Chapter 82
Du Ruoli raised the corner of her mouth: "Da Luck Star, please tell me the second thing quickly."

Du Ruozhen couldn't hold back his greed. He scratched the pomegranate's butt twice with his nails and broke off a small piece to reveal the bright red pomegranate seeds inside.He dug out a seed and put it in his mouth, tasted it carefully before saying, "The second thing is that Uncle Chang Gui suddenly got into trouble, pulled the original clan leader off his horse, and became the clan leader himself. The ancestor's spiritual tablet and family tree were placed in the hands of the original clan leader. , and the remaining 43 taels of silver have been handed over to Uncle Changgui. From now on, we will call Uncle Changgui the clan leader."

Du Ruoli also reached out and dug out a few pomegranate seeds, and when the greedy cat Ruoyu wasn't paying attention, she quickly put them into her mouth with her quick eyes and hands.

Mmm, so sweet!Plenty of juice!
She had never seen such good pomegranates in the market.

Not only did I not see pomegranates in good condition, I didn't even see fresh fruits that were slightly neater.It can be seen that it is not something ordinary people can eat, and they have to go to specific places to find it.

Lu Jizhou can be found, which shows that it takes a while.

Du Ruoli spit out a mouthful of pomegranate seeds and then asked: "What about the original clan leader? He handed over the power obediently? Didn't he make a big fuss?"

The position of the clan leader is in charge of more than 500 members of the clan. He has absolute power over everything within the clan, and can even take over life and death. It can be said that the power is overwhelming.

Power is the best aphrodisiac for men. Generally, no one will give up easily, and the original clan leader is no exception.

Du Ruozhen said: "Of course not, he wanted to pretend to be sick and fainted. It's just that the clan members didn't buy his fault, and Uncle Chang Gui asked him to be the elder of the clan, so he would be asked to make decisions on big and small matters in the future. In addition, Chang Gui Uncle Gui also promised that he would take his family with him when hunting in the future, so he reluctantly agreed. Once he handed over his rights, he seemed to have lost his soul. He had aged at least 20 years, like an old man."

Du Ruoli couldn't help but feel happy. Uncle Chang Gui was really good at convincing Du Laoqi to leave Zhang Xiuhe alone last night on the condition of taking him hunting.Today, the same method is used to persuade the original clan leader to hand over power.

It’s true after repeated attempts.

That's right. As long as you join the hunting team, you can follow Lu Jizhou into the mountains and harvest some prey for money. The key is to learn the skills of hunting and have a way to make a living.

For the impoverished Du family, the temptation is undoubtedly huge, even greater than the power of the patriarch.

Xiao Ruoyu began to feel sleepy, and his two little hands kept moving towards his eyes, wanting to go up and rub them.However, his hands and arms were tied up in the cloak and he couldn't stretch them out, so he started crying anxiously.

Du Ruoli picked her upright and put her chin on his shoulder. He stood up and patted her back gently, spinning her around in circles.

"I'm sleepy again! I'm sleepy all day long! If I'm sleepy, I'll go to bed. If I sleep, I'll grow fatter and taller... Can I grow one, two, three, or four big fat chicken legs... …”

Rocking gently, the little guy fell into a deep sleep, with his long eyelashes hanging down like a butterfly fluttering about to fly.

Du Ruoli sat back, held her sideways in his arms, and tucked her cloak tightly.Continue to ask Du Ruozhen: "Why didn't you see Du Zhizhong's family? Because they had 40 taels of silver taken away, they hid outside and cried?"


Du Ruozhen covered his mouth and kept laughing. After laughing enough, he said: "Their family's money was confiscated, and they were worried that their food would not be safe. So they became cruel and cooked and ate all the food and meat they had saved. They couldn't eat it. As soon as I entered, I stuffed it into my mouth, refusing to leave a bite for anyone else. Eat, eat...guess what happened next?"

What can I do?

After overeating, I got pancreatitis and my stomach hurt like hell.Then because there were no antibiotics or advanced treatments, I could only die of pain.

Du Ruoli pretended not to understand, shook her head and said, "I couldn't guess, you're holding back, tell me quickly." Du Ruozhen stretched out seven fingers and shook them in front of Du Ruoli: "Seven of them vomited. He vomited so much. Not only did he waste the food he had just eaten, but he also vomited out all the food he had eaten before, which is a huge loss."

He stretched out two fingers again: "There are two lucky ones who didn't vomit out what they ate, but just felt abdominal pain, rolling around the room in pain. Unfortunately, Du Zhizhong was one of the lucky ones. He only had a pain and was not injured. No food was lost..."

Just as he was talking, an earth-shattering cry suddenly came from the direction of the cemetery where Doctor Song was:
"Zhong'er, dad's Zhong'er, what's wrong with you? Don't scare dad! Open your eyes and look at dad... Zhong'er, so Zhong'er..."

"Third brother, my dear third brother, please don't scare me. I beg you, please wake up quickly..."

"Third brother, you can't die. What will happen to our family if you die? My father and brothers finally got you out and became an official. They are still waiting to enjoy the blessings with you. You can't die and leave us behind. A family..."

Du Ruozhen was so frightened that the pomegranate in his hand fell to the ground with a "bang" sound.

She picked up the pomegranate in a panic, wiped off the dirt on it, and asked stammeringly: "Du... Du Zhizhong... is dead?"

Du Ruoyu, who was sleeping soundly, was so frightened by the hysterical crying outside that his little body kept shaking and his eyes were half-open, as if he was showing signs of waking up.Du Ruoli untied her outer clothes, wrapped her in them, brought her closer to him, and comforted her with her even heartbeat and warm body temperature.

Xiao Ruoyu felt relieved, smacked her lips, and continued to sleep.

After she fell asleep peacefully, Du Ruoli said, "It should be so. Du Zhizhong is dead!"

Du Zhizhong is finally dead!
The biggest scourge of the Du family will soon turn into dust and fertilizer, and will no longer be able to harm her.

Du Ruozhen was just stunned for a moment, and then immediately changed into an angry expression: "Damn it! You deserve it! I only hate that he died half a year late, causing us to abandon our family and business, and leave our hometown. It also made you and Xiao Ruoyu lose their parents, Become an orphan.”

Du Ruoli said in her heart that if it weren't for that bastard Du Zhizhong, she wouldn't have come to this miserable ancient time at all. Look what a day she lived!

Coupled with his subsequent calculations, she hated him more than anyone else.

Now that he is dead, she is not allowed to go to his grave and have fun!

Glancing at her sister who was safe in her arms, Du Ruoli said, "It's not common for scholars to be stretched to death. Ah Zhen, you go grab a good seat to watch the show first, and I'll put my sister down."

"Okay! I'll go and take my seat first. Don't be impatient behind you. Take your time."

Du Ruozhen had already had this intention, and immediately the wind blew under his feet and he flew towards the cemetery.

Du Ruoli hid behind the stone, waited until there was no one around, then secretly sent her sister back to the small bed in the space to fall asleep, then left the space and went straight to the cemetery.

Halfway through the run, he was stopped by a young man with a gloomy face: "Du Ruoli, I've done what I promised you. Now it's your turn to fulfill your vow and help me with things!"

(End of this chapter)

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