Chapter 85 Busy Busy Busy

Du Changgui's eyes lit up: "Girl, please tell uncle carefully, what kind of thing does it look like?"

"It's a portable basket made of rattan. The diameter is the length of an adult man's hand. All the joints must be stuffed inside so that there is no thorny feeling and it is smooth and flat." Du Ruoli said.

When the time comes, she will modify it again, and it will be the pastoral style that is popular all over the world, and it will definitely captivate a group of people.

"This is easy. It just means being more patient and spending more time." Du Changgui grinned from ear to ear, stood up and walked out: "Uncle, I will gather people to weave the basket! I will show you the weaving. Good girl, you He is really a blessing to my uncle and a blessing to our whole clan. He immediately helped the clan think of a way to make a living."

Who doesn’t know how to weave baskets?He is a master, but he just can't think of it and has no way to turn it into money.

Du Ruoli smiled and waved: "Go and do your work!"

On the mountains north of the Yangtze River, there is an inexhaustible supply of yellow thorns.Du Changgui led his people across the mountains and plains in search of yellow thorns of good appearance and uniform size.Neither the thick ones nor the tender ones will do. Only choose the thin and tough ones to make them look nice and strong.

The clan members were busy working together in front of the fire in the cave. When the moon was bright and the stars were dim, Du Changgui sent three baskets to Du Ruoli.

The three baskets are all the hand baskets she requested. The difference is that one has a bulging belly, one is like a lotus, and the third has a red twist on the waist.

The shape is beautiful, the workmanship is exquisite, and the hand feels delicate. It is 100% made with care.Better than she expected!
Creativity really needs to be stimulated by money. Du Ruoli took the basket in surprise and admired each one one by one. She couldn't put it down: "It's all OK. It's all OK. Just make it according to these styles. If you have new ideas, show them to me. I'll help check it out."

When Du Changgui heard that it was okay, he immediately turned around and walked out of the cave: "Okay! Uncle is going to work now! There are still a few bundles of wattle sticks, and three more can be braided. After braiding, rest early!"

Du Ruoli watched him leave, and then talked to Du Ruozhen.

Because of the rattan basket, she thought of another handicraft: lace.

Lace originated abroad and was introduced to China very late. At this time, no one knew how to do it.I once heard my best friend Zhou Mengjin’s mother say that as long as you have a crochet hook, it’s not difficult to do it.When her daughter was a child, she crocheted all the lace on her skirt herself.

There were old objects in the space that Zhou's mother had hidden for decades. Du Ruoli went in and rummaged through them, and sure enough she found a handful of twelve crochet hooks, several crochet pattern books, and several large bundles of hair-thin thread.

Du Ruoli studied the introductory books for two hours, and finally worked out the simplest pattern, and came out to teach Du Ruozhen and let her master a skill.

It makes no sense that others have special skills, but her best friend does not.

"I've learned a new craft, take a look!" Du Ruoli took out the thickest crochet hook and a bundle of thick cotton thread, and crocheted a small square: "Are you familiar with it? Try it!"


Du Ruozhen thought she had learned it from the Zhao family, so she took the crochet hook and cotton thread without asking any questions. After getting used to a stitch or two, she started to fly with her fingers, and in less than a third of the time, she hooked out a crochet hook the same size as Du Ruoli. Fang Fang'er: "It's not too difficult. It's much easier than embroidery."

"Really? Try this again!"

Du Ruoli drew a flower on the ground that looked like a flower from the primer.The steps were clearly written in the book, but she just didn't succeed. She couldn't teach her good friends, so she had to rely on herself to figure it out.

Du Ruozhen squatted on the ground and watched carefully for a while, listened to her explanation of the steps, tried it several times, and it was done.As expected, he is very handy and ready to take office.

Du Ruoli gave her the thinnest crochet hook and a small ball of black silk thread, and asked her to crochet it into a lace one finger wide and 15 centimeters long, and set it with white millet beads:

"The hook is like this. The labor is one tael of silver. It needs to be completed within ten days. Is that okay?"

Du Ruozhen took the crochet hook and silk thread and rolled his eyes at Du Ruoli: "You just talk nonsense, what's wrong with making money? I'll work day and night and try to finish it within five days."

"Don't mention it." Du Ruoli said: "This job is too taxing on the eyes and neck, so let's do it for ten days. After ten days, I will give you a new job. Can it be completed in advance?"

"Sure, I'll listen to you!" Du Ruozhen said, already starting to hook his hand.However, the needle and thread were too thin. After hooking for a long time, I could only get a tiny bit out of it.

However, she was mentally prepared and was not in a hurry, hooking forward bit by bit.

If it was easy, why would anyone give her a tael of silver?
If you want to make money, don't you have to work hard and be patient?
With her good friends busy around her, Du Ruoli was embarrassed to be idle, so she used the thick crochet hook she had just made and continued stitching on the small square to see if she could crochet a cotton vest for Xiao Ruoyu.

The men of the Du family were weaving baskets from Huangjing, while the women were either busy in front of the cooking pot, preparing food for the upcoming journey, or doing needlework or making straw sandals, each busy in their own way.

Lu Jizhou was not idle either.

Yao San found a Aconitum plant that was still blooming. He diluted a large jar of venom according to the method taught by Du Ruoli.Smear it on the arrow and shoot it at a fast running adult wild boar.

The arrow tip deliberately deviated from the direction and hit the wild boar's butt.

The wild boar became furious, roared, opened its eyes as big as copper bells, turned around and rushed towards the tree where he was, hitting the tree hard with its head, trying to knock him off the tree.

The idea is always good, but it's a pity that we don't have the life to play with it.The wild boar had just turned halfway when its front legs suddenly softened and it knelt on the ground. Then its huge body collapsed. It only grunted twice, closed its eyes, and passed away.

Yao San looked on and was dumbfounded: "This... this... this... is too poisonous... a wild boar of hundreds of kilograms can't even survive for a moment... it's like using a whole aconite to poison..."

"We made a mistake before! It was so wrong! We actually coated an arrowhead with the juice of aconite!" Lu Jizhou looked at the venom jar in his hand and said, "Aconitum is already precious and hard to find, but we also used it for it. A lot of waste. I can’t think about it, it hurts my heart when I think about it.”

Yao San nodded fiercely: "That's right. In the past, arrows coated with black heads could only be reserved for the strongest opponents. Hey, if I had known that I could dilute so much, how many brothers would have been sacrificed... By the way, Master, how did you do it? Did you figure it out?"

"I didn't figure it out." Lu Jizhou said, "Others taught me. In these aspects, I am too far behind her!"

Yao San rolled his eyes and asked Bagua: "Is it that girl who sets fire again?"

Lu Jizhou turned away uncomfortably: "That's right! She is a genius, don't call her a fire girl again!"

"Oh!" Yao San said.

(End of this chapter)

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