Chapter 88 All Beings Are Suffering
The team marched for a full hour and a half. When they reached a small gentle slope where they could stand, the sky finally brightened.

The guards began to distribute black steamed buns for breakfast.

Li Jianming stood guarding a basket of black buns on the side of the road. When he passed by a prisoner, he would give one to him.

The prisoner took the steamed buns and walked forward immediately without any time to rest, eating as he walked, choking and burping.

If someone wants to be convenient, they must go back quickly and keep up with the team at a trot.

A vivid explanation of what it means to be exhausted.

Du Ruoli didn't know how to eat black steamed buns, so she took it and put it in the purse on her belt, took out the rice ball given by Shen Sanzhi and ate it, wrapped in the bacon given by the third hall's grandmother.

Later they gave her some more, enough to feed her for three days.

The people around her also put away the cold, smelly black buns and ate them from the dry food they had prepared at home.

Who wants to eat disgusting black buns when there are better things to eat?They each have their own abilities now, and it’s not like they can’t earn food!
Sure enough, a person’s confidence comes from money and the ability to earn money!Du Ruoli didn't just eat the food for free. She took out some fine salt and brown sugar and mixed it with a bamboo tube of salt and sugar for each person to eat. She could replenish electrolytes at any time on the way.

Du Ruoli has never walked continuously for sixteen and a half hours in one day.By the time I reached the afternoon, my soul had drifted away, leaving only my two legs moving mechanically.

After finally surviving until it was dark, I could sit down and rest for half a quarter of an hour, eat some dry food and drink some water. When I got up again, it felt like I was dying, all the bones in my body were falling apart, and everything hurt.

No matter how painful it was, she had to keep walking. Du Ruoli swallowed a large handful of chocolate beans, supported a picked bamboo stick, forced herself to stand up, and kept up with the rhythm of the team.Don't be like someone who was beaten with a whip just because you were a little slow in the early morning.

Walking, walking, mechanical walking, finally arrived at the final destination: a grain drying farm named Xiaoyangzhuang.

The grain drying field was unexpectedly clean and tidy, as if someone had cleaned it up in advance.

Are the villagers in Xiaoyangzhuang so kind?

Du Ruoli looked around, and sure enough she saw Wang Zhizhang and Wang Ying, who had sneaked into the exile team, running rampant and looking for people everywhere.

Du Ruoli touched Du Ruoying's arm: "Look who is that person in front of you!"


Du Ruoying was so exhausted that she barely supported her head with her hands and looked in the direction Du Ruoying pointed.When he saw the familiar figure in front of him, Doze ran away and shouted in a tearful tone: "Brother!"

Hearing his sister's cry, Wang Zhizhang went crazy and pushed his way through the crowd: "Mom, the unfilial son is here. Little sister, the eldest brother is late."

"You bastard, what are you doing back here?"

Wu Yueniang appeared out of nowhere, suddenly picked up a wooden stick, stabbed it diagonally, and hit Wang Zhizhang's calf hard: "I'll break your legs!"

"Boom, bang, bang..."

The wooden stick hit Wang Zhizhang's leg, which hurt Du Ruoli.Wang Ying, who was following Wang Zhizhang, was so distressed that she burst into tears, but did not dare to say a word.After three shouts, the clan leader Du Changgui stood up and stopped him: "Zhang'er mother, forget it once you get angry, don't hit him again, it's time to break him."

Wu Yueniang immediately stopped what she was doing, pointed at her son with a wooden stick and said, "For the sake of the clan leader, I'll give you a favor, get out of here, get out of my presence immediately."

Wang Zhizhang knelt down to his mother with a plop, and Wang Ying quickly knelt down beside him and shouted: "Mom, you and your sister have suffered. From now on, my husband and I will follow my mother and sister all the way to the border. Settling down and settling down, I won’t let you suffer any more.”

Wu Yueniang was really angry now: "Nonsense! Is the road to exile so easy? It's a narrow escape. Is it so easy to settle down in the frontier? There are always people who come to harass you. Once you finally earn your way out, don't come back again." At least give it to your father and leave a root for your ancestors..."

The family gathered together to talk, but Du Ruoli didn't listen much.I still found a place against the tree, laid the floor, took out the little Ruoyu from the space, fed her milk and changed her diaper.

She was pitiful for traveling such a long distance, and so was Xiao Ruoyu.Twice during the day, she was so hungry that she cried for half an hour. Because she couldn't find a suitable hiding place, she couldn't go in to feed her, so she could only let her cry until her voice became hoarse.

Of course, she was not the only one who was pitiful.Niu Niu was on her mother Zhou Daya's back and didn't get off the bed much all day.I had no choice but to let my diaper and cotton pants get wet. I kept crying and twisting, and even received two slaps.

Zhang Xiuhe's family is even worse because there are few adults and many children.The eldest and second child were only five or six years old and had to walk on their own like adults. The third child hung on his father and barely ate all day long. He was so hungry that he rolled his eyes several times.

Even if the Zhao family had a carriage, it was only after they came down the mountain. Everyone's face was pale and pale, especially Xue Jinxin, who was pregnant with her figure, feeling that she would die in the next moment.

All beings suffer!

Du Ruoli touched Xiao Ruoyu's little ears, waited for her to finish drinking a bottle of formula milk, put her in diapers behind everyone's back, stuffed a few mouthfuls of rice balls, and fell asleep.

Xiao Ruoyu was actually not sleepy. He was fisting and kicking beside him, making babbling sounds. He had forgotten the sadness of being hungry during the day and was happy.

Listening to her voice, Du Ruoli fell into sleep for a second.

She didn't know how long she had been sleeping, but she felt someone pushing her arm: "Ah Li, wake up quickly, get up and eat something before going to sleep, otherwise you will wake up hungry at night."

"No." Du Ruoli muttered, "I feel like I've been run over by a car. I just want to sleep. Don't disturb me."

Du Ruoying continued to push her: "Listen, the noodles that eldest brother asked the villagers to help cook are very different from the noodles we used to eat. After cooking, vinegar and oil are added. It smells delicious. You must Taste it.”

Wow, this vinegar is strong enough!
Not something ordinary people can brew!
It will be amazing when placed in oily noodles.

Du Ruoli suddenly stopped feeling sleepy. She sat up straight, took the bowl and took a deep breath: "Oh my god, it smells so good. I'm confused by the smell!"

"Let's eat!" Du Ruoying sat across from Du Ruoli, foot to foot, and fed her in big mouthfuls: "I'm starving to death. I feel like I can eat ten bowls."

Du Ruoli said: "Me too, I can't wait to pick up the bowl and pour it directly into my throat. Chewing will affect my cooking speed."

After finishing the bowl of noodles, Du Ruoli asked, "Has your mother forgive your eldest brother and sister-in-law?"

"I have forgiven him a long time ago." Du Ruoying was still licking the bowl: "The moment our whole family was imprisoned and about to be exiled, my mother forgave him and said that it was lucky that he went out to become a son-in-law, otherwise he would have followed us. Suffer. I'm beating him today because he shouldn't have come back. What if they don't get the marriage certificate and are arrested as the Du family?"

(End of this chapter)

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