Du Changgui is anxious, and there are people who are more anxious than him.

Ji Tong looked at the scene of the Zhao family members going to their deaths, and immediately ignored the pain on his body, he jumped up from the carriage and shouted at his servants: "Are you all dead? Didn't you see that something big is going to happen? Hurry up! Step forward and stop them, no one will die."

If all the more than 600 members of the Zhao family died here, then he wouldn't have to live anymore, and the guards would all be finished.

The boss of the Zhao family is a civil servant, and his disciples are all over the world. When the time comes to put pressure on the emperor, can the emperor spare them lightly?
Even if there was no pressure, if half of the exiled prisoners he escorted were lost during the journey, it would still be considered dereliction of duty and would lead to imprisonment.

In short, whether the Zhao family was acting or not, he had to stop them.

The officers finally came to their senses, rushed to the Zhao family, and tried their best to grab the medicine bag in their hands.

The Zhao family was weak and not a match for the guards. Most of their medicine kits were robbed.

But there are also fish that slip through the net.

Before they arrived, an old lady stuffed the skin into her mouth and fell to the ground in three breaths, with a lot of blood coming out of the corner of her mouth.

A little girl turned sideways to avoid the attack of the officer, leaned on a stone, smiled and poured the medicine into her mouth, letting the blood flow from the corner of her mouth, keeping a smile on her face.

An old man squatted down on the ground and took medicine while everyone else was standing. He stood up from the ground with a big smile, then fell straight forward and landed on the body of the guard Liu Zhi. Liu Zhi was covered in blood...

This shows the dominance of medicines.

And the determination to die.

Ji Tong took a breath, secretly glad that he didn't gamble just now.

If I had gambled, what kind of horrific scene would it be now?

No, it's still scary.

Because although the Zhao family no longer had the medical kit in their hands, their determination to die remained unchanged.

Once a person has the will to die, he can find a way to die no matter what.

It’s not easy to live, isn’t it easy to die?

Ji Tong closed his eyes and motioned to the two guards around him to help him. He walked to Mrs. Zhao, looked at the gray-haired old lady and asked, "How can I give up the idea of ​​​​death?"

Mrs. Zhao looked blank and treated Ji Tong as nothing.

Ji Tong did not dare to get angry, so he lowered his voice and asked again: "Mrs. Zhao, as long as you don't take the whole clan to death, you can ask for anything you want, and I will do my best to satisfy you."

Mrs. Zhao slowly turned her face, looked into Ji Tong's eyes, and said after a long, long time: "Then you're welcome..."

Hearing this, Du Ruoli finally let out a long breath.

It really scared her to death just now.

She believed that the Zhao family would really die if they could not bear the humiliation.

The kind old man will die, the smart and capable wife will die, the young and lively girl will die, the ignorant child will die...

They had been together day and night for twenty days, and she couldn't bear to leave them.

Especially the wise old Mrs. Zhao, the gentle and amiable Xue Jinxin and the ghostly Elf Qiaoer.

She ran towards them hastily, trying to stop them.Tell them loudly that there is hope only when you are alive, but there is nothing when you die.

Someone suddenly grabbed her sleeve, and when she turned around, she saw it was Lu Jizhou.

Lu Jizhou was just as anxious as she was. He gave her a pack of herbs and said quickly: "Antidote, fire..." Before she could finish her words, the person had disappeared in the direction of Zhao's house.

This medicine has a solution!

Du Ruoli reacted immediately and shouted at the top of her lungs: "Third grandmother, aunt of the clan leader, aunt of Osmanthus, please add some fire and boil the life-saving medicine in a clay pot!"

Hearing her cry, Shen Sanzhi and others recovered from their daze, rushed to the fire, opened up the fire that was about to go out, and fanned it with their fans, turning the small sparks into a raging fire.

Others brought clean water from the stream and poured it into clay pots.

When Du Ruoli ran over holding the herbs, she hurried forward to catch them, threw them into the pot, put them on the fire, and finished them in one go.

After a while, the pottery pot began to boil, and the aroma of the medicine spread everywhere.

They carried pots and bowls, and quickly came to the scene of the incident. They picked up the poisoned people, pinched their cheeks, and drank a bowl of medicine each.

Not long after the medicine was taken off, they heard a rumbling sound from their abdomens, which sounded like a drum. After beating forty or fifty times, the noise subsided.With a soft groan, these people woke up. The blood no longer flowed and their faces looked much better. It must have worked.

Lu Jizhou said to Du Ruoli and the dozen or so people who helped him, "Thank you very much. The poison is overbearing. If the antidote hadn't been given in time, even the Daluo Immortal wouldn't have been able to save him."

"No thanks. Brother Lu brought the medicine. We just helped to boil it and drink it, but it didn't play any key role."

Du Ruoli looked at the poisoned people whose expressions were gradually softening and said, "Brother Lu, what should we do next?"

Lu Jizhou stopped talking to her about whether to thank her or not. He was not the person involved. He said it without any pain or discomfort. He only answered the question: "It's okay for the time being. Next, I have to rest for seven days and drink the decoction three times a day to remove all the poison." Drain it."

"Thank you, everyone! I'm so polite!"

After Mrs. Zhao finished negotiating with Ji Tong, she turned around and saluted Lu Jizhou, Du Ruoli and everyone who had helped them.

Everyone avoided her salute, and under the instructions of the servants, they carried several patients onto the carriage, and after they were laid down, they went back, picked up the salute, and prepared to set off.

Mrs. Zhao negotiated many conditions with Ji Tong. The first one was that Shuo River should not be allowed, that they should not ignore the danger in order to rush, and that they should follow the path traveled by their predecessors.

The second rule is to no longer sleep in deserted mountains and ridges at night. The place where you live must be covered.

The third item is that the price of the carriage has been reduced. The price of renting it for a day is ten taels of silver.

The fourth article is to allow free purchasing. At each inn, some people must be allowed to go shopping on the street.

Article [-] is that guards are not allowed to beat people at will.

This time, almost all Ji Tong's ways of making a lot of money were blocked.Other exiled prisoners will also benefit from it.

The old lady had a tough attitude, and Ji Tong was defeated in front of her and had to agree to everything.

Therefore, next, they did not need to go down the stream and worry about freezing to death, but continued walking on the mountain trail.

The mountain path is narrow and can only accommodate two people walking side by side.

Du Ruoli deliberately walked with Lu Jizhou, pulled his sleeve and asked, "Why did you prepare this antidote? Did you know something in advance?"

Lu Jizhou turned his head and glanced at her. His eyes were so dark that he seemed to suck her in. After a while, he slowly said, "Are you praising me for my foresight?"


Du Ruoli avoided his eyes, looked at the tip of his straight nose, and said seriously: "What I praise is that you are brave enough to show up at the city gate to defend against foreign enemies."

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