Chapter 91 Bai Qiuyue

at the same time.

Qingyun Station.

Third Master Bai, Bai Yuanjing, went out before dawn because he wanted to rob a batch of spices from overseas.

Yang Meier took advantage of his absence and came to the next room.

In the next room, there is a woman lying, who "is" the person who once sold her lipstick and rouge.She used to be called Jing Niang, but now she was seriously injured and was saved by Mr. Bai. She became his maid and changed her name to Bai Qiuyue.

Before Qiu Yue came, a man in black came to her and presented evidence that she had assassinated the mistress of the house, forcing her to help Qiu Yue cover it up.

If she doesn't agree, the man in black will spread the evidence and let the mistress know and punish her.

This mistress was the most vicious and vicious, and she was jealous. She had buried the bones of countless people in the backyard. If she found out, her fate would be dire.

In desperation, Yang Meier agreed to the man in black's conditions.When Mr. Bai brought back the woman covered in blood and asked her if she was Jing Niang, she observed her carefully and carefully considered her words: "The last time I saw her, she was covered in thick powder. The make-up is extremely thick. It is a little different from the bare face now. But the bones and face shape are similar. Is he probably the same person? "

Mr. Bai had no doubt about it and believed her words.He asked someone to properly place Jing Niang, and quickly changed her name and signed a deed so that she could no longer escape from his grasp.

That night, Mr. Bai was very excited and tossed her several times.

This is something that has never happened before, which shows that the interest is high and the expectations for Qiuyue are great.

The more he behaves like this, the less she dares to tell the truth.

Not only did she not dare to tell the truth, but she also helped Qiu Yue get through smoothly.

Seeing her come in, Qiuyue didn't seem surprised, and said in a calm tone: "Sister, you are here!"

Yang Meier suddenly became a little nervous. She swallowed and stammered, " did you wake up? How...your"

Qiuyue put her hands on the edge of the bed and slowly sat up: "I just woke up, my body is fine. I will lie down for another three to five days, and then I can take a carriage back to Jiangnan."

Seeing that she was struggling to get up, Yang Meier stepped forward to help her and avoid the wounds on her body.Lift her up and sit on the head of the bed.

"Thank you sister!"

Qiuyue gasped for air, and after she recovered her breath, she asked with a smile: "My sister wants to visit my sister's dressing table. I wonder if my sister is willing?"

Yang Meier also laughed, smiling charmingly: "Since my sister calls me sister, I am naturally willing to do so. However, my sister has a weak body and cannot walk easily. It is better for her to bring all the rags over. Sister, wait a moment. .”

Qiuyue nodded with a smile: "That's it, thank you sister."

Yang Meier returned to her room, put the things on the dressing table into a bag, wrapped it up and brought it to Qiuyue.

The real thing Jing Niang sold to her was returned to her after Mr. Bai thought he found the producer. It was also in the bag with a special mark on it.

Qiuyue took the baggage and smiled like a flower: "To tell you the truth, my sister has loved these fragrant pinks since she was a child. After not seeing her for a day, her heart felt like a cat scratching her, and she felt terribly uncomfortable. She had to sit on the pink and pink ones. In the heap, people come to life.”

As he spoke, he opened the bag, looked at each item, touched it, smelled it, and indulged in it.

When she got the lipstick made by Jing Niang, Yang Meier looked at her eagerly, hoping that she could see those special marks.Mr. Bai is suspicious, there must be someone spying on Qiu Yue in the dark.She didn't dare to say it directly, she only hoped that she would understand it herself.

However, Qiuyue was more powerful than she imagined. She could tell the difference without looking at the special marks. She held it in her hand and sighed repeatedly: "It is not easy to prepare these things. We need to get the rain from the rain day and the white dew day." dew on the day of frost, frost on the day of frost, and snow on the day of light snow. Whenever you fail to get it, you will have to do it all over again the next year.

The four kinds of water are collected, mixed evenly, plus various seasonal flowers, herbs, and spices from overseas, ground finely, and slowly fermented in a jar.After fermentation for ninety-nine and 81 days, take it out and dry it for nine days, then put it into the jar for fermentation again.Repeat this nine times to achieve success.

Therefore, it cannot be prepared within five years.I don’t know if the master will wait. "

"You can wait, why can't you wait? As long as it finally comes true, Master, I can wait for it. Then sell it at a high price. If you sell it to the palace, won't the ladies in the palace break their heads?"

Bai Yuanjing pushed open the door and walked in. He laughed and sat next to Qiuyue, touched her chin and asked, "Is your beauty getting better?"

Qiuyue frowned almost invisible, then returned to her previous expression, smiling gently: "Thank you, Master, for thinking about it. It's okay. However, Master, the person who prepares this fine powder must be clean." She is a daughter. Can the slave family wait until the powder is prepared before accepting the master's favor?"

When Bai Yuanjing thought about it, it was the same. No one in the world could prepare the best powder. Isn't it because it was extremely harsh and trivial?

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, beauty?" Bai Yuanjing suddenly let go of his hand and bounced three feet away: "Master, I won't touch you in the future. You can calm down and make powder."

She is just an ordinary-looking woman, and the house is taken away just to make her feel at ease, so why shouldn't she give up?

Qiuyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a slight blessing on the bed: "Yes, the slave family was saved by the master, and it will definitely fulfill its mission."

Bai Yuanjing waved his hand: "Don't think too much about it, beauty. Have a good rest and recover before we talk about anything else... Master, I'm going back to the house first."

After saying that, he held Yang Meier's waist like a water snake, put his head on her shoulder, and walked towards the next door.


Yang Meier cursed angrily, but pressed closer to her.

Watching the two people's retreating figures, Bai Qiuyue slowly slid onto the bed and lay down, taking out the powder prepared by Jing Niang and playing with it.

I really want to meet this Jing Niang.

See her whimsical head and uncanny hands.

If she could become her disciple and learn a thing or two from her, she would have no regrets in her life!

Next door, Yang Meier had no distracting thoughts and served Mr. Bai wholeheartedly.

I just had a conversation with Qiuyue, and I heard her talk freely about how to adjust makeup and make powder, and she was confident and generous.Look at her calm response in front of Mr. Bai.It proves that she is not an ordinary person. If she dares to sneak into Mr. Bai's side, she will not expose her secrets easily.

She thought about it for several days and finally let it go.No longer worried about not being able to eat well or sleeping well, or worrying about something happening at any time.

In this way, she could forget about it and go back to her former careless life.

Yang Meier indulged in her entanglement, and Mr. Bai was in an unprecedented good mood. He felt like he was back when he was seventeen or eighteen years old, with endless energy...

(End of this chapter)

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