Chapter 75 Bambi
The cave became calm again, and Du Ruoli said to Lu Jizhou: "Thank you, Brother Lu, for the good wine and meat tonight. I'll go in first and prepare something for you tomorrow."

Lu Jizhou nodded lightly: "Go!"

Du Ruoli keenly felt that his mood had changed, and there was a sense of desolation in it.But the friendship is still shallow, so it is not appropriate to talk deeply and wave your hands into the hole.

There had just been a big fuss, and no one in the cave was sleeping, either excitedly recalling the good show just now, or continuing to watch Lu Laoqi coaxing Zhang Xiuhe,
Lu Laoqi carried Zhang Xiuhe to the floor and carefully inspected her bald head, swollen face like a pig's head, and numerous scratches on her arms and hands.

Not bad, not bad, it was just a superficial injury, no vital parts were hurt, just take care of it and be fine.

He said: "Your brother has agreed to let us hunt with you. Starting tomorrow, our family will have income. You lie down next to Xiaosi for a while, and I will cook you a bowl of what I got in the morning and make up for it." Replenish your body.”

Zhang Xiuhe kept his eyes closed the whole time and said nothing.

Lu Laoqi tucked her in the quilt with a good temper, and also changed the diaper of Xiaosi who was groaning under the quilt. Then he untied the bundle, cut a strip of meat as big as his index finger, scooped out half a bowl of white noodles, and thought of a few brats. , added another half bowl of noodles, and took a bowl of noodles to the entrance of the cave to cook the noodle soup.

Zhang Xiuhe lay on the floor, feeling burning pain all over his body.But the little cub still tried his best to crawl towards her, climbed up and opened the clothes on her chest, picked up the grain bag in his mouth, and sucked hard.

She had been hungry all day and her food bag was already empty. Where could she get milk for her?After the little kid groaned a few times, he used all his strength to pull out the blood in one gulp.

Zhang Xiuhe's scalp was numb with pain, so she pinched his cheek with one paw, forcing him to spit out the pacifier, and then pushed him far away.

The little kid was so angry that he cried loudly. There were people around who couldn't stand it any longer. They tried to pick up the little kid, but when they saw his mouth full of blood, they retracted their outstretched hands.

Brother Gouzi, who was still hiding nearby and didn't dare to come back, quickly ran up to pick up his brother, cleaned him up for him, picked him up and comforted him slowly.

Zhang Xiuhe lay back again, two tears flowing from the corners of his eyes.

In today's fight, she felt as if her fourth sister-in-law was venting her anger on Du Ruoli.

I don’t know what kind of bad luck little bitch Du Ruoli had, and she ended up with money and food.The other three families immediately pounced on her like flies and fought fiercely with her.

Today, she just had a little quarrel with the little bitch, but they were about to fight her to the death. It was obvious that the shit poop was so delicious that they wanted to eat it again.

It seems that the little bitch can't get enough of it.

Smelling the aroma of the pimples, Zhang Xiuhe sat up suddenly, took the bowl handed over by Lu Laoqi, and devoured it.

After eating a few bites, he put the bowl away and continued to lie down to sleep. He let the little cub cry his throat out and stopped caring.

Lu Laoqi had no choice but to scrape off a little batter from the bottom of the pot and feed it to his youngest son's mouth, barely covering his mouth.

Du Ruoli kept paying attention to the movements of Zhang Xiuhe's house. After they were completely quiet, she turned her head to her side: "Yingzi, what did you just say?"

Du Ruoying lowered her head and kept stirring with her hands. After a while, she said, "I... I want to learn... to make puppets from you... but... is it okay?"

The few companies that were close to her either had great abilities or well-established men. She and her mother were the only ones who had nothing and could only watch other people make a lot of money.

My mother was so worried that she couldn't eat or sleep well. She looked distressed, so she wanted to learn to make a few puppets and sell them in the market. If she could sell them, wouldn't it be an extra long-term income?

Of course, she didn't want Ah Li to suffer a loss. Ah Li would get the majority of the money from the sale, and she would get the small part.

She thought about this over and over for several days, and when she finally asked it, she was distracted by the cry of Zhang Xiuhe's youngest son. At this time, she stuttered a little.It turned out that what she had been worried about these past few days was because of this.Du Ruoli shook her head: "No way..."

"Okay then!" The light in Du Ruoying's eyes quickly dimmed, and he lowered his head and looked at his feet.

Du Ruoli smiled and held her face: "Hey, can you just listen to what I have to say?"

Du Ruoying's face was squeezed to the point of deformation, her mouth turned into a duck's mouth, and she struggled to squeeze out two words: "Speak quickly!"

Du Ruoli said: "It is inconvenient to make puppets on the road. Firstly, the fabrics are of few colors and we cannot make many patterns. Secondly, the ready-made puppets take up a lot of space and it is difficult for us to carry them. Thirdly, the puppets are easy to imitate and require a lot of effort." It’s cost-effective to buy a lot at once. And the most important fourth point... I’ve thought of other ways to make a living for you, do you want to listen?”

Du Ruoying nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "If you want to listen, if you want to listen, speak quickly."

Du Ruoli said: "Your embroidery is good, and the things you embroider are vivid. I have thought of a few interesting patterns. If you embroider them, you will definitely be able to sell them for a good price!"

"What pattern, tell me quickly!"

Du Ruoying pulled away Du Ruoli's hand from her face, stuffed a wooden stick into her hand, opened a corner of the floor and said, "Stop talking, show me the drawing!"

"Okay, let me give you a few simple strokes first."

Du Ruoli took the wooden stick and drew a deer with big eyes on the ground. In front of the deer sat a little white rabbit with a puffy belly.Next to the little white rabbit, there is a bird waving its wings.It was the cover picture of her favorite book when she was a child - "Bambi".

Although Du Ruoying's embroidery work is considered to be the best among them, compared with professional embroidery girls, it is not good enough. No one may accept the embroidered things.Then she might as well take a different approach and let her embroider classic patterns from the future.

The classic patterns are cute and cute, and if they can capture the hearts of most people in the future, they will definitely capture the hearts of people now.

After all, people at this time have much less knowledge.

Du Ruoli not only wanted Du Ruoying to embroider the cover image of Bambi, but also planned to let her embroider the entire story.

Make it into a serial format, so that people who like this story can follow it and buy it.

After embroidering this book and the next one, what she needs most is comic stories.

In this way, Du Ruoying and Wu Yueniang's mother and daughter, who had been taking care of the original family and her replacement, no longer had to worry about their livelihood.

Not only do you not have to worry about making a living, you can even live a very, very good life.

This can be regarded as repaying the favor for the original person.

Du Ruoying never expected that her life had been clearly arranged by Du Ruoying.When I saw the cute patterns on the ground, I wanted to scream with joy.

It’s so pretty, she likes it so much, it’s stuck in her heart!
She must embroider it well, fill it in with nice colors, and strive to become an instant hit.

Fight for yourself and for Ah Li.

(End of this chapter)

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