It is impossible to catch him.

Because the punishment policy of this era is that the crime is not as serious as that of a married woman.

A man who goes out to marry a wife is equivalent to a married woman.

Wu Yueniang loved her son so much that she couldn't figure it out for a while.

Du Ruoli asked Du Ruoying about her brother's future plans.

The Wang family into which Wang Zhizhang married had only one daughter, Wang Ying.In order to continue the family tradition, her parents left her at home to find a son-in-law.

Ten years ago, her family hired a scholar son-in-law for her.It was agreed at that time that they would divorce after the birth of their son, and the Wang family would give him a sum of money to continue his studies.If he still fails to have a child, he will be given a sum of money to leave after five years.

To put it bluntly, it was to borrow his seeds.

Things went very smoothly. Shortly after the wedding, Wang Ying became pregnant and gave birth to twin boys ten months later.

The scholar's mission was completed and he left as he wished.Before leaving, he didn't even look at Wang Ying and his son. It seemed that they had nothing to do with him.

With a grandson to continue the incense and inherit the family business, the Wang family's parents began to despise Wang Ying.

Wang Ying and Du Zhizhang fell in love and wanted to get married, but their parents didn't ask.
Du Zhizhang wanted to get married, so his parents made a plan in advance: the family property belongs to twins, and Du Zhizhang's family should not think of dividing it;
This time, Wang Ying and his wife wanted to follow the exile team to the frontier, but their family only supported 500 taels of silver.Tell them that next time they go back, they will move around as relatives and no longer a family.

Du Ruoli has been to Wang's Silk and Satin Shop. The shop is huge and filled with a dazzling array of silks and satins, worth at least tens of thousands of taels of silver.You only gave 500 taels of silver to your only daughter. Doesn’t that make sense?
"Brother and sister-in-law won't agree, right?" she asked.

Du Ruoying shook her head: "I agreed. My sister-in-law said that she couldn't just watch my mother and I suffer without doing anything. As for the money, she and her eldest brother have both hands and feet, so they can earn it slowly. Won’t starve to death.”

Du Ruoli gave a thumbs up: "Sister-in-law is so good, no wonder she is loved and respected by her eldest brother."

Du Ruoying said with a proud face: "Isn't that right? My mother and I are also very satisfied with my sister-in-law... Oh, it's a pity that the guards don't allow them to go with us. Our family can't see each other every day, and sometimes it may take several days to see each other. "

This begins Versailles!Du Ruoli kicked her away: "Go away, I don't want to see you right now!"

Du Ruoying laughed: "They are my eldest brother and sister-in-law, and they are also your eldest brother and sister-in-law. With the eldest brother and sister-in-law following us, we will not be hungry in the future."

Du Ruoli grabbed her hand, touched her gradually smooth fingertips and asked, "Yingzi, let me ask you, after you no longer worry about money, do you still want to sell embroidery for money?"

Don't waste the ideas she finally came up with for her.

Du Ruoying glanced at Du Ruoli: "What are you talking about? Why don't you embroider? Others are other people, and there are always times when others can't take care of them. Isn't it enough to alert you that you were hungry every day a few days ago? If you want to embroider, you must do it. Xiu, Ah Li, you can’t abandon me.”

"Okay! I'll embroider it for you!" Du Ruoli said, "You might as well tell your brother and sister-in-law about this matter, especially your sister-in-law. She should be able to think of a way to sell it at a high price."

Wang Ying was born into a merchant's family, and she has been helping in the shop after giving birth to her child. She has been influenced by what she has seen and heard, and when it comes to doing business, she is definitely incomparable to them.

Wang Zhizhang is smart and thorough. After staying in the shop for several years, he will not be useless.

The fact that the two of them dared to resolutely leave the Wang family and start from scratch speaks volumes.

Why not bring such talents together to work together? You make money and I make money, and everyone makes money!

"I listen to you. Tell your elder brother and sister-in-law and ask them to find a way to sell it." Du Ruoying picked up Du Ruoli's bowl: "I'll add another bowl of noodles. How much do you want?" Du Ruoying really couldn't stand up. , shamelessly, raised a finger and said: "I want another bowl, a full bowl."

There was half a catty of dry food in the bowl just now. Another half a catty, exactly one catty.

She often scolds others for being a loser, and she herself becomes a loser.

Well, more than 1000 people are eating at the same time. Can the 500 taels of silver of Wang Zhizhang and his wife be able to withstand it?

As soon as Du Ruoying left, Shen Sanzhi and Wang Guihua came over happily, each holding a basket filled with tender green toona seedlings more than an inch long.

Light green is a soothing and joyful color.Especially in this late autumn season when it is gray and there are no fresh green leafy vegetables for a long time.

Du Ruoli took out one, took a deep breath of the unique fragrance of toon, and asked: "How many seedlings are there in total? Have you weighed them?"

The two men nodded sharply and said in unison: "We weighed it, 2 pounds and 2 taels of Chinese toon seeds, no more, no less, exactly 14 pounds of sprouts."

They took really good care of them, so that while they were running around, they could produce the same number of seedlings as if they were sitting still at home.

Du Ruoli used the strength of her hands to get up desperately: "You guys wait, I will go find Mrs. Zhao to sell vegetables. They will definitely want it."

The two aunts each gave her a hand and pulled her to stand up. They kept saying, "Thank you for your hard work, dear girl! I still need you to do the hard work at this time."

"Our common cause should not be hard work."

Du Ruoli waved her hands, carrying a basket in each hand, and headed to Zhao's house.

The Zhao family lives to the west of the wheat field, and each eats fried noodles with a wooden bowl.I don't know who told a joke, which made many people laugh.

Seeing Du Ruoli coming over, Mrs. Zhao waved and said hello: "Miss Du, are you looking for an old lady?"

Du Ruoli presented the basket to the old lady: "The tribe used toon seeds to grow some toon seedlings. They were just planted tonight. Do you like them if you take a look?"

"Oh, this is so tender that you can squeeze out the water. It must taste very good. The old lady can't wait to eat it. How can I not despise it?"

Old Mrs. Zhao took the basket, picked up a piece of Miao Miao vegetables with her hands and put it into her mouth to chew: "It tastes really good. It has the taste of toon, but it's not as strong as toon sprouts. Pour it over with boiling water and mix it with sesame oil. It will definitely be good." . How much do you have? The Zhao family wants it all."

Du Ruoli said: "14 catties, or according to the price of fresh vegetables in the market in autumn and winter, 1 tael of silver per catty, what do you think?"

Old Mrs. Zhao smiled and nodded: "Yes! I will deduct the money from your side. After deducting it, tell the old woman."

"Good Le!"

Du Ruoli took the empty basket, spent 14 taels of silver in the space, and went back to make a report: "It was sold. It was sold all at once. People like it! Here, this is the silver. The patriarch's aunt took it back and gave it to her. The clan leader will help us divide it."

"to make!"

Shen Sanzhi took the purse containing the silver and was not in a hurry to count the money. Instead, he took out a small bowl and presented it to Du Ruoli: "Our sisters-in-law figured this out when we were bored. You can help me take a look. Whether it works or not, will the Zhao family want it?"

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