While they were talking lively, Wang Zhizhang came back with a depressed look on his face.His fists were clenched tightly, as if he wanted to beat someone to death.

Du Ruoli and Wang Ying looked over at the same time.

Feeling that something was wrong, Wu Yueniang, Du Changgui and the Third Hall grandmother's family also came over. They looked at Wang Zhizhang nervously, fearing that he would say that he could no longer follow the team to bring things and arrange meals for his relatives.

The more he worried about something, Wang Zhizhang shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint all my relatives. Leader Ji just said that he hopes this is the last time he sees us. He may not be able to do anything to us, but he will definitely vent his anger on us." On you. So, we can’t follow them anymore.”

Everyone was unspeakably disappointed.

He had just had four full meals and he was not allowed to eat.

I didn’t eat anyone else’s food!

Sure enough, the lives of the exiles were worthless and they deserved to starve to death.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Wang Zhizhang suddenly blinked his right eye and lowered his voice and said: "It's not that bad. After passing the market during the day, my wife and I bought 30 taels of food, which was all on the carriage. It was enough for everyone to eat for a while. .I’ll think of something after eating.”

30 taels of silver is 30000 copper coins.According to the market price of 5 cents for old rice, 12 cents for new rice, 12 cents for white flour, 7 cents for brown rice and thick noodles, 25 cents for pork, and 30 cents for fat pork per pound, we can buy a lot.

At least enough to feed them for a month or two.

It's good to have food. People won't starve to death. Everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Du Changgui couldn't help but praise: "Fortunately, Zhi Zhang was alert and had backup plans in advance, otherwise we would have been caught blind."

Wang Zhizhang waved his hand: "It's not me. I didn't think of this. It was Ah Li who reminded me this morning. Ah Li said that there are a lot of bugs among the guards, so we need to prepare both hands. It's best to buy some food. I bought it and put it on the carriage. .”

Everyone looked at Du Ruoli gratefully.

Du Ruoli said with a smile: "It's getting late. Instead of looking at me, why don't you and your eldest brother figure out how much food each family should receive and go to bed early? I made a promise first. I am too weak to carry my back. In addition, there is still some stock. I only need ten kilograms of rice and two kilograms of lean meat if there is any. I don’t need anything else and I will leave it to you.”

"Okay! It doesn't matter if you want less, there are still several of us."

Du Changgui consciously took over the important task of settling accounts, took out a few sticks and played with them on the ground, trying to make sure that each family had enough to eat and could still carry them.

At the end of the day, there were 200 jins of thick noodles, 50 jins of new rice, and two jins of lean pork.Du Changgui decided to let the clan buy it.If someone's family runs out of food or has an unexpected situation, we can subsidize it.

The first person to enjoy the subsidy was Du Laoqi.

His family has been experiencing constant accidents in the past few days, and has already used up all their food reserves.Mother-in-law Zhang Xiuhe was beaten tonight, and she hasn't had a drop of water yet. She groans and wants to eat a bowl of hot porridge.

The three cubs didn't want to go back since they had a full meal at the patriarch's house. The two older ones hugged the patriarch's thighs and wouldn't let go. The younger one burst into tears as soon as they left Shen Sanzhi's arms, crying as if he was going to die.

The patriarch cannot always raise children for others.

There are more than 500 people in the clan, and there are many people who are worse off than them, and they cannot support them.

He himself still wants someone to raise him.

Before dinner, he took the three black steamed buns handed out by the guards and sent them back to Du Laoqi forcibly.

The boys acted like wolves and almost didn't let him get away.At this time, I bought food in the name of the clan, discussed it with several clan elders and the former clan leader, and scooped a pound of thick noodles for Du Laoqi. When two taels of new rice were delivered to him, the clan leader was still a little scared and stood still. He said from a distance: "Stop crying and looking sad. Let's cook and eat quickly. After eating, go to bed early. If you delay your journey tomorrow, I'm afraid you will be beaten again."

Du Laoqi took the food, thanked the clan leader, and took his youngest son to the fire to make food.The two eldest sons followed closely behind, standing aside twiddling their fingers.

Zhang Xiuhe was lying on the floor and had a high fever. Her body was cold and hot. After waiting for a long time, she finally got a bowl of hot porridge. She reluctantly sat up and poured it directly into her throat without caring about the heat...

Du Ruoli watched all this with cold eyes, without a trace of emotion in her heart, and even felt a little gloating about the misfortune.He picked up his sister who was having night feeding from Zhou Daya, sent her to the space, and then lay down on the floor to sleep.

I didn't get a suitable spot tonight, so I couldn't sleep in the space, so I had to sleep outside.

I hope I won’t be woken up by the cold at night.

People who were tired from walking fell into deep sleep, and more than 1000 people on the river bed fell into a deep sleep. Their snores came and went, playing an autumn lullaby.

The only one who wasn't asleep was Zhang Xiuhe. Everywhere on his body hurt. He was sore and cold. He didn't dare to make a sound or toss and turn. He could only watch the moon in the sky rising little by little from the east. It hangs high in the sky, giving people a little comfort.

At the beginning of Yinshi, someone got up rustlingly and was busy kneading dough and stewing meat by the fire.

Listening to the noise, they are making white noodles.Baked dough pancakes are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, stuffed with fat meat inside. They are a must-eat for Cangzhou people during festivals.

Their life is so easy!

Since they started hunting, their family has lived a good life.I just don’t know when the next hunting will be?
We had clearly promised to go hunting last time, but then we re-elected the clan leader and mourned Du Zhizhong, but it was unexpectedly delayed.

If it weren't for this, she would be the one eating the fat meat and burning it.

Zhang Xiuhe looked directly at the busy Shen Sanzhi, Wang Guihua and others, wishing that a pair of long hands would grow from their eyes, go up and grab a few fires, and eat them to their heart's content.

Shen Sanzhi, Wang Guihua's third sister-in-law, and Wu Yueniang had to prepare meals for more than 30 people within half an hour. They were so busy that they naturally did not notice Zhang Xiuhe's strange eyes.

They divided the work and cooperated, kneading the dough, rolling the dough, baking pancakes, and watching the fire, so that pots of fragrant pancakes were baked and filled with dustpans.

After the fire is grilled and the meat is stewed, everyone goes home to wake up their sleeping family members, get up half the time to pour incense and eat cakes, so that they don't delay their journey.

Du Ruoli was woken up by Wu Yueniang.Wu Yueniang patted her face and said: "Ah Li, wake up quickly, get up and eat Huo Shao. The Huo Shao from my hometown, after eating it for a whole day, I still have the strength to walk."

"Well, okay, get up now. Aunts, thank you for your hard work. We young ones will cook tonight's meal." Du Ruoli opened her eyes and replied.

She was so cold last night that she woke up several times in the middle of the night and kept adding more clothes until she looked like a ball.It is estimated that many people will catch a cold today.

The temperature was also low at this time, so Du Ruoli sighed, took Xiao Ruoyu out from the space, and wrapped her in a thick blanket.


Stimulated by the cold air, Xiao Ruoyu sneezed, then woke up, felt uncomfortable, and began to cry loudly.

It seems to be saying, I don’t want to be here, I want to go back to space.

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