, waves of despair surged in her heart.

The third grandmother looked at the triumphant daughter-in-law and turned to ask the angry trio: "Do you understand? Our family found an obvious fault and sent ordinary people to take action. Doesn't it mean that the person is blameless? Let's beat him up Half dead, I avenged Li Yatou, but still can’t get involved with her? She’s not even here, who dares to say anything wrong about her?”

Wu Yueniang nodded honestly: "What you are saying is that this junior was impulsive. Think more about it when encountering things in the future."

Zhou Daya and Du Ruoying also nodded repeatedly, indicating that they had learned.

Du Ruoli was drinking and eating meat outside. When she heard the commotion in the cave, she vaguely guessed that it was because of herself.

When Zhang Xiuhe was beaten to pieces and no one came to help, she was completely convinced of her thoughts.

This was a premeditated coordinated battle.

They are really doing themselves a favor.

She never expected anything from them, and she never told them after being bullied several times.Unexpectedly, they could do this for her.

All her previous efforts were worth it!

She could also give more so that they would have enough to eat as soon as possible.

The people inside the cave had their brains turned into dog brains. Du Ruoli sat motionless outside the cave, showing no intention of going in to take a look.

There were two good people, Grandma Three and Du Changgui, so there was no need for her to go in and take a look, she could just enjoy their care in peace.

Isn't it true that human relationships are fluid? You take care of me, I take care of you, and things will last for a long time.

Lu Jizhou looked at Du Ruoli, whose eyes were glistening with water. His whole body seemed to be enveloped in an atmosphere called tranquility, which made him yearn for it.

I yearn to join her circle, take care of her like everyone else, enjoy her care, and live a peaceful and worry-free life.

But is he worthy?He doesn't deserve it!
He carries a blood feud and has his own way to go.His life is destined to be unstable. If he is unable to take care of an outsider, he has no right to ask to be taken care of.

As Du Ruoli said, the two of them are good friends for wine and food, and are suitable for being fair-weather friends.Then just be fair-weather friends and don’t think too much.

Lu Jizhou regained consciousness in an instant, threw away the inappropriate thoughts in his mind, and continued to drink slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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