Chapter 92
Returning to the Bai Yuan realm, after sweating profusely for nearly an hour, he turned over and fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but my body felt sticky, as if I was soaking in a cold mire.Subconsciously, he touched it with his hand and put it in front of his eyes. He screamed in fright and jumped up from the bed.

The bed was red and soaked with blood.Bright red blood dripped down the mattress and onto the ground, forming a large pool of blood on the floor.

Bai Yuanjing lowered his head and checked his whole body over and over again. After confirming that there was no bleeding, he looked carefully at the woman lying in a pool of blood.

Yang Meier closed her eyes tightly, her face ashen.The legs were bent under the quilt, showing a strange posture, lying motionless on the bed.

He gently touched her face, and the cold touch on his hand told him that she had been dead for a long time.

"Knock Knock Knock!"

There was a knock on the door, and Butler Bai Fu asked outside: "Third Master, is there anything wrong?"

Third Master Bai went out and opened the door. Halfway through, he remembered that he was naked, so he went back and put on some clothes, and then opened the door: "Bai Fu, come in and see for yourself. I have taken care of it properly. I am not feeling well and need to cleanse myself immediately." , ask someone to bring some buckets of hot water."

Butler Bai Fu went to arrange the hot water first. After his master soaked in the tub with the servants at his service and closed his eyes comfortably, he came to the bedroom to deal with the incident of bleeding to death.

Considering the master's situation, the situation in the bedroom should not be too familiar.Isn't it just that the little bitch used that dirty love potion in order to please her master?
It's just that the dose of the love potion was not mastered properly and he was too greedy, which caused his master to lose control and ultimately cost him his life.

Over the years, three generations of their ancestors and grandchildren have followed their master, and they have seen him not only ten times, but eight times.

Bai Fu had an idea in mind, so he went back to his room to get the sign and went out to report it to the official.

The inn is no better than home. Incidents of bloodshed and death like this must be reported to the government and cannot be handled privately.

When the government saw the Bai family's sign, they immediately sent someone over.The final conclusion reached was consistent with Bai Fu's initial judgment: Yang Meier used too much medicine, which caused Mr. Bai to lose control and penetrate her to the point of bleeding and death.

As for where the love potion came from, it is unknown because Yang Meier is dead and there is no evidence left in the house.You can't come from a serious place.

The government closed the case, Bai Fu led the people to bury Yang Meier, and Mr. Bai went to the grave and burned a stick of incense.

After everyone left, Bai Qiuyue, who was next door, opened her eyes and let out a long breath.

The only person in the Bai family who had seen Jing Niang was finally dead, and she was completely safe.

Jing Niang is also completely safe.

It turns out that killing someone is not as difficult as imagined.

As long as you want to live a good life, not be treated like animals, and want to protect your parents and relatives, there is nothing you can't do.

If you can't, then you haven't been cornered yet.

Currently, she has cleared the biggest obstacle and bought herself five years.After five years, or maybe in less than five years, she will definitely be able to live the good life she once had.

for sure.

As soon as she let go of her mind, an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion came over her. Bai Qiuyue closed her heavy eyes and fell asleep unaware of anyone else.

When Bai Yuanjing came back and saw her like this, the suspicion that had originally arose was like catkins in the wind, gently floating away.

Less than half an hour after the incident ended, Lu Jizhou received the news.In his arrangement, Bai Qiuyue only needs to see Jingniang's makeup in person and buy herself enough delay time, and he will solve the rest.

Unexpectedly, Qiuyue was more decisive and capable than he thought, and she actually solved Yang Meier at once.

And it was done so well that no one saw any flaws.

With her undercover in the Bai family, his chances of winning become even greater.

Things went too smoothly, and another strong general was obtained. Lu Jizhou couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

As if someone was deliberately against him to prevent him from being happy, as soon as the corner of his mouth turned up, he heard a miserable cry: "Ah...ah...ah...ghost..."

Accompanied by the screams was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. Someone fell heavily to the ground, making the ground tremble.

The cry came from the mouth of the guard Chen Bangming. Wasn't it because he just suffered from epilepsy yesterday and was still recuperating in the carriage?Why is it making strange noises again?
Lu Jizhou looked towards the source of the sound and saw Chen Bangming lying on the ground with a lot of foam coming out of his mouth. His body was twisting and twitching like an earthworm burrowing in the mud. It seemed that he was having another attack. Epilepsy is crazy.

Standing in front of him, Zhang Xiuhe was so frightened that his face turned pale.However, her lips were so bright red that she looked like a ghost at first glance.

Zhang Xiuhe scared Chen Bangming with such an abnormal appearance, causing Chen Bangming to get sick again.

These two people happened to be Du Ruoli's enemies, the only enemies in the exile team.Needless to say, this is her handiwork.

She must have used some kind of magical item to make Zhang Xiuhe look like neither a human nor a ghost, and appeared where Chen Bangming must pass, frightening him.

Well, yes, this trick makes it beautiful.

Just yesterday I learned that Chen Bangming had epilepsy, so I devised this flawless plan to kill three birds with one stone.

Not only did Zhang Xiuhe scare Chen Bangming, but Chen Bangming successfully became ill.If Chen Bangming gets sick twice in a row within two days, his vitality will be severely damaged and he may not be able to shake off in the future.Successfully avenged yesterday's whip.

He also asked Zhang Xiuhe to anger Ji Tong.Chen Bangming is Ji Tong's loyal lackey. Ji Tong will definitely find a way for Chen Bangming and punish Zhang Xiuhe severely.Zhang Xiuhe may not survive this time.Even if he survived, it would be a narrow escape from death.Successfully avenged that day.

It also caused Ji Tong to lose an arm again.After the bandit suppression, the police officers had great dissatisfaction with Ji Yi, and the only one who stayed by his side was Chen Bangming.Chen Bangming gets sick every now and then, so instead of being a support, he becomes a burden.As Ji Tong lives alone, doing evil is no longer as easy as before.

The most brilliant thing is that she relied on her strength to take it out safely long ago, so that no one would doubt her.

Even if he really wanted to look for evidence out of boredom, he would definitely not be able to find it.

He's pretty sure of that.

Lu Jizhou raised his eyes and looked at Du Ruoli, who was standing outside the crowd, standing on his tiptoes and desperately looking inside.

Like everyone else, she looked at the convulsing Chen Bangming with sympathy, sighed repeatedly, and went to seek help from a doctor.

When he heard Ji Tong order his men to tie up Zhang Xiuhe with a rope and give her twenty lashes, he was so frightened that he ran away, covered his sister's ears, and did not dare to look at her.

Pretending to be like a little white rabbit.

In fact, he is a little white rabbit with a dark heart.

Yes, this warrior is even more powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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