Chapter 99 Shen Ru has an affair with gangsters

"I don't know what you're talking about. Get on the road quickly. If you can't find a place to stay when it gets dark, you'll have to sleep in the open air tonight!"

What Chen Qing said was a bit inhumane. He looked past Shen Ru and directly warned the prisoner who wanted to escape with a stern face:
"Who wanted to go with the gangster just now?"

Chen Qing took the whip from the official on the side. "Let's go, why don't you go? You're a bandit. You want to live a life of knife-edge, right? Let's go!"

The sound of the whip breaking through the air, although it did not hit the prisoner, had a deterrent effect.

Seeing the originally yelling prisoners huddled together, Chen Qing's heart became even more depressed. He was probably going to be on tenterhooks all the time the rest of the way!
Shen Ru felt that there must be something she didn't know about, but Chen Qing wouldn't tell her.

The team continued to move forward, and Shen Ru returned to the carriage, still feeling a little depressed.

"Aru, Dad also heard the noise outside. Why is this gangster staring at the official?"

Shen Yan asked, "Are these the same people from that night?"

"Yes!" Shen Ru nodded, "The gangsters said that there were people in the exile team who could not reach Liangzhou, meaning what the officials would do to the exiles, but Chen Qing didn't say anything."

"After passing the boundary of Ganzhou, we will soon enter the boundary of Suzhou, then Shazhou, and then Liangzhou!"

Shen Yan said worriedly: "If we walk normally, it will only be more than half a month!"

Can it be normal?Shen Ru was very suspicious.

That group of people will probably take action again. What secrets does Chen Qing hide?

Under Chen Qing's repeated urging, the exile team sped up their walking speed and arrived at the roadside inn after dark.

The night was like ink, and the inn was extremely dark.

After arranging the prisoners, the entire inn fell into silence again.

Shen Ru had something on her mind and tossed and turned without falling asleep. Suddenly she felt a fire flashing outside the window. She was startled and quickly put on her clothes and walked out.

"What did you want to do when you brought me here?"

Outside the door of the inn, a figure stood in the night.

"Miss Shen from the Anguo Hou Mansion, I didn't expect to be a master."

The man walked out of the darkness and revealed his face. Wasn't he the gangster who was unmasked by Shen Ru during the day?
"Come here alone, don't you believe I can keep you?"

Shen Ru narrowed his eyes slightly and said tentatively.

"To bring the girl here, of course I have something important to tell you. I am just entrusted by someone to come here to do something."

"Doing business, killing officials and letting prisoners go? Do you care about the food and drink of these nearly 800 people?"

Shen Ru said sarcastically, there are hundreds of people, they are a burden wherever they go!

"Yes, I didn't think well before and killed the official. You prisoners really don't know how to deal with it."

The man admitted; "So, we changed our strategy. By the way, we revealed something to Miss Shen. The court did not want the children of the Pei family to live. Someone among the official officials must have received this order. Naturally, we took action against the official officials to prevent Pei from letting go. The child is dead."

Shen Ru's heart sank after hearing this. What does this person have to do with Pei Wenjing?
"Why are you telling me this? I'm just a prisoner. How can I still manage the affairs of an official?"

Shen Ru said deliberately that he wanted to kill Pei Chongguang. Are these people trying to save people?

Then why not take Pei Chongguang away?But these days, Shen Ruye dodges a little. If the child is taken away, the old lady and the two sisters-in-law of the Pei family will probably go crazy.

There are also those Pei family members. Shen Ru gets a headache just thinking about it.

"The girl is very skilled and enthusiastic. I guess she doesn't want to see anything happen to that child."

"Then why don't you take all the Pei family away?"

Shen Ru then said, thinking about it in his mind, there are only a few left in Prince Jing's Mansion, why not take them all away?
"Wouldn't that confirm the remaining evil in Prince Jing's Mansion?"

The man asked, "Wouldn't it be even worse if the imperial court then hunted down the Pei family's women and children?"

Oh, you still have a brain!
Shen Ru looked the man up and down. If all the escort officials died and all the prisoners escaped, no one would think of the Pei family.

But obviously, he overturned their wishful thinking.

"I don't even know who you are, so how can I believe that what you say is true."

Shen Ru said deliberately, "Besides, on the way to exile, the officials took care of our Shen family and Pei family, and the child didn't suffer much." "That moment, this moment, I will say this, just look at the girl Why did you choose? You are an innocent child and you asked Miss Shen to take care of you!"

After the man finished speaking, he walked into the night. He heard the sound of horses' hooves, and it seemed that they were leaving.

Kill all the men in the Pei family!

Shen Ru couldn't tell whether he believed it or not. She returned to the inn with suspicion, walked up the stairs to the guest room, and saw Cui Ti waiting.

"What is your relationship with those gangsters?"

Cui Ti asked with a cold face, "If you said you were trying to save an official, I haven't seen you kill any gangsters. Shen Ru, what kind of plaster are you selling in the gourd?"

Shen Ruqi was very happy, Cui Ti's mind was quite open!

"What's wrong, am I wrong to save people?"

"Whether it's to save people or to act, only you know!"

Cui Ti still looked unbelieving.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, how can I tell someone who has a prejudice against me?"

Shen Ru didn't bother to explain, "You can think whatever you want."

"Shen Ru, you have no words to explain yourself. Are you right?"

Cui Ti asked immediately when she saw Shen Ru walking past her carelessly.

"No, I think it's too much to say nothing to you!"

Shen Ru turned around, said a word, and went back to the house directly.

If Cui Ti is crazy, then so be it. She is not afraid of what Cui Ti will say.

The next morning, Shen Ru and his family came out of the guest room and saw what Cui Ti was saying in front of Chen Qing.

Seeing Shen Ru's family, all the officials looked over.

"Dad, please take everyone to the carriage first, and I'll go ask what's going on."

Shen Ru could tolerate Cui Ti saying that she was not good in front of the official, but that didn't mean she couldn't explain!

"Master Chen, what's going on? Do you have anything you want to ask me?"

Shen Ruxin stepped forward and asked calmly.

"Did anyone come last night?"

Chen Qing heard Cui Ti say that Shen Ru went to meet someone at night.

"Well, here you are, tell me something. Mr. Chen, have you been given any orders from above?"

Shen Ru looked at Chen Qing and said calmly.

Chen Qing's expression changed and he immediately explained:
"Shen Ru, no matter what you heard, I can guarantee that I won't touch him!"

"Okay, then if someone wants to take action against you next time, I will still take action to save you."

In his words, Shen Ru had reached some kind of agreement with Chen Qing.

"Miss Shen, thanks to you, we are not afraid of those gangsters coming again. With you here, the casualties can be reduced to some extent."

"Yes, Miss Shen, your skills are superb. If it weren't for you, we would probably have to deal with it in the officialdom!"

"No, it's in the woods."

The officials around Chen Qing all expressed their gratitude to Shen Ru. This change made Cui Ti frowning and shocked.

Do these people believe in Shen Ru that much?

What riddle is Shen Ru and Chen Qing talking about?
"Why are you still hanging around? Get ready to hit the road!"

Chen Qing scolded in a low voice and looked at Cui Ti thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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