Chapter 84 Killing two birds with one stone

Seeing it in the middle, Du Ruozhen took out two August Frieds and gave one to Du Ruoli: "Big brother gave it to me on the way here. Eat it and watch it while eating."

August fried is also called August melon. Du Ruoli was originally quite sorry that the most important prop was missing in the melon eating scene, but now it has been completely replaced.

He took the August melon with a smile, broke it open and took a bite.

Well, the show is better.

There was endless wailing outside, and Ji Tong, who was lying in the empty tomb recovering from his injuries, looked impatient.

Chen Bangming, who was taking care of him, immediately ran out and shouted at the crying prisoner: "Shut up! If you keep crying, get out of the pit."

Du Zhizhong's family members seemed to have been strangled by the neck suddenly, their crying stopped suddenly, and they fell exhausted on the ground, silently wiping away tears.

Sisters Du Ruoli and Du Ruozhen had a good view and saw Chen Bangming running out in advance. They predicted that he would curse, but they were not frightened and continued to watch the show.

According to the rules of Cangzhou's hometown, after a person dies, he must remain in mourning for three days to say a final farewell to his family and friends before he is laid to rest.

It was impossible to follow the old rules on the road of exile. Being able to get into the soil without being eaten by wild beasts was already a huge blessing.

Du Zhizhong's family has no hope.Du Changgui, the newly minted clan leader, divided the men in the clan into three groups.

A group of elderly people who were accustomed to seeing life and death washed and dressed the deceased, and then stayed with his family to comfort them.

A group of young and vigorous young men, each armed with a wooden tool, found a piece of loose land nearby that was easy to dig, and dug the soil to dig a hole.

One group was a middle-aged handyman who picked up a lot of branches and wood and nailed them into a simple thin coffin.

The men of the Zhao family also came over and joined the middle-aged team to help order the coffin.

The women of the Du family were supposed to be in charge of the logistics and arranging meals and tea.Because the master's family didn't have this intention, the family was very poor and couldn't come up with food to support them, so they had no choice but to give up.After watching the excitement for a while, I did whatever I had to do.

Du Ruoli has always paid attention to Zhang Xiuhe.

Although Zhang Xiuhe was severely beaten last night, the injuries were all on his face, hands, arms and other non-vital parts, which did not affect his ability to move around.When I heard the news that Du Zhizhong was dead, I ran out immediately and stood in the front row to watch the whole process.

The expression on her face kept changing. First, she couldn't believe that Du Zhizhong actually died alive, she was surprised and unbelievable;
And because the enemy who had framed her was dead, she felt extremely excited and relieved;

Finally, thinking about what happened to me, I was worried that I would suffer the same retribution one day. I started to panic, my face turned pale, I was sweating, and I had to hold on to a tree to stand.

Witnessing her slowly collapsing, Du Ruoli took a bite of the August melon and spit out the seeds.

Sweet and so delicious.

After eating the August melon, Du Ruoli had no interest in continuing to watch the fun.He and Du Ruozhen came down from the tree, went to the mountain to find Yingzi, and handed her a box of facial oil collected from the bandits:

"If you want serious embroidery, you can't do it without a pair of smooth and delicate hands. From now on, Yingzi, don't worry about outside things. Apply a thick layer of oil every night and wrap it with cotton cloth. During the day Wipe it with your hands at all times, and take good care of your hands. After three or four days of care, your hands will become smooth and no longer catch the silk threads, and you can start embroidering again."

"You're still thoughtful!" Du Ruoying took the facial oil, wiped her hands clean with a handkerchief, scooped up a large amount of snow-white facial oil and spread it on her hands.The facial oil was absorbed quickly and completely. After thinking about it, I took another dab and applied it on. I wished my rough and stiff hands would immediately become delicate and soft.

Du Ruoli didn't mention a word about her brother Wang Zhizhang.

It's better to let him get ready and catch up and tell himself.

After all, it's their family's business.

Du Ruoli also gave Du Ruozhen a box of facial oil: "Keep it up too, and help me make a pair of rabbit skin gloves for use soon."

Du Ruozhen sneered coldly: "I give you things when I want to, but I just find some excuses that are not very clever. If you give them, can I refuse? I don't want good things, and I'm not a fool!"

If she wants rabbit skin gloves, many people want to make them for her. But if they are made with rabbit skin, why would she need a box of facial oil in exchange?It’s so baffling that she’s afraid that others will miss her!
Well, this is a very smart girl and cannot be fooled.Du Ruoli put the facial oil into Du Ruozhen's hand: "Just take it if I give it to you. What nonsense! Look like you!"

Du Ruozhen took the facial oil and had many things to ask, but in the end he didn't ask a single word and had to close his mouth tightly.

If sisters want to be on good terms for a long time, they can't get to the bottom of things and leave huge space for each other.

If she really needed it, she believed Ah Li would come to her.

She is in no hurry.

Du Ruoli liked Du Ruozhen's smart and relaxed nature very much. He clearly saw that she was going out, but she went out with a capable person, but she could not bear to ask a word.

It doesn't feel oppressive or dangerous.That's why she considers her her best friend here.

Although it is impossible to trust Zhou Mengjin as much as he did in his previous life, it is not much different.

Half an hour later, the thin coffin prepared for Du Zhizhong was ready, and the pit was almost dug.The new clan leader and his clan members carried the newly dressed Du Zhizhong into the coffin, lowered it into the pit, and covered it with loess.

In less than a quarter of an hour, there was a new grave and one less living person in the world.

The wicked finally got their due end, and Du Ruoli put aside her worries and returned to the cave.

In the cave, the new patriarch Du Changgui was waiting for her:
"Girl Li, I haven't seen you today. I have something I want to explain to you."

Du Ruoli came to him and sat down: "Uncle, tell me!"

Du Changgui said: "You have also seen that the clan is in trouble, with no silver and no rice. If you want to avoid starving to death, you must find ways to earn money. But don't worry, those methods you think of, unless you are willing, uncle will not Give it to the clansmen and let them make money. My uncle will take them to hunt some small animals, or help Lu Langjun hunt big animals to supplement the income. He will never take advantage of you."

Du Ruoli knew that he could handle things clearly, otherwise she would not have hinted him to replace the former clan leader. She smiled and said: "I understand, uncle. Gastrodia elata and Wulingzhi are rare. You may not encounter them if you go forward." There may not be a chance to pick them, so I won’t teach them to other tribesmen. I want to keep the sprouts for the four families to earn money, and I won’t teach them to the tribesmen. But you can ask the skilled people in the tribe to weave palm-sized baskets. The more detailed the weaving, the better, and I will help sell it when the time comes."

Helping to sell is a lie. There is no time in the universe to squat in the market and sell one by one.But she can collect it herself and use it to package high-quality fruits.

It can also be regarded as a way for the clansmen to make money, killing two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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