Chapter 100 I won’t do anything
Cui Ti was very upset and had a long face in the carriage.

There was no Jade to talk to her, the old lady and the young master were silent, and the atmosphere in the entire carriage was quite gloomy.

"Old madam, last night, I saw Shen Ru walking back from outside the inn, and I heard her talking to someone."

Cui Ti couldn't help but said: "Why do the officials only listen to her side of the story? Isn't it strange that those gangsters showed up? They specialize in killing official officials, but Shen Ru can beat them away."

The old lady raised her eyes and looked at Cui Ti, and said quietly: "Miss Cui, you have a deep prejudice against the eldest daughter of the Shen family!"

"Old madam, I only believe what I saw. Even when I confronted her last night, she didn't deny it."

"Not denying it doesn't necessarily mean admitting it."

Pei Chongguang said: "Sister Shen Ru is warm-hearted. She has helped many people and never asks for gratitude from others."

Cui Ti hesitated and said that she was grateful for what she did.

"It's almost half a month until Liangzhou. Miss Cui, what are your plans then?"

The old lady changed the topic.

Cui Ti was stunned for a moment, her expression slightly restrained.

"Old madam, you and the young master can't do hard labor, right? Even the two aunts are also thin women. I think I won't let you do hard labor!"

"I just want to see you live a stable life in Liangzhou, so that I can leave with peace of mind."

"I'm afraid it's the New Year's Eve in Liangzhou. Miss Cui, don't you have anyone in your family to celebrate the New Year with?"

Although it was a bit presumptuous to ask, Mrs. Pei didn't want to just listen to Cui Ti complaining about Shen Ru.

"My mother said that a person's life is just a fleeting moment. If you can't act according to your own will, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Cui Ti looked a little lonely.

"If I could have fought for my marriage back then, I wouldn't be so regretful!"

The old lady said nothing, Cui Ti is the concubine of the Cui family, and her mother is a merchant.

If the Cui family had asked their concubine to get married when they first discussed the marriage, Prince Jing's palace would not have agreed.

"In order for me to have no regrets in this life, Madam, let me fulfill my filial piety for him, so that the Pei family can live a stable life in Liangzhou!"

Cui Ti said gently, speaking from the bottom of her heart.

The old lady did not respond anymore. Cui Ti's thoughts were kind, and the Pei family did not have the ability to reject Cui Ti's kindness.

Women, children and children, it’s easier said than done!
"Old madam, my mind is biased. Whether Shen Ru is good or bad actually has nothing to do with me. I'm just worried about your safety. Now that Fang Jin is not with me, even if something happens, I can't help. "

"Sister Shen Ru will not harm us. Uncle Qingshan said that we can trust Sister Shen Ru."

Pei Chongguang was grateful to Shen Ru and couldn't bear to hear Cui Ti say something bad about Shen Ru.

Cui Ti was speechless. Did Shen Ru even bribe the rest of the Pei family?
Over there, Shen Ru also had a detailed chat with Chen Qing during the break.

"Shen Ru, someone told you, right?"

Chen Qing said directly: "I have always been convinced that there is someone behind you."

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"So, the higher-ups really want you to kill the only seedling of the Pei family?"

"Don't worry, I know about this, and it's all the way here. Whether or not to kill the child doesn't mean anything to me."

Chen Qing said truthfully: "I don't want to get innocent lives on my hands, so I sent you to Liangzhou. After that, it's none of my business."

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment and understood.

"Is it because you didn't take action here? Will someone take action after arriving in Liangzhou?"

Chen Qing nodded and acquiesced.

Shen Ru frowned and couldn't help but said: "Prince Jing's Mansion has killed so many people, but there is only one male left. Since we let it go at the beginning, why do we have to eradicate it now?"

"The previous visions in the sky, coupled with what you have seen along the way, drought, refugees, and riots in the northwest. All kinds of turmoil made Jian Tianqin pin the source on the remnants of King Jing."

Chen Qing also expressed his opinions. "Haha... isn't this nonsense!"

Shen Ru was surprised at the sarcasm he said. Could it be that the person overseeing Tianqin wasn't a magic stick?

Isn't it just the remnants of King Jing who are causing trouble? King Jing's eldest son Pei Wenjing!
"Mr. Chen, you must have your own ideas. If you want to be treasonous, you will be punished if you do unjust things. Today's emperor is on the Dragon Throne..."

Shen Ru whispered, but was interrupted by Chen Qing before he finished speaking.

"Shut up nonsense!"

"Shen Ru, if people don't speak secretly, there must be someone behind your An Guohou Mansion."

"Whether it's your money or your manpower, I always believe that you are there, otherwise you wouldn't just pick up rice or anything like that."

Chen Qing said firmly: "I can turn a blind eye. I just hope that you, Shen Ru, can help to ensure that the exile team can reach Liangzhou smoothly."

Shen Ru smiled, Chen Qing has a big head!

"After arriving in Liangzhou, will all the thorny issues be left to the governor of Liangzhou?"

"Aren't you familiar with each other?"

Chen Qing asked back.

"Hehe, that's right. I also hope there won't be any trouble on the rest of the way. It's windy, rainy, and snowy all the way. It's like God won't let us go to Liangzhou."

When Chen Qing heard that Shen Ru didn't deny it, his eyes became distant.

"If one day, your Shen family becomes prosperous again, I hope that Miss Shen, for the sake of taking care of you all the way, will support you."

"It's easy to talk about, then I'll show you the way!"

Shen Ru whispered: "Protect the Pei family, risk your life to protect them, and someone will support you in the future!"

Chen Qing was shocked, and then asked: "Prince Jing's Mansion..."

"I can't say it, I can't say it..."

Shen Ru shook his head, "Mr. Chen, I made a promise to someone, so naturally I won't just sit idly by."

"As long as you don't hurt Pei Chongguang, I will try my best to prevent others from hurting you!"

Prince Jing's there anyone else?
Chen Qing was shocked. If there were people, why didn't anyone come to rob him on the way to exile?

"Okay, it's time to go back, otherwise some people will say that I, Shen, are just like you, an official... we have a lot of connections!"

Shen Ru joked, "Mr. Chen, you think it's unlucky for a young girl like me to be arranged to do something like that!"

"If I remember correctly, you are a widow!"

Chen Qing unceremoniously exposed Shen Ru.

"Uh~ I forgot!"

Shen Ru was stunned, she really couldn't remember her husband who died long ago.

Shen Ru and Chen Qing hid in the woods on the roadside and muttered for a long time. There were indeed some people outside who couldn't help but arrange it.

Shen Ming's resentful eyes never moved away, and he cursed Shen Ru thousands of times in his heart.

"Hey, you said if something happens again, let's run away!"

"I ran away before, but no official was there to catch him!"

Someone familiar with Shen Ming whispered in his ear.

"Run, how can I run like this?" Shen Ming said sinisterly, and as he spoke, he slapped his lame leg.

"Shen Ru has harmed me so much. If I didn't see that she was a thousand times worse off than me, how could I be willing to do so?"

"When I get to Liangzhou, I will definitely find an opportunity to kill everyone in the Shen family!"

(End of this chapter)

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