Chapter 83 Alliance
This boy's name is Du Zhiqiang, and he is Du Zhizhong's youngest brother.He has almost no presence in their family. He never speaks or interacts with other people in the clan.

Having lived in the same village for more than ten years, when the tribesmen talked about him, they only knew his name but not his character and temperament.

The day after Du Zhizhong planned to give Du Ruoli the sweat medicine, this girl with no sense of existence went to Du Ruoli and said to her: "My third brother Du Zhizhong talked in his sleep for half the night last night, and some of them were about pears. It's yours, sister. He said he was forced to do so. Scholars can't be abused like this, so they can only come up with such a plan, so that you don't blame him.

My guess is that he did something terrible to you.The same goes for me. My surname is not Du, my surname is Xia, and my last name is Jun.Because the Xia family was in trouble, he followed his wet nurse, his biological aunt, back to Dujiacun, pretending to be his younger brother who died young, and survived.

When we arrived at his house, he, who was only seven or eight years old, forced his nanny to death and stole all my money on the pretext that he wanted to report me.It gave me no chance to read and learn, no chance to find my relatives, and I even had to be exiled with them. "

In order to prove that what he said was true, Du Zhiqiang took out a silver lock plate with his birth date engraved on it: "Sister Li, please look, this is a silver lock plate that only the children of the Xia family have." The word "Xia" is the handwriting of our ancestor Xia, and outsiders cannot imitate it. Du Zhizhong also left me such a thought because he was worried about being exposed."

The silver lock plate has complex patterns and exquisite workmanship. It can be seen that it is a bit old, but it is well preserved. If you don't look carefully, it looks like new. It should be the result of daily wiping.

Du Ruoli took it and searched through the original memory carefully, remembering that Du Zhizhong did have an aunt who worked as a wet nurse in Fucheng.Later, for some unknown reason, she left her husband's family and her master's family and returned to live with her parents' family.After living in her parents' home for two years, she died of illness.

As soon as the aunt came back, the youngest brother fell ill and had to take medicine all day long. He was raised at home for two or three years before going out.Many people behind the scenes say that when a married girl returns home, she will bring bad luck to her parents' family. Doesn't this come true for their family?

Based on this information, she can basically confirm that Du Zhiqiang, no, what Xia Jun said is true.

In addition, people at this time had a strong sense of clan and would not betray their ancestors casually or misidentify their ancestors. Therefore, this matter is certain.

Du Ruoli asked doubtfully: "How much money did Du Zhizhong steal from you?"

Nearly ten taels of silver are taken from the clan every year and the clan is completely plundered. Could it be that the money brought by the down-and-out young master is not enough?

Xia Jun sneered: "If you add up to seven, seven, eight, or eight, there are tens of thousands of taels of silver. He has been living and drinking outside since he was a student, spending money like water. After passing the exam, he worked hard to get a good job. This is the opportunity to be greedy.

Haha, don't look at him looking poor every time he comes back. He is too old to get married. In fact, he is doing it to show the clan leader and clan members.The world is rich, with several outhouses and an actor. "

Du Ruoli also sneered: "It turns out that you are born bad, not learned."

The poor tribesmen are still eagerly waiting for him to become famous and enjoy the blessings.Who would have thought that from the beginning to the end, all they wanted to do was suck their blood and give back, there was no such thing.

Xia Jun said: "Du Zhizhong and I are at odds with each other, and sister Li must be the same. Why don't we form an alliance? The power of two people is always greater than the power of one."

Du Ruoli stared at Xia Jun and asked: "Why do you form an alliance with me? You have been in the Du family for more than ten years and you can't stand him. Why should I look for you?"

Xia Jun did not evade: "I know him well enough, I am not a threat in his eyes, I am willing to dirty these hands, and I will not let you get involved in the cause and effect; I have very low requirements, I only need you to help me." People write a letter to their family and send it out.”

Du Ruoli was a little tempted: "Tell me about his weaknesses." "Greedy, extremely greedy!" Xia Jun said: "Everything he sees, he wants to take it for himself. Taking advantage is never enough, and he never gives benefits to others, including My biological parents who regard him as their lifeblood.”

"Are you also greedy?"

"Of course! As long as there is delicious food, I can't wait to stuff myself to death. Even when I am in a bad mood, I will eat non-stop, from morning to night."

Du Ruoli said: "Sure, let's form an alliance! You don't have to do anything else, just encourage Du Zhizhong to eat. The more he eats, the better. For a greedy person, starving to death is the best destination for him."

Xia Jun asked uncertainly: "What if I can't survive..."

Seeing Du Ruoli's half-smiling expression, she suddenly reacted: "Oh, that means I didn't hold on enough. I understand, goodbye!"

After saying this, Xia Jun left and didn't meet her until today, six days later.

Du Ruoli said: "I heard that you also vomited after eating too much, are you okay?"

Xia Jun shook his head: "Only when someone rushes to eat can the maximum energy of a greedy person be stimulated. I have to be the person who grabs the meal, but I know it in my heart. I didn't swallow it all. If I spit it out, it will be fine!"

Du Ruoli nodded: "As long as nothing happens! Now it's my turn to fulfill my promise, let's talk about it!"

Xia Jun said: "Write an 11-character letter and ask the Qingyuan Escort Bureau to bring it to Wen's family at the entrance of Lizhi Lane in Lingnan Prefecture. These 11 characters are: Jun is exiled to the border with the Du family, please rescue him."

Du Ruoli repeated it again: "I've written it down, don't worry! Go back and continue crying about Third Brother, don't let others get suspicious, and there will be twists and turns."

Xia Jun took a deep look at Du Ruoli and trotted back to the cave.I found a clean and respectable coat in the baggage in the cave, ran back to the cemetery again, covered Du Zhizhong, who had held his breath, and knelt down to cry bitterly.

The whole family, except for the second brother who also suffered from unbearable abdominal pain but had been rescued, all knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

Du Changgui took office as a new official. Before he could celebrate, he heard that Du Zhizhong had died.I had no choice but to resist the urge to curse him, and rushed over with a few senior people. Before he was completely cold and hardened, he was dressed neatly, laid on the ground, and covered with quilts from head to toe.

When Du Ruoli came over, there were three layers of people inside and three layers outside, and they were so packed.Du Ruozhen waved to her from a big tree with the best view: "Here! Here!"

With Du Ruozhen's help, Du Ruoli also climbed up the tree and sat on the branch side by side with her, swaying her feet and watching the activities below with relish.

Well, the old father and eldest brother really cried, crying till their hearts broke; the sisters-in-law and nephews were of different genders, and they were sad, but not much; classmate Xia Jun knelt farthest away, silently wiping her tears all the time, but she didn't know how to apply the paint on the back of her hands. Is it garlic water or pepper water, which can make tears flow continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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