Chapter 90 Eternal interests

Du Ruoli took the bowl, which contained sprouts, tender and raw, with a faint sesame aroma.

Shen Sanzhi said: "Toona seeds are scarce. A large group of people can only get one or two kilograms after climbing several mountains. And the weather is getting colder, and it becomes harder and harder to find them as we go back. Let's try the sesame seeds you bought. No. More, just a handful, it's fine if you find it. I just don't know if it's to the noble's taste."

Even if the Zhao family is in trouble, they are still an unattainable noble person in their eyes.I never approach others because I feel ashamed of myself.

I am extremely envious of Du Ruoli, who can freely enter and leave the Zhao family and make friends with the Zhao family.

Du Ruoli gave a thumbs up: "Aunts are so amazing. They know everything about everything and figured out a good way to use sesame seeds to grow seedlings."

It’s great to have a partner who is willing to use her brain when doing things and doesn’t have to rely on her to think of everything!
"I think the Zhao family will like these sesame seedlings. Aunts, please feel free to distribute them. When you distribute them, stagger the time and try to have seedlings appear every day."

The two aunts laughed so hard that they couldn't see their eyes: "That's great, we are willing to have something to do. The more things to do, the better. It feels like we are heading forward."

Du Ruoli smiled and said nothing. Isn't it easy to do things? What I was afraid of was that I was unwilling to do them.

Before leaving, Wang Guihua said weakly: "Actually, I also tried it with radish seeds. The seedlings were okay, but the taste was a little bit off, with a radish smell."

Du Ruoli remembered that Space planted radishes a few days ago and harvested a packet of radish seeds. She took them out to Wang Guihua and said, "If the taste is a little bit worse, I'll be afraid, and the price will be a little bit lower. You can take these seeds and distribute them, in case they don't come out." If people buy it, let’s have some luxury ourselves.”

Wang Guihua happily took the carrot seeds and said, "Okay, Auntie, I listen to you."

After the two aunts left, Du Ruoli continued to lie in bed and sleep.

The tools they brought were limited and it was impossible to cultivate sprouts on a large scale. They could only produce two to three kilograms per day.She believed that the Zhao family had everything they wanted and they were used to living a good life after all.Who would want to eat salted and dried vegetables all day long when they have a lot of money and are facing oppression and oppression at any time?
Therefore, she doesn't have to worry about this and can just sleep peacefully.

Before going to bed, Du Ruoli took out the formula milk from the space and tried to touch the corner of Xiao Ruoyu's mouth with the pacifier to see if she would eat it.

If you eat it, you can sleep longer.

When Xiao Ruoyu came into contact with the pacifier, he smacked his mouth twice, then tilted his head slightly, took it in his mouth accurately, and sucked it in big mouthfuls.

In just two or three minutes, I drank up 3 ml of milk and continued to sleep soundly.

Du Ruoli wiped the corners of her mouth and slept next to her.

The weather is fine during the day and the moonlight shines at night. It is better not to enter the space and sleep outside.

Du Ruoli had a good night's sleep, but was still woken up by the guard at 03:30 the next morning.

The officer who came this time was not Chen Bangming.Chen Bangming had epilepsy and convulsions for a long time yesterday, which damaged his vitality. He needed to rest for a day or two and replaced him with Li Jianming.

Li Jianming carried a gong and banged it as he walked.No matter how sleepy the prisoner was, he was awakened. He jumped up from the bed, packed his luggage and prepared to set off.

The children were so frightened that there was a lot of crying on the threshing floor.

Du Ruoyu was also crying. Du Ruoli remembered the lesson of yesterday's beating and didn't care to coax her first. He took out a comfort towel and tied her in front of him.

You have to wait until you set off before you have time to comfort her.Why!
Just after sighing, Du Ruoying also got up and said to the side: "Ah Li, when I came back last night, you were already asleep, and I didn't have time to tell you something. Today you just need to take care of Yu'er. There is no need to pack your luggage. Put it in the On the ground, my sister-in-law will come and help us clean it up in a while, then put it on her carriage and give it to us at night so we can relax more easily."

Wu Yueniang also said beside her: "Yes, Yingzi is right, keep it for your elder brother and sister-in-law, let's relax quickly."

Ji Tong did not allow Wang Ying and Wang Zhizhang to go with the exile team, nor did he allow any prisoner, even a baby like Xiao Ruoyu, to ride in their carriage.But it did not say that they are not allowed to help pack and carry luggage.

They quickly seized the opportunity and became porters.

"Wow, that's great, it really saved my life! Then I really don't care, just coax my sister to go."

Du Ruoli took back the half-tied comfort towel, put the comfort towel on her shoulders, picked up the struggling and crying baby with one hand, and took out the formula milk from the space with the other hand, using the cover of the wide sleeves, Feed into the baby's little mouth.

The baby slowly stopped crying, held the handle of the bottle with both hands, and drank 90 ml of milk.

Seeing her gulping loudly, Du Ruoli felt happy and worried at the same time.

Fortunately, she has a good appetite and has gained weight quickly. She has gone from a skinny monkey weighing two or three pounds to a normal human weighing seven pounds, with a little flesh on her face and body.

What I was worried about was that the milk powder was consumed too quickly. With the help of Zhou Daya’s breast milk, I still consumed three full 900g cans of milk powder in one month.

There are only [-] cans of milk powder left in the space. The child is getting older and older and can eat more and more. I am afraid that he will not last until half a year old.

Du Ruoli wanted to ask herself, why didn't she reserve more milk powder when she bought it?Now there is no place to replenish the goods, which is really frustrating.

Worry is sorrow, you still have to eat when you should.

The child finished 90 ml of milk and held on to the bottle. It looked like she was not full. Du Ruoli took out a small bottle again and added 30 ml to her, taking in a total of 120 ml.

After the children were full, the team was about to set off. Du Ruoli walked to Du Ruoying, and Du Ruoying brought her two hot meatloaf: "Eat it, the eldest brother just sent it."

Du Ruoli took the meat pie and ate it happily: "I just hope that every day will be such a good day, someone will help move things, and there will be delicious food every time."

Du Ruoying took a bite of half of the meatloaf and nodded heavily: "Me too. I just hope that my eldest brother and sister-in-law will have enough money to spend, and I hope they won't get tired of it soon."

Du Ruolixin said that family, friendship and love may not be eternal, but interests must be.As long as there are interests tied together, others will never get bored.

So he asked: "Did you tell your elder brother and sister-in-law about the embroidery? How did they answer you?"

Du Ruoli finished chewing the meat pie in a few mouthfuls and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief: "As I said, my sister-in-law is very interested and said she would help us plan a good deal and sell it at a good price. She will go to the next market to find Use the most suitable fabrics and embroidery threads, make them the best and sell them to wealthy families."

Du Ruoli was relieved.

With Wang Ying's words, not only does she not need to worry about the sales of her embroidery works.What's more important is that you don't need to carry dozens of kilograms of luggage every day, and you can still fill your stomach blatantly.

The more familiar she gets with the people around her and the closer she gets, the more embarrassed she becomes to eat alone. Now that's all solved, she feels better!

(End of this chapter)

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