Chapter 95 Collapse across the board
Facing her little sister's endless crying, Du Ruoli's heart collapsed.

Anyone who sleeps in the cold wind all night, gets up earlier than a chicken in the morning, and is teased like this when he is sleepy will collapse, right?

They will all collapse and want to explode on the spot, right?

As the cold wind blew, Du Ruoli looked at the oval moon and a few twinkling stars in the sky, took a few deep breaths, and then took a few more breaths before slowly calming down.

Forget it, what are you worrying about?

The child is innocent. She neither understands the current situation nor how to express it properly. She cannot argue with a child.

What really needs to be taken care of is the time travel master.But the time travel master doesn’t know where he is, so he doesn’t care.

Then who will she show when she breaks down?
Might as well be more decent!Control your inner devil and be a good person.

Du Ruoli cheered up and held the child to her chest, letting her feel her heartbeat and warmth.

He walked back and forth and said softly in her ear: "Don't cry, don't cry. Little Yu'er is the most obedient. Stick to your sister obediently. She won't let you get cold, okay? In another half an hour , after my sister takes you to show off, I will send you back to space, so you can sleep comfortably, okay?"

I don't know whether it was because of the warmth of her sister's arms, or because her heartbeat gave people a sense of security, or because of her gentle whispers that comforted her. Little Yu'er stopped crying immediately, and held her sister's collar tightly with her little hands, using her hands like black grapes. eyes, smiling at her sister.

Du Ruoli looked down at the little child with a sweet and clean smile, and the annoyance in her heart was swept away.

She is OK again.

Hold the child tightly, run to the fire, grab a fire and boil it.

Wow, this smells so good.

The crispy texture of the dough and the oily stewed meat inside. The noodles and oil are fully combined while retaining their respective flavors. It simply touches people's soul.

Du Ruoli did it three times in a row. She felt that the food had reached her throat, so she stopped and slipped in a bowl of sugar water.

The breakfast was full of calories, and she warmed up all over. She discussed with Grandma Santang, Shen Sanzhi, and Wu Yueniang who were also eating: "Let's live a better life in the future? In this weather, it's hard to think about not eating."

The three people believed it: "Huh, as long as there is food, who doesn't want to eat well? It doesn't matter the season, it doesn't matter whether it's hot or cold. If you slowly make money, naturally you don't want to treat this mouth badly anymore... ...To put it bluntly, what if I am exhausted from walking one day, or freeze to death in the middle of the night? Or even like Zhang Xiuhe, accidentally offending a police officer and being beaten to death? It is better to eat better. Take it one day at a time.”

They didn't know the truth about Zhang Xiuhe's beating. They thought it was just an accident. They felt deeply sad about the death of a rabbit and a fox, and were afraid that one day they would be hit by a gun.

Du Ruoli remained silent and didn't speak.

The others also fell silent.

During this silence, Du Ruoli heard many coughs, mostly from children and the elderly.

The children's crying also increased, stopping here and starting again there.The cries were mixed with the yells and curses of adults, which made people have a headache.

Sure enough, a group of people caught a cold, including Xiao Shitou, the child of Aunt Du Ruozhen's family.

If it's a common cold, that's fine, but if it's the flu...

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The loud gong sounded, and the team was about to set off.

Du Ruoli stopped to think, quickly sent her sister back to space, put on a disguise, carried twenty kilograms of luggage, and set off with everyone.The road we were going to take today was particularly abnormal. In order to rush for time, Ji Tong asked the exiled team to step down the stream with water up to their calves.

It's a shame he came up with this idea.

In the late autumn air, which is less than [-] degrees Celsius, I have to soak my legs in the cold water for a day. Is it still worth it?Will it freeze to death?
He sat on the carriage and walked on the road. The other uninjured officers sat on horses and knew how to avoid cold water. So the prisoner was not a human being?

Du Changgui and Mrs. Zhao came forward to negotiate on behalf of the two families respectively. Ji Tong leaned against the wall of the car and looked very talkative:
"It's not impossible if you don't want to take the water route. You can rent a carriage. Pay 100 taels of silver and let a carriage accompany you for a whole day. Just give the horse some water on the way."

In the past, the daily rental fee for two carriages was 50 taels of silver and one for 25 taels of silver, without having to worry about feed. Now it has more than quadrupled.

After hearing this number, Du Changgui took a breath and had no other ideas.Anyway, whether it is 25 taels or 100 taels, it has nothing to do with the Du family.The Du family are poor and can only survive on two legs.

Mrs. Zhao looked at Ji Tong with a half-smile.

As early as when the police officers failed to rob the bandits' den and lost a large amount of money due to injuries and illnesses, she had expected that they would take advantage of the Zhao family.

Sure enough.

I just didn't expect it to look so ugly.

There are more than 600 people in the Zhao family, and none of them are suitable to travel by water. They have to rent at least ten carriages, which is 1000 taels of silver for one day, 1 taels of silver for ten days, and 10 taels of silver for one hundred days.

It will take another five months and 150 days to reach the frontier.The 10 taels of silver donated by relatives to the Zhao family was not enough to pay for the carriage fare to the frontier, not to mention being unable to establish a foothold in the frontier.

Doesn't this force them to die?

Mrs. Zhao's face darkened, she put her hands in her sleeves and said, "That's all, Chief Ji is forcing the Zhao family to die. Chief Ji is wearing an official uniform, which represents the official family. The official family has orders, and we Zhao Even if my family dies here, I can reunite with my relatives over there as soon as possible."

Mrs. Zhao's tone was bleak, as if she was really determined to die.

Du Changgui said slowly from the side: "The same goes for the Du family. Sooner or later, you will die. Instead of being tortured to death slowly, it is better to kill yourself and die happily. But... Old Mrs. Zhao... do you have a way to die quickly? We I want to be as comfortable as possible.”

Mrs. Zhao smiled sadly: "Yes! In the past few months, the Zhao family has been studying this. They have also studied a lot. Everyone in the Zhao family, except for children under five years old, understands. You. Just look at it.”

After Mrs. Zhao finished speaking, she stopped caring about other people, walked back, and walked back to her relatives.The relatives gathered together and said something, and the relatives nodded one after another. Without saying anything, they threw down their luggage, took out a paper bag from their bodies, and poured medicine into their own mouths and the mouths of their children.

They did all this with calm faces.

There is a sense of determination, a sense of tragedy, and a sense of relief.Perhaps death is something they have longed for, and they were just barely alive before.

Du Changgui was stunned.

He originally thought that Mrs. Zhao was threatening Ji Tong and wanted to force Ji Tong to take the high road or lower the price of the carriage.

He was helping her out in order to form a united front with her and take the high road.

Who would have thought that she really wanted to die.Not only will he die himself, but he will also die with his entire clan.

He doesn't want to die yet.He doesn't even want to, and he doesn't have the ability to take the whole clan to death together.

What should he do now?
To block or not to block?

(End of this chapter)

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